
34038 ワード

  • データベース照会操作
  • 1.単一テーブルクエリ
  • .マルチテーブルクエリ
  • 3.MySqlリモート接続
  • データベース・クエリー・アクション
    -- create database python_test_1 charset=utf8;
    -- use python_test_1;
    -- students 
    -- create table students(
    --     id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null,
    --     name varchar(20) default '',
    --     age tinyint unsigned default 0,
    --     height decimal(5,2),
    --     gender enum(' ',' ','  ','  ') default '  ',
    --     cls_id int unsigned default 0,
    --     is_delete bit default 0
    -- );
    -- classes 
    -- create table classes (
    --     id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,
    --     name varchar(30) not null
    -- );
    	-- select * from   ;
    select * from students;
    	-- select  1, 2,... from   ;
    select name,age from students;
    	--    as       
    	-- select    as   .... from   ;
    select name as name2 from students;
    	-- select   .   .... from   ;
    	select from students;
    	--      as      
    	-- select   .   .... from    as   ;
    	select name from students as s;
    	select from students as s;
    	--      (   )
    	-- distinct    
    select distinct gender from students;
    		> >= < <= != = <>
    		-- select .... from    where .....
    		-- >
    		--       18    
    		select * from students where age > 18;
    		-- <
    		--       18    
    		select * from students where age < 18;
    		-- >=
    		-- <=
    		--         18    
    		select * from students where age <= 18;
    		-- =
    		--      18         
    		select * from students where age = 18;
    		-- !=    <>
    		--       18         
    		select * from students where age != 18;
    		select * from students where age <> 18;
    	and or not
    		-- and
    		-- 18 28         
    		select * from students where age > 18 and age < 28;
    		-- 18      
    		select * from students where age > 18 and gender = ' ';
    		-- or
    		-- 18        180(  )  
    		select * from students where age > 18 or height >= 180;
    		-- not
    		--    18               
    		-- select * from students where not (age>18 and gender=2);
    		select * from students where not ( age > 18 and gender = ' ');
    		select * from students not age > 18 and gender = ' ';
    	--     (where name like       )
    		-- like 
    		-- %      
    		-- _   1 
    		--         " "      
    		select * from students where name like ' %';
    		--         " "      
    		select * from students where name like '% %';
    		--    2     
    		select * from students where name like '__';
    		--    3     
    		select * from students where name like '___';
    		--      2     
    		select * from students where name like '__%';
    		-- in (1, 3, 8)            
    		--       18 34   
    		select name from students where age = 18 or age = 34 or age = 56;
    		select * from students where age in (18,34,56);
    		-- not in          
    		--      18 34    
    		select * from students where age not in (18,34,56);
    		-- between ... and ...           
    		--       18 34      
    		--         ,           
    		select * from students where age between 18 and 34;
    		-- not between ... and ...            
    		--        18 34      
    			select * from students where age not between 18 and 34;
    		--   is null
    		select * from students where  height is null;
    		--    is not null
    		select * from students where height is not null;
    	-- order by   
    	-- asc
    	-- asc      ,   
    	-- desc
    	-- desc      ,   
    	--      18 34      ,           
    	select * from students where age between 18 and 34 
    	and gender = ' ' order by age asc ;
    	--      18 34      ,        
    select * from students where age >= 18 and age <= 34 and gender=' '
     order by height desc;
    	-- order by     
    	--      18 34      ,        , 
    select * from students where age >= 18 and age <= 34 and gender=' '
     order by height desc , age asc;
        --            id      
    select * from students where age >= 18 and age <= 34 and gender=' '
     order by height desc , age asc, id desc;
    --       ,         
    	-- count
    	select count(*) from students where gender = ' '; 
    	-- max
    	select max(age) from students;
    	select max(height) from students where gender = ' ';
    	-- min
    	select min(height) from  students where gender = ' ';
    	-- sum
    	select sum(age) from students;
    	-- avg
    	select avg(age) from students;
    	--        sum(age)/count(*)
    select sum(age)/count(*) from students;
    	--      round(123.23 , 1)   1   
    	--           ,  2   
    	select round( avg(age),2) from students ;
    	--             2   
    	select avg(height) from students;
    	select sum(height) / count(*) from students;
    	select count(height)  from students;
    	-- sql null       
    select sum(height) / count(height) from students;
    	select      from    group by      ;
    	-- group by
    	--       ,       
    	select gender from students group by gender;
    	select gender,count(*) from students group by gender;
    	-- group_concat(...)
    	select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by 
    	select gender,avg(age) from students group by gender;
    	-- having(  having group by    having           )
    	--         30    ,    
    	select gender,avg(age),group_concat(name) from students group by gender
    	 having avg(age) > 30;
    	--             2    
    	select gender,count(*) from students group by gender
    	 having count(*) > 2;
    	-- with rollup      (  )
    	select gender,count(*) from students group by gender
    	 with rollup having count(*) > 2;
    	-- limit start, count
    	-- limit      (  )
    	     : (  -1)*     
    	--    5   
    	select * from students limit 0,5; 
    	--     2 , 1   
    	select * from students limit 0,2;
    	--     2 , 2   
    	select * from students limit 2,2;
    	--     2 , 3   
    	select * from students limit 4,2;
    	--     2 , 4   
    	select * from students limit 6,2;
    	--     2 ,   6    ,           
    	select  * from students order by age asc limit 10,2;
    	--       ,         

    	-- inner join ... on
    	-- select ... from  A inner join  B;
    	select * from students inner join classes 
    	 on students.cls_id =;
    	--         、  
    	select, from students inner join classes 
    		on students.cls_id =;
    	select, from students as s
    	 inner join classes as c
    		on s.cls_id =;
    	--                    ,          students.*,
    	select students.*, from students inner join classes
    	 on students.cls_id =;
    	--        ,        1 
    select, students.* from students inner join classes
    	 on students.cls_id =;
    	--                    ,          
    select, students.* from students inner join classes
    	 on students.cls_id = order by asc;
    	--           ,     id        
    select, students.* from students inner join classes
    	 on students.cls_id = order by asc , asc;
    	-- left join
    	--  ,                      
    	select * from students left join classes 
    	on students.cls_id =;
    select * from students left join classes 
    	on students.cls_id = where is null;
    	-- right join   on
    	--           , left join  
    	select * from students right join classes 
    	on = students.cls_id;
    	--      :              (    )
    	--     :         (    )
    	--     :         (    )
    	--             (height)
    	select avg(height) from students;
    	select * from students where height > 172.076923;
    	select * from students where height >
    	 (select avg(height) from students);
    	select id from classes;
    	select * from students where cls_id in(1,2);
    	select * from students where cls_id in (select id from classes);
    	create table areas(
        aid int primary key,
        atitle varchar(20),
        pid int
    	-- sql       
    	-- source     /areas.sql;
    	--            ,      ,      
    source xxx/areas.sql;
    	select * from areas where pid is null;
    	-- 1:       “   ”     
    	select aid from areas where atitle = '   ';
    	select * from areas where pid = 
    	(select aid from areas where atitle = '   ');
    	select * from areas as a1 inner join areas as a2
    	 on = a2.aid where a2.atitle = '   ';
    	-- 2:       “   ”     
    select * from areas where pid = 
    	(select aid from areas where atitle = '   ');
    	select * from areas as a1 inner join areas as a2
    	 on = a2.aid where a2.atitle = '   ';
