
6851 ワード

このブログでは、3 Dポイント、すなわち空間ポイントがポリゴン(3 D空間のポリゴン)内にあるかどうかを判断する方法を示します.
@description    point        vertices         
  :  point             ,           ,
    360°,           。
@param  point      。      List。
@param  vertices        ,                
    。3       List(     List     )   List。
@return                  ,  True,    False
def is_in_2d_polygon(point, vertices):
    px = point[0]
    py = point[1]
    angle_sum = 0

    size = len(vertices)
    if size < 3:
        raise ValueError("len of vertices < 3")
    j = size - 1
    for i in range(0, size):
        sx = vertices[i][0]
        sy = vertices[i][1]
        tx = vertices[j][0]
        ty = vertices[j][1]

        #                    0         
        # y = kx + b, -y + kx + b = 0
        k = (sy - ty) / (sx - tx + 0.000000000001)  #    0
        b = sy - k * sx
        dis = fabs(k * px - 1 * py + b) / sqrt(k * k + 1)
        if dis < 0.000001:  #       
            if sx <= px <= tx or tx <= px <= sx:  #            ,       
                return True

        angle = atan2(sy - py, sx - px) - atan2(ty - py, tx - px)
        # angle   -π π  
        if angle >= math.pi:
            angle = angle - math.pi * 2
        elif angle <= -math.pi:
            angle = angle + math.pi * 2

        angle_sum += angle
        j = i

    #       2*pi  ,          ,     
    return fabs(angle_sum - math.pi * 2) < 0.00000000001

まずpointと多角形が存在する平面の距離を計算し、距離が0より大きいと平面上ではなく、多角形の内部では不可能である.次に、3 D平面を2 D平面に下げ(成分を直接削除)、3 D点を2 D点に下げ、2 D平面内で点がポリゴン内にあるかどうかを判断する方法によって、点が3 Dポリゴン内にあるかどうかを判断します.3 D平面を2 D平面に下げることができる理由は、ある座標面に1つの平面を投影すると、投影前の点がポリゴン内にあれば、投影後もポリゴン内にあるからです.もちろん、上記の結論の成立条件は、多角形のある平面Aが投影された座標面Bに垂直にならないことである.法ベクトルの成分が0の場合、多角形のある平面Aがある座標面Bに垂直であることを示し、多角形を座標面Bに投影し、投影結果が1本の線であると、点が多角形内にあるか否かを判断できない.
@description      point       vertices,    normal     

@param point List(3)    List,       。
@param normal List(3)    List,        。
@param vertices List(n>3)[List(3)]  n       List。
@return                  ,  True,    False。
def is_in_3d_polygon(point, normal, vertices):
    local_v = []
    for v in vertices:
    local_p = point.copy()

    #         ,         
    na = normal[0]
    nb = normal[1]
    nc = normal[2]
    d = -(na * local_v[0][0] + nb * local_v[0][1] + nc * local_v[0][2])
    distance = fabs(na * local_p[0] + nb * local_p[1] + nc * local_p[2] + d) \
               / (sqrt(na * na + nb * nb + nc * nc))

    if distance > 0:  #       ,        
        # print('distance > 0')
        return False

    index = 2  #     z  
    if normal[0] != 0:  #   x  
        index = 0
    elif normal[1] != 0:  #   y  
        index = 1
    elif normal[2] != 0:  #   z  
        index = 2
        raise ValueError('All elem in normal is zero')

    #   point          
    del local_p[index]
    for i in range(0, len(local_v) - 1):
        del local_v[i][index]
    #                   。
    return is_in_2d_polygon(local_p, local_v)

def test_2d():
    point1 = [0, 0]     #     
    point2 = [-2, -2]   #      
    point3 = [0, -2]    #        
    point4 = [0, -2.1]  #       

    vertices = [[-2, -2], [2, -2], [0, 4]]
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point1, vertices)
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point2, vertices)
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point3, vertices)
    assert not is_in_2d_polygon(point4, vertices)

    vertices = [[-2, -2], [2, -2], [2, 2], [-2, 2]]
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point1, vertices)
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point2, vertices)
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point3, vertices)
    assert not is_in_2d_polygon(point4, vertices)

    vertices = [[-2, -2], [2, -2], [2, 2], [0, 0], [-2, 2]]
    point5 = [0, 1]
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point1, vertices)
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point2, vertices)
    assert is_in_2d_polygon(point3, vertices)
    assert not is_in_2d_polygon(point4, vertices)
    assert not is_in_2d_polygon(point5, vertices)
    print('test_2d:all tests passed')

def test_3d():
    p1 = [0, 0, 1]      #     
    p2 = [-2, -2, 1]    #      
    p3 = [0, -2, 1]     #        
    p4 = [0, -2.1, 1]   #       

    #        xOy     
    v = [[-2, -2, 1], [2, -2, 1], [0, 2, 1]]  #     
    n = [0, 0, 1]  #    
    assert is_in_3d_polygon(p1, n, v)
    assert is_in_3d_polygon(p2, n, v)
    assert is_in_3d_polygon(p3, n, v)
    assert not is_in_3d_polygon(p4, n, v)

    v = [[-2, -2, -1], [2, -2, -1], [2, 2, 1], [-2, 2, 1]]  #     
    n = get_normal(v[0], v[1], v[2])  #    
    p1 = [0, 0, 0]      #       
    p2 = [-2, -2, -1]   #      
    p3 = [0, -2, -1]    #        
    p4 = [0, -2.2, -1]  #         
    p5 = [-3, -2, -1]   #         ,        
    assert is_in_3d_polygon(p1, n, v)
    assert is_in_3d_polygon(p2, n, v)
    assert is_in_3d_polygon(p3, n, v)
    assert not is_in_3d_polygon(p4, n, v)
    assert not is_in_3d_polygon(p5, n, v)
    print('test_3d: all tests passed')

def get_normal(point_a, point_b, point_c):
    a = [0, 0, 0]
    b = [0, 0, 0]

    #     a
    a[0] = point_a[0] - point_b[0]
    a[1] = point_a[1] - point_b[1]
    a[2] = point_a[2] - point_b[2]

    #     b
    b[0] = point_a[0] - point_c[0]
    b[1] = point_a[1] - point_c[1]
    b[2] = point_a[2] - point_c[2]

    normal = [0, 0, 0]
    normal[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]
    normal[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2]
    normal[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]

    #             0,          
    if normal[0] == 0 and normal[1] == 0 and normal[2] == 0:
        return None
        return normal

if __name__ == '__main__':