
22704 ワード

  • ansibleコマンドは実質的にansible/cli/adhocを通過する.pyを実行し、パラメータ情報を収集します.
  • Play情報を設定し、TaskQueueManagerでrun,
  • を行います.
  • TaskQueueManagerにはInventory(ノードウェアハウス)、variable_manager(収集変数)、options(コマンドラインで指定したパラメータ)、stdout_callback(コールバック関数)
  • task_queue_manager.pyでrunを見つける
  • 初期化時にキュー
  • が設定.
  • はoptions,,variable_に基づいてmanager,passwordsなどの情報はPlayContext情報(playbooks/
  • に設定されている.
  • プラグイン情報callback_を設定するloader(コールバック)、strategy_loader(実行ポリシー)、module_loader(タスクモジュール)
  • strategyを通過loader(strategyプラグイン)のrun(デフォルトのstrategyタイプはlinear、線形実行)は、すべてのタスクを順番に実行します(1つのモジュールを実行し、複数のタスクを実行する可能性があります)
  • strategy_loaderプラグインrunの後、actionタイプが判断されます.metaタイプの場合は個別に実行され(具体的なansibleモジュールでない場合)、他のモジュールの場合はキュー_にロードされます.queue_task
  • はキュー内でWorkerProcessを呼び出して処理し、workerprocessの実際のrunの後、TaskExecutorを使用して
  • を実行する.
  • TaskExecutorでconnectionプラグインが設定され、taskのタイプ(モジュール.またはincludeなど)に基づいてactionプラグインが取得されます.対応するモジュールです.モジュールにカスタム実行がある場合はカスタムactionが実行され、ない場合はnormalまたはasyncが使用されます.これはタスクのasync属性かどうかに基づいて
  • が決定されます.
  • は、Actionプラグインにおいて実行の順序と、例えば一時ディレクトリの生成、一時スクリプトの生成などの具体的な動作を定義しているので、統合モードで追加の処理を統合する場合には、Actionのメソッド
  • を書き換えることができる.
  • Connectionプラグインによりアクションを実行する各操作ステップ
  • .

