VC FTPサービスとクライアント

3210 ワード

1 FTPサービス
This class is in fact the FTP server, and controls all other classes needed for the server to work. Although CFTPServer is part of a dialog based application, it does not rely on a User Interface and can easily be implemented in a service or console application as well.
  • BOOL Start() Activates the FTP server. It opens a listening socket (port 21) to accept connections.
  • void Stop() Deactivates the server and disconnects all connected clients by terminating the running threads.
  • BOOL IsActive() Is FTP server active?
  • void SetMaxUsers(int nValue) Set maximum number of users.
  • void SetPort(int nValue) Set listening port for new connections.
  • void SetTimeout(int nValue) Set connection timeout (in ms). When a client does not send any commands for nValue ms, the server will close the connection.
  • void SetWelcomeMessage(LPCTSTR lpszText) Set the text that will be displayed when the client logs on.
  • void Initialize(CFTPEventSink *pEventSink) Set the event sink. The event sink will be the window (or any class) that receives the events generated by the FTP server. See CFTPEventSink description for more info.
  • Sample Image
    2 FTPクライアント
    nsFTP::CFTPClient ftpClient;
    nsFTP::CLogonInfo logonInfo("localhost", 21, "anonymous", "[email protected]");

    // connect to server

    // get directory listing
    nsFTP::TSpFTPFileStatusVector list;
    ftpClient.List("/", list);

    // iterate listing
    for( nsFTP::TSpFTPFileStatusVector::iterator it=list.begin();
    it!=list.end(); ++it )
    TRACE("/n%s", (*it)->Name().c_str());

    // do file operations
    ftpClient.DownloadFile("/pub/test.txt", "c://temp//test.txt");

    ftpClient.UploadFile("c://temp//test.txt", "/upload/test.txt");

    ftpClient.RenameFile("/upload/test.txt", "/upload/NewName.txt");


    // disconnect