
1、  centos6        ;
   a,POST:      ,ROM,BIOS 
   b,Boot seuquence:          ,                     
   c,Boot loader:      ,   MBR     ,GRUB
     Boot loader   :      ,                   ,                  ,                。
    d,kernel:     ,
                (      ram disk    )
2、  /etc/rc.d/sysinit    ;
    c,  udev selinux
    d,  /etc/fstab          
    g,  swap  
    h,  /etc/sysctl.conf        
    i,  lvm software raid  
3、        sed awk   ;
sed: Stream EDitor,    :
    sed [option]... 'script'  inputfile...
            ‘    ’
    -f: /PATH/TO/SCRIPT_FILE:            
(1)    :       
(2)   :
(3)     #,#
            # sed '1,4d' /etc/fstab 
            # sed -n '/^UUID/p' /etc/fstab 
    a \'text'          :    
           # sed -n '/^UUID/p' /etc/fstab      i \'text':  :
            # sed '/^UUID/i \#hello sde.
welcom' /etc/fstab      c \'text'              # sed '/^UUID/c \#hello sde.
welcom' /etc/fstab     w /path/to/somefile:             #sed '/^UUID/w /tmp/fstab.txt' /etc/fstab     r:/path/to/somefile:            # sed '6r /etc/issue' /etc/fstab     =:              # sed '/^UUID/=' /etc/fstab      !:             # sed '/^UUID/!d' /etc/fstab     s///: , ,s@@@,S###              :                         g:                                  # sed 's@^UUID@uuid@' /etc/fstab                              p:                                       # sed -n '[email protected]@&er@p' /etc/passwd                          w:  /PATH/TO/SOMEFILE:                                          # sed '[email protected]@&er@' /etc/passwd         h:          H:         g:          G:         x:         n:         N:         d:         D:          # vim test.txt # sed -n 'n;p' test.txt  2 4 6 # sed '1!G;h;$!d' test.txt  6 5 4 3 2 1         # sed '$!n;$!D' /etc/fstab  # sed '$!n;$!D' /etc/fstab  # sed 'G' test.txt  1 2 # sed 'g' test.txt  # sed '/^$/d;G' test.txt # sed 'n;d' test.txt  # sed '1!G;h;$p' test.txt  # sed -n '2~2p' test.txt  # sed -n '2~2p' test.txt  wak wak: , AWK: Aho, Weiberger,Kernighan ---New AWK , Nawk GNU awk, gawk           gawk - pattern scanning and processing language        : gawk [options] 'program' FILE...                     program: PATTERN{ACTION STATEMENT}                                                      print, printf                                                  :             -F:             -v: var=value:     1,print             print item1,item2,...                  :         (1)              # tail -3 /etc/fstab | awk '{print $2,$4}'         (2) item , , , awk              # tail -3 /etc/fstab | awk '{print "hello" $2,$4,6}'         (3) item, print $0;                 # tail -3 /etc/fstab | awk '{print }' 2,                      FS:input field seperator,                  # awk -v FS=':' '{print $1}' /etc/passwd             OFS:output  field seperator,                    # awk -v FS=':' -v OFS=':' '{print $1,$3,$7}' /etc/passwd             RS:input record seperator:                     # awk -v RS='' '{print}' /etc/passwd             ORS: output record seperator:                     # awk -v RS='' -v ORS='#' '{print}' /etc/passwd             NF: number of field,                     # awk '{print NF}' /etc/fstab                  {print NF}, {print $NF}             NR:number of record ,                     # awk '{print NR}' /etc/fstab              FNR: :                    # awk '{print FNR}' /etc/fstab /etc/issue              FILENAME:                     # awk '{print FILENAME}' /etc/fstab /etc/issue              ARGC:                     # awk 'BEGIN{print ARGC}' /etc/fstab /etc/issue             ARGV: ,                     # awk 'BEGIN{print ARGV[0]}' /etc/fstab /etc/issue        (1)  -v var=value                         (2) program                  # awk -v test='hello gawk' 'BEGIN{print test}' /etc/fstab                  # awk 'BEGIN{test="hello gawk";print test}' 3,printf          :printf FORMAT, item1,item2,...            (1) FORMAT             (2) , ,
            (3)FORMAT item                      :                             %c: ASCII                             %d,%i:                               %e,%E:                             %f:                             %g,%G:                             %s:                             %u:                             %%: %                 # awk -F: '{printf "Username:%s
",$1}' /etc/passwd                 # awk -F: '{printf "Username:%s,UID:%d
",$1,$3}' /etc/passwd              :                     #[.#]: , #                     %3,1f                         # awk -F: '{printf "Username:%15s,UID:%d
",$1,$3}' /etc/passwd                     -:                         # awk -F: '{printf "Username:%-15s,UID:%d
",$1,$3}' /etc/passwd                     +: 4,                              x+y ,x-y ,x*y ,x/y ,x^y, x%y,                 -x                 +x:                  : ,                                        =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=,^=,                        ++, --,                                          >, >=, < , <=, !=, ==                  :                     ~:                     !~:                                                              &&                           ||                             !                     :                         function_name(argu1,argu2,...)                                           selector?if-ture-exprssion: if-false-expression   # awk -F: '{$3>=1000?usertype="Common user":usertype="Sysadmin or Sysuser";printf "%15s:%-s
",$1,usertype}' /etc/passwd 5, PATTERN         (1)empty: ,         (2)/regular expression/: :                 #awk '/^UUID/{print $1}' /etc/fstab                 # awk '!/^UUID/{print $1}' /etc/fstab          (3)relational expression: : “ ”“ ”: “ ”                          : 0 ,                     # awk -F: '$3>=1000{print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd                     # awk -F: '$3<1000{print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd                 # awk -F: '$NF=="/bin/bash"{print $1,$NF}' /etc/passwd             (4)line ranges:                         startlin,endline /pat1/,/pat2/                                   :                               # awk -F: '(NR>=2&&NR<=10){print $1}' /etc/passwd                 (5)BIGIN/END                             BIGIN{}:                                 # awk -F: 'BEGIN{print"  username  uid  
