
1144 ワード


sudo ../bin/redis-server ./redis.conf停止./
redis-cli shutdownコメント:デフォルトポート番号を閉じます./redis-cli-h 7001 shutdown注記:指定したポート番号を閉じてログtail-f/usr/local/redis/log-redisをリアルタイムで表示します.log//-----------------ポート占有問題処理$ps aux|grep redis
Find the port that its running on.. In my case..
MyUser  8821   0.0  0.0  2459704    596   ??  S    4:54PM   0:03.40 redis-server *:6379

And then close the port manually
$ kill -9 8821

Re-run redis
$ redis-server

//------------------           redis
Sorry, the cluster configuration file nodes.conf is already used by a different Redis Cluster node. Please make sure that differen    t nodes use different cluster configuration files.

   redis.conf       cluster-config-file nodes.conf