    # execute_module
    from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
    __metaclass__ = type
    import json
    import pipes
    from ansible.compat.six import text_type, iteritems
    from ansible import constants as C
    from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
    from ansible.release import __version__
        from __main__ import display
    except ImportError:
        from ansible.utils.display import Display
        display = Display()
    class MagicStackBase(object):
        def _mount_nfs(self, ansible_nfs_src, ansible_nfs_dest):
            cmd = ['mount',ansible_nfs_src, ansible_nfs_dest]
            cmd = [pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd]
            cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
            result = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd=cmd, sudoable=True)
            return result
        def _umount_nfs(self, ansible_nfs_dest):
            cmd = ['umount', ansible_nfs_dest]
            cmd = [pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd]
            cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
            result = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd=cmd, sudoable=True)
            return result
        def _execute_module(self, module_name=None, module_args=None, tmp=None, task_vars=None, persist_files=False, delete_remote_tmp=True):
            Transfer and run a module along with its arguments.
            # display.v(task_vars)
            if task_vars is None:
                task_vars = dict()
            # if a module name was not specified for this execution, use
            # the action from the task
            if module_name is None:
                module_name = self._task.action
            if module_args is None:
                module_args = self._task.args
            # set check mode in the module arguments, if required
            if self._play_context.check_mode:
                if not self._supports_check_mode:
                    raise AnsibleError("check mode is not supported for this operation")
                module_args['_ansible_check_mode'] = True
                module_args['_ansible_check_mode'] = False
            # Get the connection user for permission checks
            remote_user = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_user') or self._play_context.remote_user
            # set no log in the module arguments, if required
            module_args['_ansible_no_log'] = self._play_context.no_log or C.DEFAULT_NO_TARGET_SYSLOG
            # set debug in the module arguments, if required
            module_args['_ansible_debug'] = C.DEFAULT_DEBUG
            # let module know we are in diff mode
            module_args['_ansible_diff'] = self._play_context.diff
            # let module know our verbosity
            module_args['_ansible_verbosity'] = display.verbosity
            # give the module information about the ansible version
            module_args['_ansible_version'] = __version__
            # set the syslog facility to be used in the module
            module_args['_ansible_syslog_facility'] = task_vars.get('ansible_syslog_facility', C.DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY)
            # let module know about filesystems that selinux treats specially
            module_args['_ansible_selinux_special_fs'] = C.DEFAULT_SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS
            (module_style, shebang, module_data) = self._configure_module(module_name=module_name, module_args=module_args, task_vars=task_vars)
            if not shebang:
                raise AnsibleError("module (%s) is missing interpreter line" % module_name)
            # get nfs info for mount python packages
            ansible_nfs_src = task_vars.get("ansible_nfs_src", None)
            ansible_nfs_dest = task_vars.get("ansible_nfs_dest", None)
            # a remote tmp path may be necessary and not already created
            remote_module_path = None
            args_file_path = None
            if not tmp and self._late_needs_tmp_path(tmp, module_style):
                tmp = self._make_tmp_path(remote_user)
            if tmp:
                remote_module_filename = self._connection._shell.get_remote_filename(module_name)
                remote_module_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, remote_module_filename)
                if module_style in ['old', 'non_native_want_json']:
                    # we'll also need a temp file to hold our module arguments
                    args_file_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, 'args')
            if remote_module_path or module_style != 'new':
                display.debug("transferring module to remote")
                self._transfer_data(remote_module_path, module_data)
                if module_style == 'old':
                    # we need to dump the module args to a k=v string in a file on
                    # the remote system, which can be read and parsed by the module
                    args_data = ""
                    for k,v in iteritems(module_args):
                        args_data += '%s=%s ' % (k, pipes.quote(text_type(v)))
                    self._transfer_data(args_file_path, args_data)
                elif module_style == 'non_native_want_json':
                    self._transfer_data(args_file_path, json.dumps(module_args))
                display.debug("done transferring module to remote")
            environment_string = self._compute_environment_string()
            remote_files = None
            if args_file_path:
                remote_files = tmp, remote_module_path, args_file_path
            elif remote_module_path:
                remote_files = tmp, remote_module_path
            # Fix permissions of the tmp path and tmp files.  This should be
            # called after all files have been transferred.
            if remote_files:
                self._fixup_perms2(remote_files, remote_user)
            # mount nfs
            if ansible_nfs_src and ansible_nfs_dest:
                result = self._mount_nfs(ansible_nfs_src, ansible_nfs_dest)
                if result['rc'] != 0:
                    raise AnsibleError("mount nfs failed!!! {0}".format(result['stderr']))
            cmd = ""
            in_data = None
            if self._connection.has_pipelining and self._play_context.pipelining and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and module_style == 'new':
                in_data = module_data
                if remote_module_path:
                    cmd = remote_module_path
            rm_tmp = None
            if tmp and "tmp" in tmp and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and not persist_files and delete_remote_tmp:
                if not self._play_context.become or self._play_context.become_user == 'root':
                    # not sudoing or sudoing to root, so can cleanup files in the same step
                    rm_tmp = tmp
            cmd = self._connection._shell.build_module_command(environment_string, shebang, cmd, arg_path=args_file_path, rm_tmp=rm_tmp)
            cmd = cmd.strip()
            sudoable = True
            if module_name == "accelerate":
                # always run the accelerate module as the user
                # specified in the play, not the sudo_user
                sudoable = False
            res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=sudoable, in_data=in_data)
            # umount nfs
            if ansible_nfs_src and ansible_nfs_dest:
                result = self._umount_nfs(ansible_nfs_dest)
                if result['rc'] != 0:
                    raise AnsibleError("umount nfs failed!!! {0}".format(result['stderr']))
            if tmp and "tmp" in tmp and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and not persist_files and delete_remote_tmp:
                if self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user != 'root':
                    # not sudoing to root, so maybe can't delete files as that other user
                    # have to clean up temp files as original user in a second step
                    tmp_rm_cmd = self._connection._shell.remove(tmp, recurse=True)
                    tmp_rm_res = self._low_level_execute_command(tmp_rm_cmd, sudoable=False)
                    tmp_rm_data = self._parse_returned_data(tmp_rm_res)
                    if tmp_rm_data.get('rc', 0) != 0:
                        display.warning('Error deleting remote temporary files (rc: {0}, stderr: {1})'.format(tmp_rm_res.get('rc'), tmp_rm_res.get('stderr', 'No error string available.')))
            # parse the main result
            data = self._parse_returned_data(res)
            # pre-split stdout into lines, if stdout is in the data and there
            # isn't already a stdout_lines value there
            if 'stdout' in data and 'stdout_lines' not in data:
                data['stdout_lines'] = data.get('stdout', u'').splitlines()
            display.debug("done with _execute_module (%s, %s)" % (module_name, module_args))
            return data

    from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
    __metaclass__ = type
    from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
    from ansible.utils.vars import merge_hash
    from common.ansible_plugins import MagicStackBase
    class ActionModule(MagicStackBase, ActionBase):
        def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
            if task_vars is None:
                task_vars = dict()
            results = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
            # remove as modules might hide due to nolog
            del results['invocation']['module_args']
            results = merge_hash(results, self._execute_module(tmp=tmp, task_vars=task_vars))
            # Remove special fields from the result, which can only be set
            # internally by the executor engine. We do this only here in
            # the 'normal' action, as other action plugins may set this.
            # We don't want modules to determine that running the module fires
            # notify handlers.  That's for the playbook to decide.
            for field in ('_ansible_notify',):
                if field in results:
            return results
  • ansibleを配置する.cfgは、拡張されたプラグインをansibleに必要なactionプラグイン
  • として指定する.
  • プラグインの書き換え方法、ポイントはexecute_module
  • 実行コマンドではPython環境を指定する必要があり、nfsマウントおよびアンインストールのパラメータ
  • に必要なパラメータを追加する.
    ansible 51 -m mysql_db -a "state=dump name=all target=/tmp/test.sql" -i hosts -u root -v -e "ansible_nfs_src= ansible_nfs_dest=/root/.pyenv/versions/2.7.10/lib/python2.7/site-packages ansible_python_interpreter=/root/.pyenv/versions/2.7.10/bin/python"