
56480 ワード

  • 0.引用
  • 1.プログラム実行時間計算
  • 2.EuRoc2TUM
  • 3.file2ROSBag
  • 4.行の先頭と末尾のスペースを削除
  • 5.Matrix Inverse

  • 0.はじめに
  • clock_t

  • clock_tデータ型、long型は、一定期間のclocks数、すなわちCPUの運転ユニット時間を記録するために用いられる.
  • clock()

  • 戻りタイプclock_tは,プログラムからclock()関数を呼び出すまでの間のclocksを返す.

  • これらのライブラリ関数、タイプ、定数はctimeライブラリに定義され、ヘッダファイルtime.hです.プログラムの実行時間を計算するには,プログラムの入口点と出口点からclocksを計算し,差を計算するだけでよい.
    int main() {
    	clock_t start, end;
    	start = clock();
    	end = clock();
    	cout<<"Run time: "<<(double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<"S"<<endl;
    	return 0;

  • TUM ground truth形式:timestamp tx ty tz qy qz qw
  • EUROC ground truth形式:timestamp tx ty tz qw qx qy qz
    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    import csv
    #   csv       txt    
    csv_file = raw_input('Enter the name of your input csv file: ')
    txt_file = raw_input('Enter the name of your output txt file: ')
    with open(txt_file, "w") as my_output_file:
        with open(csv_file, "r") as my_input_file:
            #    csv  txt 
            for row in csv.reader(my_input_file):
                #  8    :timestamp tx ty tz qw qx qy qz
                row = row[0:8]
                temp1 = row[0][0:10] + '.' + row[0][10:16]
                row[0] = temp1
                #    qw   qx
                temp2 = row[4]
                row[4] = row[7]
                row[7] = temp2
                my_output_file.write(" ".join(row)+'
    ) my_output_file.close()

  • ref.

  • 画像ファイルおよびIMUをROSBAgに変換する
    #import cv2
    import time, sys, os
    from ros import rosbag
    import roslib
    import rospy
    from sensor_msgs.msg import Image,Imu
    from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3
    # import ImageFile
    from PIL import ImageFile
    from PIL import Image as ImagePIL
    '''sort image name'''
    def CompSortFileNamesNr(f):
        g = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(f)[1])[0]
        numbertext = ''.join(c for c in g if c.isdigit())
        return int(numbertext)
    '''get image from dir'''
    def ReadImages(dir):
        '''Generates a list of files from the directory'''
        print( "Searching directory %s" % dir )
        all = []
        left_files = []
        right_files = []
        if os.path.exists(dir):
            for path, names, files in os.walk(dir + '/cam0/data'):
                # for f in files:
                for f in sorted(files, key=CompSortFileNamesNr):
                    if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ['.bmp', '.png', '.jpg']:
                        if 'left' in f or 'left' in path or '/cam0/data' in f or '/cam0/data' in path :
                            left_files.append( os.path.join( path, f ) )
                        elif 'right' in f or 'right' in path or '/cam1/data' in f or '/cam1/data' in path :
                            right_files.append( os.path.join( path, f ) )
                        all.append( os.path.join( path, f ) )
            for path, names, files in os.walk(dir + '/cam1/data'):
                # for f in files:
                for f in sorted(files, key=CompSortFileNamesNr):
                    if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ['.bmp', '.png', '.jpg']:
                        if 'left' in f or 'left' in path or '/cam0/data' in f or '/cam0/data' in path :
                            left_files.append( os.path.join( path, f ) )
                        elif 'right' in f or 'right' in path or '/cam1/data' in f or '/cam1/data' in path :
                            right_files.append( os.path.join( path, f ) )
                        all.append( os.path.join( path, f ) )
        #return all, left_files, right_files
        return left_files, right_files
    def ReadIMU(filename):
        '''return IMU data and timestamp of IMU'''
        file = open(filename,'r')
        all = file.readlines()[1:]
        timestamp = []
        imu_data = []
        for f in all:
            line = f.rstrip('
    ).split(',') timestamp.append(line[0]) imu_data.append(line[1:]) return timestamp,imu_data def CreateStereoBag(args): '''read image''' left_imgs, right_imgs = ReadImages(args[0]) '''read time stamps''' imagetimestamps=[] file = open(args[1], 'r') all = file.readlines()[1:] # skip the first line. for f in all: imagetimestamps.append(f.rstrip('
    ).split(',')[0]) file.close() '''read imu timestamps and data''' imutimesteps,imudata = ReadIMU(args[2]) '''Creates a bag file containing stereo image and imu pairs''' #if not os.path.exists(args[3]): #os.system(r'touch %s' % args[3]) bag = rosbag.Bag(args[3], 'w') try: for i in range(len(imudata)): imu = Imu() angular_v = Vector3() linear_a = Vector3() angular_v.x = float(imudata[i][0]) angular_v.y = float(imudata[i][1]) angular_v.z = float(imudata[i][2]) linear_a.x = float(imudata[i][3]) linear_a.y = float(imudata[i][4]) linear_a.z = float(imudata[i][5]) #imuStamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float( (float(imutimesteps[i]))/1e6 )) imuStamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(imutimesteps[i])) imu.header.stamp=imuStamp imu.angular_velocity = angular_v imu.linear_acceleration = linear_a bag.write("/imu0",imu,imuStamp) for i in range(len(left_imgs)): print("Adding %s" % left_imgs[i]) fp_left = open( left_imgs[i], "r" ) p_left = ImageFile.Parser() '''read image size''' imgpil =[0]) width, height = imgpil.size while 1: s = if not s: break p_left.feed(s) im_left = p_left.close() fp_right = open( right_imgs[i], "r" ) print("Adding %s" % right_imgs[i]) p_right = ImageFile.Parser() while 1: s = if not s: break p_right.feed(s) im_right = p_right.close() # Stamp = roslib.rostime.Time.from_sec(time.time()) # Stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float( (float(imagetimestamps[i]))/1e6 )) Stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(imagetimestamps[i])) # left image Img_left = Image() Img_left.header.stamp = Stamp Img_left.width = width Img_left.height = height Img_left.header.frame_id = "camera/left" Img_left.encoding = "mono8" Img_left_data = [pix for pixdata in [im_left.getdata()] for pix in pixdata] Img_left.step = Img_left.width = Img_left_data Img_right = Image() Img_right.header.stamp = Stamp Img_right.width = width Img_right.height = height Img_right.header.frame_id = "camera/right" Img_right.encoding = "mono8" Img_right_data = [pix for pixdata in [im_right.getdata()] for pix in pixdata] Img_right.step = Img_right.width = Img_right_data bag.write('/cam0/image_raw', Img_left, Stamp) bag.write('/cam1/image_raw', Img_right, Stamp) finally: bag.close() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 5: print(sys.argv) CreateStereoBag(sys.argv[1:]) else: print( "Usage: img_file,img_timestamps_file, imu_file, bagname") print( "Example: python3 /*/00 data.csv imu.csv img2bag_Stereoimu.bag") #img_file,img_timestamps_file, imu_file, bagname