------------"}{print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd                             END{}:                          # awk -F: 'BEGIN{print"  username  uid  
------------"}{print $1,$3}END{print "++++++++++++++++++
 end  "}' /etc/passwd # awk -F: '{print"  username  uid  
------------";print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd 6, action         (1) Expressions         (2)Control statements: if while...         (3)Compound statements:         (4)input statements         (5)output statements 7,         if (condition) {statments}         if(condition) {statments} else {statments}         while  (condition) {statments}         do  {statments} while  (condition)         for(expr1,expr2,expr3,) {statments}         continue         delete array[index]         delete array         exit         { statments } 7.1 if-else          : if (condition) {statments} [else statement]                 # awk -F: '{if($3>=1000)print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd else                    # awk -F: '{if($3>=1000) {printf "Common user: %s
",$1} else {printf "root or Sysuser: %s
",$1}}' /etc/passwd                 # awk -F: '{if($NF=="/bin/bash") print $1}' /etc/passwd                 # awk '{if(NF>5) print $0}' /etc/fstab                                   # df -h | awk -F[%] '/^\/dev/{print $1}' | awk '{if($NF>=20) print $1}' :  awk 7.2 while           :while  (condition) {statments}                  “ ”, , “ ”           : :                     # awk '/^[[:space:]]*linux16/{i=1;while(i<=NF) {print $i,length($i);i++}}' /etc/grub2.cfg                     # awk '/^[[:space:]]*linux16/{i=1;while(i<=NF) {if(length($i)>=7) {print $i,length($i)};i++}}' /etc/grub2.cfg                   73 do-while              :do statement while (condition)                  : 7.4 for           : for(expr1,expr2,expr3,) {statments}                 for(variable assignment; condition;iteration process) {for-body}        # awk '/^[[:space:]]*linux16/{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {print $i,length($i)}}' /etc/grub2.cfg                                        : for (var in array)  {for-body} 7.5 swith           :switch(expression) {case VALUE1 or /REGEXP/: statement; case VALUE2 or /REGEXP2/:statement;... default: statement} 7.6  break  continue         break [n]         continue 7.7 next          :                     # awk -F: '{if($3%2!=0) next; print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd 8 array           :array [index-expression]             index-expression                 (1) ,                 (2) , ,awk , “ ”                  , wget"index in array"                     weekday[mon]="Monday"                       # awk 'BEGIN{weekdays["mon"]="Monday";weekdays["tue"]="Tuesday";print weekdays["mon"]}'                  , for                             for(var in array) {for-body}                       # awk 'BEGIN{weekdays["mon"]="Monday";weekdays["tue"]="Tuesday";for(i in weekdays) {print weekdays[i]}}'                                :var array                            state["LISTEN"]++                             state["ESTABLISHED"]++                       # netstat -tan | awk '/^tcp\>/{state[$NF]++}END{for(i in state) {print i,state[i]}}'                             # awk '{ip[$1]++}END{for(i in ip) {print i,ip[i]}}' /var/log/httpd/access_log 1: /etc/fstab                   # awk '/^UUID/{fs[$3]++}END{for(i in fs) {print i,fs[i]}}' /etc/fstab  2:                 # awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){count[$i]++}}END{for(i in count) {print i,count[i]}}' /etc/fstab 9,        9.1                      rand(): 0 1                      :                         length([s]):                         sub(r,s,[t]): r t , s                        gsub(r,s,[t]): r t , s                         split(r,s,[t]): r s, a                             # netstat -tan | awk '/^tcp\>/{split($5,ip,":");count[ip[1]]++}END{for (i in count) {print i,count[i]}}'  4、 , 10 , ( 2 )     #!/bin/bash     declare -a rand     declare -i max=0     for i in {0..9}; do         rand[$i]=$RANDOM         [ ${rand[$i]} -gt $max ] && max=${rand[$i]}     done     echo "Max: $max"  5、 1 5 /data/, /tmp/get_username.log ;  #crontab -e              5 1 * * 2 /tmp/zuoye/ >> /tmp/zuoye/get_username.log 6、 : , ; , ; #!/bin/bashif ls $1 &> /dev/null ;thenstat $1|head -2else  mkdir -p $1fi  7、 , 9X9 ;   1,   #!/bin/bash     declare -i j=1     declare -i i=1     until [ $j -gt 9 ]; do         until [ $i -gt $j ]; do     echo -n -e "${i}X${j}=$[$i*$j]\t"     let i++     done  echo let i=1 let j++     done  2,     #!/bin/bash     for((j=1;j<=9;j++)); do             for((i=1;i<=j;i++))do                 echo -e -n "${i}X${j}=$[$i*$j]\t"         done         echo     done   8、 dns , dns , ip 。    DNS Domain Name Service   (c/s, 53/udp, 53/tcp): : BIND: Bekerley  Internat Name Domain,  ISC ( TCP : UDP:User Datagram Protocol               : hosts                 /etc/hosts                 %WINDOWS%system32/drives/etc/hosts         Top Level Domain: tld                     com,edu,mil, gov, net, org, int                      : , (,cn, .iq, .hk, .tw)          DNS :                                :              :13                  Name--> IP             IP--->Name              : ,     DNS              DNS              DNS              DNS                               DNS : :                  DNS : DNS DNS “ ”( )                              :  , : ,                               :                               : ,                              :  , ,                             " "                :                               :                                            :             DNS:                     Domain:                              :FQDN -->IP                          :IP --> FQDN                                                                                                                                          FQDN: Full Qulified Domain Name:                                                  Client --> hosts  -->  DNS Server                                      Local Cache -->DNS Server(recursion) --> Server Cache --> Iteration( ) -->                                                                   :                                      :                                                                                     :Resource Record,RR                                           :A,PTR, SOA, NS, CNAME, MX  AAAA                     SOA:Start Of Authority:  , SOA ,                     A:internet Address:  : FQDN--IP                     AAAA: FQDN--IPV6                         PTR:PoinTeR:  IP -- FQDN                     NS:Name Server:  DNS                     CNAME:Canonical Name:                     MX:Mail eXchanger:  :                      : name [TTL]    IN     rr_type     value                      :                             (1)TTL                             (2)@                                (3) , DNS                             (4)   , :                     SOA :                             name:  , “”                             value:                                          (1) DNS FQDN,  :@                                         (2) : @ , . ,                                         (3)( TTL)                              :                               86400 IN  SOA    (                                                                2016011901    ;                                                                 2H                  ;                                                                 10M                ;                                                                 1W                  ;                                                                   1D                   ; TTL                                 )                                NS:                             name:                              value: DNS ,                                          :  NS                                      :                                        IN     NS                                         IN     NS                                              :                                                 (1) name ,                                                 (2)  NS , ns ,   A                MX:                                                           name:                                value: (smtp )                                          ,MX , value (0-99),   , � �                              :                                IN        MX         10                                                                   IN        MX         10                                     : MX , MX ,   A                 A:                             name:  FQDN, :                             value: IP                              :                                       IN         A                                         IN         A                                          IN         A                                          IN         A                                        :                                         (1)*      IN         A                                                  IN         A                                             ,                     AAAA :                                                                         name: FQDN                                     value: IPV6                     PTR:                                                                     name: IP, : IP ,, :                                     value: FQDN                                      :                                           IN        PTR                                                                                         2            IN        PTR                                          :  ,                         CNAME:                                                                              name:   FQDN                                      value:   FQDN                                       :                                   IN         CNAME             : ,                              tld:                                  .com.    IN    NS                                  .com.    IN    NS                            IN         A                            IN         A                 .com ,                                IN    NS                                     IN    NS                                 IN    NS                             IN    A                            IN    A                            IN    A                         glue record:                                                     :  ,  ;godaddy                  , ?                     (1) , NS , A                                  BIND                    dns , bind, :named                                                   bind                             bind-libs                             bind-utils                             bind-chroot:  /var/named/chroot                             bind:                                  : /etc/rc.d/init.d/named                                  : /etc/named.conf,  /etc/named.rfc1912.zones, /etc/rndc.key                                  : /var/named/                                                      :(1)                                                                (2)                                                                (3) ( IPV6 , ) localhost                  rndc: remote name domain controller:   bind , named ,                                         953/tcp                            :                                  :options{}                                  :logging{}                                  : zone , zone                                             zone"ZONE_NAME" IN {}                                      : , IP                                                                                                   # cp -v /etc/named.conf{,.bak}                    :                                                                   #vim /etc/namec.conf options {         listen-on port 53 {;; }; /*      listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; }; */                                          allow-query     { any; };                         # named-checkconf                        dnssec:                           dnssec                         #vim /etc/namec.conf                                /*        dnssec-enable yes;         dnssec-validation yes;          Path to ISC DLV key          bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key";         managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";         pid-file "/run/named/";         session-keyfile "/run/named/session.key"; */           DNS :                 (1)                         zone "zone_name" IN {                             type;{master;slave; hint;forward}                             file "";                             };                   (2)                                                        :                                      :                                      : # vim /var/named/ $TTL  1D $ORIGIN @        IN    SOA (                                                                    2016012001                                                                     1H                                                                     5M                                                                     7D                                                                     1D )             IN    NS        ns1             IN    NS        ns2             IN    MX    10  mx1             IN    MX    20  mx2 ns1       IN    A ns2       IN    A mx1      IN    A mx2      IN    A www     IN    A                 # named-checkzone  "" /var/named/                   # chown :named                 # systemctl start named.service                 # rndc status            : dig                    dig [ -t type ] name [@SERVER] [ query options ]                     dig dns , , host                   # dig -t A @                                            +[no] trace:                        +[no]recures:                                                     dig -x IP @server                                                dig -t axfr ZONE_NAME @SERVER                         # dig -t axfr @     host             host [-t type] name [server]                          nslookup :               nslookup [-option] [name | -] [server]                    :                         nslookup>                         server IP: DNS server                         set q=RR_TYPE:                         NAME:                                     :                 192.168.1.-->         (1)                 zone "ZONE_NAME" IN {                     type {master |slave | forward};                     file " ".zone                 };         (2)                  : MX A, AAAA , PTR         # vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones  zone "" IN {         type master;         file "";         };         #vim -o $TTL    1D $ORIGIN 1.168.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA. @       IN      SOA       (                         2016012101                         1H                         5M                         7D                         1D )         IN      NS         IN      NS 8       IN      PTR 12      IN      PTR 11      IN      PTR # chmod 640  # chown :named  # named-checkzone ""  # named-checkconf  # systemctl reload named.service # rndc status          # dig -t axfr @      1,     2, NS :     3, , , /var/named/slaves/     4,     5, , ntp     6,bindr , ,                     zone "zone_named"  IN {                         type slave;                         mastes { master_ip; };                         file "slaves/";                 }; :    # yum install bind -y # vim /etc/named.conf options {         listen-on port 53 {;; }; /*      listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; }; */         directory       "/var/named";         dump-file       "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";         statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";         memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";        allow-query     { any; };         recursion yes;      dnssec-enable no;      dnssec-validation no;         /* Path to ISC DLV key */ //      bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key"; //      managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic"; //      pid-file "/run/named/"; //      session-keyfile "/run/named/session.key"; };       # vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones zone "" IN {         type slave;         masters {; };         file "slaves/";         }     rndc:             rndc --> rndc (953/tcp)             rndc COMMAND             COMMAND                     reload:                     reload zone:                      retransfer zone: ,                     notify zone:                     reconfig:                     querylog:                     trace: debug                     trace LEVEL:                      DNS and BIND           :           :                                 IN     NS                IN     NS                    IN     NS                    IN     NS                        IN     NS                        IN     NS                    IN     NS                    IN     NS          :                      : , ,                                 (1) : ,                                 options {                                             forward {first|only}                                              forwarders                                 }                         (2) ,                                 zone "zone_name" IN {                                         type forward;                                         forward {first|only}                                         forwarders                                 }                  : dnssec  dnssec-enable no; dnssec-validation no;