
class House {
    public String getHouseName() {  //method defined within class
type House struct { }

func (h House) GetHouseName() string { } //method defined outside of struct, but works on House
type my_struct_name struct { }

type Rectangle struct { }

type Vehicle struct { }

type Vehicle1_Car struct { }

type Hash# struct {} //cannot have special characters
type 0struct struct {} //cannot start with a number

type my_struct_name struct {
    i int
    j int
    s string

type Rectangle struct {
    length, width int //you can define multiple items of the same type on the same line separated by commas
    area float64

package main

import "fmt"

type Rectangle struct {
    length, width int

func main() {
    r := Rectangle{}  
    fmt.Println("Default rectangle is: ", r) //print default zero-ed value
Default rectangle is: {0 0}

package main

import "fmt"

type Rectangle struct {
    length, width int
    name string

func main() {
    r1 := Rectangle{2, 1, "my_r1"} //initialize values in order they are defined in struct
    fmt.Println("Rectangle r1 is: ", r1)

    r2 := Rectangle{width:3, name:"my_r2", length:4} //initialize values by variable name in any order
    fmt.Println("Rectangle r2 is: ", r2)

    pr := new (Rectangle) //get pointer to an instance with new keyword
    (*pr).width = 6 //set value using . notation by dereferencing pointer.  
    pr.length = 8 //set value using . notation - same as previous.  There is no -> operator like in c++. Go automatically converts
    pr.name = "ptr_to_rectangle"
    fmt.Println("Rectangle pr as address is: ", pr) //Go performs default printing of structs
    fmt.Println("Rectangle pr as value is: ", *pr) //address and value are differentiated with an & symbol
Rectangle r1 is: {2 1 my_r1}
Rectangle r2 is: {4 3 my_r2}
Rectangle pr as address is: &{8 6 ptr_to_rectangle}
Rectangle pr as value is: {8 6 ptr_to_rectangle}

  • {}によって属性値を初期化することができ、注意賦値は宣言の順序で,によって分割される.r1 := Rectangle{2, 1, "my_r1"}
  • : の形式で付与することもできる.r2 := Rectangle{width:3, name:"my_r2", length:4}
  • キーワードnewにより、オブジェクトのポインタを取得できます.
  • 取得したポインタは、属性石にアクセスし、*オペレータは不要です.
  • Goその構造体の属性に応じて、デフォルトの印刷メカニズムが提供される.

  • 構造体と変数のカプセル化と可視性
    type notExported struct { //this struct is visible only in this package as it starts with small letter
    type Exported struct { //variable starts with capital letter, so visible outside this package
        notExportedVariable int //variable starts with small letter, so NOT visible outside package
        ExportedVariable int //variable starts with capital letter, so visible outside package
        s string //not exported
        S string //exported
