
@Test Testメソッド(この注記はクラスで複数、メソッドで1つを表す場合があります)
Junit 4テストのライフサイクル:
@Test Testメソッド
package org.testng.annotations;

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * Mark a class or a method as part of the test.
 * @author Cedric Beust, Apr 26, 2004
public @interface Test {
   * The list of groups this class/method belongs to.
  public String[] groups() default {};

   * Whether methods on this class/method are enabled.
  public boolean enabled() default true;

   * The list of variables used to fill the parameters of this method.
   * These variables must be defined in the property file.
   * @deprecated Use @Parameters
  public String[] parameters() default {};

   * The list of groups this method depends on.  Every method
   * member of one of these groups is guaranteed to have been
   * invoked before this method.  Furthermore, if any of these
   * methods was not a SUCCESS, this test method will not be
   * run and will be flagged as a SKIP.
  public String[] dependsOnGroups() default {};

   * The list of methods this method depends on.  There is no guarantee
   * on the order on which the methods depended upon will be run, but you
   * are guaranteed that all these methods will be run before the test method
   * that contains this annotation is run.  Furthermore, if any of these
   * methods was not a SUCCESS, this test method will not be
   * run and will be flagged as a SKIP.
   * If some of these methods have been overloaded, all the overloaded
   * versions will be run.
  public String[] dependsOnMethods() default {};

   * The maximum number of milliseconds this test should take.
   * If it hasn't returned after this time, it will be marked as a FAIL.
  public long timeOut() default 0;

   * The maximum number of milliseconds that the total number of invocations on this test
   * method should take.  This annotation will be ignored if the attribute invocationCount
   * is not specified on this method.
   * If it hasn't returned after this time, it will be marked as a FAIL.
  public long invocationTimeOut() default 0;

   * The number of times this method should be invoked.
  public int invocationCount() default 1;

   * The size of the thread pool for this method.  The method will be invoked
   * from multiple threads as specified by invocationCount.
   * Note:  this attribute is ignored if invocationCount is not specified
  public int threadPoolSize() default 0;

   * The percentage of success expected from this method.
  public int successPercentage() default 100;

   * The name of the data provider for this test method.
   * @see org.testng.annotations.DataProvider
  public String dataProvider() default "";

   * The class where to look for the data provider.  If not
   * specified, the dataprovider will be looked on the class
   * of the current test method or one of its super classes.
   * If this attribute is specified, the data provider method
   * needs to be static on the specified class.
  public Class<?> dataProviderClass() default Object.class;

   * If set to true, this test method will always be run even if it depends
   * on a method that failed.  This attribute will be ignored if this test
   * doesn't depend on any method or group.
  public boolean alwaysRun() default false;

   * The description for this method.  The string used will appear in the
   * HTML report and also on standard output if verbose >= 2.
  public String description() default "";

   * The list of exceptions that a test method is expected to throw.  If no
   * exception or a different than one on this list is thrown, this test will be
   * marked a failure.
  public Class[] expectedExceptions() default {};

   * If expectedExceptions was specified, its message must match the regular expression
   * specified in this attribute.
  public String expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp() default ".*";

   * The name of the suite this test class should be placed in.  This
   * attribute is ignore if @Test is not at the class level.
  public String suiteName() default "";

   * The name of the test  this test class should be placed in.  This
   * attribute is ignore if @Test is not at the class level.
  public String testName() default "";

   * @deprecated Use singleThreaded
  public boolean sequential() default false;

   * If set to true, all the methods on this test class are guaranteed to run
   * in the same thread, even if the tests are currently being run with parallel="true".
   * This attribute can only be used at the class level and will be ignored
   * if used at the method level.
  public boolean singleThreaded() default false;

   * The name of the class that should be called to test if the test
   * should be retried.
   * @return String The name of the class that will test if a test method
   * should be retried.
  public Class retryAnalyzer() default Class.class;

   * If true and invocationCount is specified with a value > 1,
   * then all invocations after a failure will be marked as a SKIP
   * instead of a FAIL.
  public boolean skipFailedInvocations() default false;

   * If set to true, this test will run even if the methods
   * it depends on are missing or excluded.
  public boolean ignoreMissingDependencies() default false;

   * The scheduling priority. Lower priorities will be scheduled first.
  int priority() default 0;


6.TestNG同時テストとタイムアウト、異常な設定threadPoolSize singleThreaded timeOut expectedExceptions
7 TestNG失敗再実行のポリシー
8 TestNGとjunitの統合
A.junit 3反射による呼び出しと実行
B.junit 4はJunitCore呼び出し実行クラスを採用する.
9 TestNG符号化方式運転
	TestNG tng = new TestNG();  
		tng.addListener( new MyMethodInterceptor());
		tng.setTestClasses(new Class[]{MyMethodInterceptorTest.class});

Junit 4実装:
		JUnitCore.runClasses(new class[]{Test.class,Test1.class});

12 TestNGの豊富なListenerリスナーは異なる段階のリスニングを満たす.
  IAnnotationTransformer    IAnnotationTransformer2    IHookable    IInvokedMethodListener    IMethodInterceptor    IReporter    ISuiteListener    ITestListener 