PAT 1066 Root of AVL Tree

10354 ワード

#include <cstdio>

#include <cstdlib>

class Node {


    Node* L;

    Node* R;

    int height;

    int data;

    Node(int val, Node* l = NULL, Node* r = NULL, int h = 0): data(val), L(l), R(r), height(h) {}


inline int height(Node* node) {

    if (node == NULL) return -1;

    return node->height;


inline int max(int a, int b) {return a>b?a:b;}

/* K2 is the first node violates the AVL property, K1 is its left node

   violation is caused by insert a node into the K1's right sub-tree

                (K2)                      (K1)

                /      LL-rotate          /  \

            (K1)     -------------->   (new) (K2)




Node* rotateLL(Node* root) {

    Node* K1 = root->L;

    Node* K2 = root;


    Node* k1_rsub = K1->R;

    K1->R = K2;

    K2->L = k1_rsub;


    K1->height = max(height(K1->L), height(K1->R)) + 1;

    K2->height = max(height(K2->L), height(K2->R)) + 1;

    return K1;


/* K1 is the first node violates the AVL property, K2 is its right node

   violation is caused by insert a node into the K2's left sub-tree

   (K1)                                  (K2)

      \             RR-rotate            /  \

      (K2)       ---------------->     (K1) (new)




Node* rotateRR(Node* root) {

    Node* K1 = root;

    Node* K2 = root->R;

    Node* k2_lsub = K2->L;

    K2->L = K1;

    K1->R = k2_lsub;


    K1->height = max(height(K1->L), height(K1->R)) + 1;

    K2->height = max(height(K2->L), height(K2->R)) + 1;


    return K2;



    first do LL rotate on K3, then do RR rotate on K1

    (K1)          (K1)                   (K2)

      \              \                   /  \

      (K3) ------>   (K2)   -------->  (K1) (K3)

      /                \

    (K2)               (K3)


Node* rotateRL(Node* root) {

    Node* K1 = root;

    Node* K2 = root->R->L;

    Node* K3 = root->R;


    K1->R = rotateLL(K3);

    return rotateRR(K1);



    first do RR rotate on K1, then do LL rotate on K3

     (K3)              (K3)           (K2)

      /                /              /  \

    (K1)   ------>   (K2)  ------>  (K1) (K3)

      \              /

      (K2)         (K1)


Node* rotateLR(Node* root) {

    Node* K1 = root->L;

    Node* K2 = root->L->R;

    Node* K3 = root;


    K3->L = rotateRR(K1);

    return rotateLL(K3);


Node* insert(Node* root, int value) {

    if (root == NULL) {

        return new Node(value);


    if (value < root->data) {

        root->L = insert(root->L, value);

        // do AVL property check

        if (height(root->L) - height(root->R) == 2) {

            if (value < root->L->data) {

                // LL case, single rotation

                root = rotateLL(root);

            } else if (value > root->L->data) {

                // LR case, double rotation

                root = rotateLR(root);



    } else if (value > root->data ){

        root->R = insert(root->R, value);

        // do AVL property check

        if (height(root->R) - height(root->L) == 2) {

            if (value > root->R->data) {

                // RR case, single rotation

                root = rotateRR(root);

            } else if (value < root->R->data) {

                // RL case, double rotation

                root = rotateRL(root);



    } else {

        // equal, do nothing


    root->height= max(height(root->L), height(root->R)) + 1;

    return root;


int main() {

    Node* r = NULL;

    int N;

    scanf("%d", &N);

    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {

        int d;

        scanf("%d", &d);

        r = insert(r, d);


    if (r != NULL) {

        printf("%d", r->data);


    return 0;


初めて自分でAVLツリーを書きます.データStructures and Alogrithm Analysis in C第2版のAVLツリーのコードを参照してください.