
#ifndef _QUE_LINK_H_

#define _QUE_LINK_H_

struct que_record;

typedef struct que_record* que;

struct link_node;

typedef struct link_node* node;

typedef int elementType;

int IsFull(que q);

int IsEmpty(que q);

que creatQue(int max_num);

void makeEmpty(que q);

void enque(elementType x,que q);

void deque(que q);

elementType front_que(que q);

elementType front_deque(que q);

void dispose_que(que q);

struct que_record


    node front;

    node rear;

    int size;


struct link_node


    elementType data;

    struct link_node* next;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "que_link.h"

#define MAXSIZE 10

int IsFull(que q)


    return q->size == MAXSIZE;


int IsEmpty(que q)


    return q->size == 0;


que creatQue(int max_num)


    que q;

    q = (que)malloc(sizeof(struct que_record));

    q->size = 0;

    q->front = q->rear = (node)malloc(sizeof(struct link_node));

    q->front->next = q->rear->next = NULL;

    return q;


void makeEmpty(que q)


    if(NULL == q)


        printf("the que is not exsit 
"); exit(-1); } while(q->size) deque(q); } void deque(que q) { node ptr = NULL; ptr = q->front->next; free(q->front); q->front = ptr; q->size--; if(q->size == 0) { //q->front->next = q->rear->next = NULL; q->front = q->rear = NULL; } } void enque(elementType x, que q) { if(q) { if(IsFull(q)) { printf("the que is full
"); exit(-4); } printf("the enque x is %d
",x); static int init_flag = 0; if(!init_flag) { q->rear->data = x; q->rear->next = NULL; q->size++; init_flag = 1; } else { node ptr=(node )malloc(sizeof(struct link_node)); ptr->data = x; q->rear->next = ptr; q->rear = q->rear->next; q->rear->next = NULL; q->size++; } } } elementType front_que(que q) { if(q) { if(IsEmpty(q)) { printf("the que is empty
"); exit(-5); } return q->front->data; } } elementType front_deque(que q) { if(q) { if(IsEmpty(q)) { printf("the que is empty,so can't deque
"); exit(-6); } elementType x; x = q->front->data; deque(q); return x; } } void dispose_que(que q) { if(q) { makeEmpty(q); free(q); } } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { elementType val; int i = 0; que q; q = creatQue(10); while(i++ < 10 ) { printf("now ,please input the value:
"); scanf("%d",&val); printf("the val is %d
",val); enque(val,q); printf("the q size is %d
",q->size); if(val == 0) break; } while(q->size) { val = front_deque(q); printf("the val is %d
",val); sleep(1); } dispose_que(q); return 0; }

hangma@ubuntu:~/test/test/protest/que_test$ gcc  que_link.c -o que_link

hangma@ubuntu:~/test/test/protest/que_test$ ./que_link 

now ,please input the value:


the val is 1

the enque x is 1

the q size is 1

now ,please input the value:


the val is 2

the enque x is 2

the q size is 2

now ,please input the value:


the val is 3

the enque x is 3

the q size is 3

now ,please input the value:


the val is 4

the enque x is 4

the q size is 4

now ,please input the value:


the val is 5

the enque x is 5

the q size is 5

now ,please input the value:


the val is 6

the enque x is 6

the q size is 6

now ,please input the value:


the val is 7

the enque x is 7

the q size is 7

now ,please input the value:


the val is 8

the enque x is 8

the q size is 8

now ,please input the value:


the val is 9

the enque x is 9

the q size is 9

now ,please input the value:


the val is 10

the enque x is 10

the q size is 10

the val is 1

the val is 2

the val is 3

the val is 4

the val is 5

the val is 6

the val is 7

the val is 8

the val is 9

the val is 10