    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    def trimLineSpace(finput, foutput):
        fInputHandle = open ( fInput )
        fOutputHandle = open (fOutput, 'w')
        lines = fInputHandle.readlines()
        for line in lines:
    ) fInputHandle.close() fOutputHandle.close() if __name__ == '__main__': fInput = raw_input('Enter the name of your input txt file: ') fOutput = raw_input('Enter the name of your output txt file: ') trimLineSpace(fInput, fOutput)

    5.Matrix Inverse
    using namespace std;
    // Eigen   
    //          ( ,    )
    int main( int argc, char** argv )
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4> matrix_44_cam0;
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4> matrix_44_cam1;
        matrix_44_cam0<< -0.9995407230847781, 0.029100449860456495,-0.008456164206050667, 0.04812531099830761,
    						0.007419008250330716, -0.035565792521783365, -0.9993397984263814, -0.046268993994975235,
    						-0.02938198787934812, -0.9989435610785118, 0.03533356149670343, -0.06808128621572819,
    						0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
    	matrix_44_cam1<< -0.9995333551739931, 0.029563758443646823, -0.007684795462836215, -0.05277683771177886,
    						0.008020445760736369, 0.01125165640719669, -0.9999045317818563, -0.04396772695601477,
    						-0.029474469366199164, -0.9994995669907917, -0.011483520401031096, -0.0711950391086574,
    						0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
      	//					0.0075019185074052044, -0.03439736061393144, -0.9993800792498829, -0.047443232143367084,
      	//					- 0.02989013031643309, -0.998969345370175, 0.03415885127385616, -0.0681999605066297,
      	//					0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
    	//matrix_44_cam1<< -0.9995110484978581, 0.030299116376600627, -0.0077218830287333565, -0.053697434688869734,
      	//					0.008104079263822521, 0.012511643720192351, -0.9998888851620987, -0.046131737923635924,
    	//					-0.030199136245891378, -0.9994625667418545, -0.012751072573940885, -0.07149261284195751,
      	//					0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
        //Eigen::Matrix matrix_44_cam0_inv;
        //Eigen::Matrix matrix_44_cam1_inv;
        //cout << "matrix_44_cam0_inv:  "<< endl<< setprecision(10)<
        //cout << "matrix_44_cam1_inv:  "<< endl<< setprecision(10)<
    	Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_matrix; 
        rotation_matrix <<  -9.9951465899298464e-01, 7.5842033363785165e-03,
    						-3.0214670573904204e-02, 2.9940114644659861e-02,
    						-3.4023430206013172e-02, -9.9897246995704592e-01,
    						-8.6044170750674241e-03, -9.9939225835343004e-01,
        Eigen::Vector3d v;
        v <<  4.4511917113940799e-02, -7.3197096234105752e-02,-4.7972907300764499e-02;
    	Eigen::Isometry3d T=Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();//     3d,    4*4    
        T.rotate ( rotation_matrix );                                        //   rotation_vector    
        T.pretranslate (v);               //      
        cout << "     Transform matrix = 
    << T.matrix() <<endl; T2Rt(); return 0; }

    cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 )
    project( MatricxInverse )
    set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" )
    set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O3" )
    include_directories( "/usr/local/include/eigen3" )
    add_executable( MatricxInverse MatricxInverse.cpp )