
        本明細書で使用するMySQL APIコードはC言語であり、C++に興味がある方はmysql++を使用することも考えられます.
* MySQLManager.h    
*    Created on: Feb 18, 2009    
*            Author: Steven Wee    

#ifndef MYSQLMANAGER_H_    
#define MYSQLMANAGER_H_    

#include "../Common/CheckStringTools.h"    

#include <mysql.h>    

#include <string>    
#include <iostream>    
#include <vector>    

#include <string.h>    

using namespace std;    

class MySQLManager    
         * Init MySQL    
         * @param hosts:         Host IP address    
         * @param userName:        Login UserName    
         * @param password:        Login Password    
         * @param dbName:        Database Name    
         * @param port:                Host listen port number    
        MySQLManager(std::string hosts, std::string userName, std::string password, std::string dbName, unsigned int port);    
        void initConnection();    
         * Making query from database    
         * @param mysql:        MySQL Object    
         * @param sql:                Running SQL command    
        bool runSQLCommand(std::string sql);    
         * Destroy MySQL object    
         * @param mysql                MySQL object    
        void destroyConnection();    
        bool getConnectionStatus();    
        vector< vector<string> > getResult();    
        void setUserName(std::string userName);    
        void setHosts(std::string hosts);    
        void setPassword(std::string password);    
        void setDBName(std::string dbName);    
        void setPort(unsigned int port);    
        bool IsConnected;    
        vector< vector<string> > resultList;    
        MYSQL mySQLClient;    
        unsigned int DEFAULTPORT;    
        char * HOSTS;    
        char * USERNAME;    
        char * PASSWORD;    
        char * DBNAME;    

#endif /* MYSQLMANAGER_H_ */ 

* MySQLManager.cpp    
*    Created on: Feb 18, 2009    
*            Author: Steven Wee    
#include "MySQLManager.h"    

MySQLManager::MySQLManager(string hosts, string userName, string password, string dbName, unsigned int port)    
        IsConnected = false;    
        this ->setHosts(hosts);            //        IP      
        this ->setUserName(userName);            //               
        this ->setPassword(password);            //              
        this ->setDBName(dbName);            //              
        this ->setPort(port);            //             

        this ->destroyConnection();    

void MySQLManager::setDBName(string dbName)    
        if ( dbName.empty() )    
                std::cout << "DBName is null! Used default value: mysql" << std::endl;    
                this ->DBNAME = new char[5];    
                strcpy(this ->DBNAME, "mysql");    
                this ->DBNAME = new char[dbName.length()];    
                strcpy(this ->DBNAME, dbName.c_str());    

void MySQLManager::setHosts(string hosts)    
        if ( hosts.empty() )    
        {//             IP      
                std::cout << "Hosts is null! Used default value: localhost" << std::endl;    
                this ->HOSTS = new char[9];    
                strcpy(this ->HOSTS, "localhost");    
                this ->HOSTS = new char[hosts.length()];    
                strcpy(this ->HOSTS, hosts.c_str());    

void MySQLManager::setPassword(string password)    
        if ( password.empty() )    
                std::cout << "Password is null! Used default value: " << std::endl;    
                this ->PASSWORD = new char[1];    
                strcpy(this ->PASSWORD, "");    
                this ->PASSWORD = new char[password.length()];    
                strcpy(this ->PASSWORD, password.c_str());    

void MySQLManager::setPort(unsigned int port)    
{//             ,           
        if ( port )    
                std::cout << "Port number is null! Used default value: 0" << std::endl;    
                this ->DEFAULTPORT = 0;    
                this ->DEFAULTPORT = port;    

void MySQLManager::setUserName(string userName)    
        if ( userName.empty() )    
                std::cout << "UserName is null! Used default value: root" << std::endl;    
                this ->USERNAME = new char[4];    
                strcpy(this ->USERNAME, "root");    
                this ->USERNAME = new char[userName.length()];    
                strcpy(this ->USERNAME, userName.c_str());    

void MySQLManager::initConnection()    
        if ( IsConnected )    
                std::cout << "Is connected to server!" <<std::endl;    
        if ( !mysql_real_connect( &mySQLClient, HOSTS, USERNAME, PASSWORD, DBNAME, DEFAULTPORT, NULL, 0) )    
                std::cout << "Error connection to database: %s
" << mysql_error(&mySQLClient) << std::endl; } IsConnected = true;// } bool MySQLManager::runSQLCommand(string sql) { if ( !IsConnected ) {// std::cout << "Not connect to database!" << std::endl; return false; } if ( sql.empty() ) {// SQL std::cout << "SQL is null!" << std::endl; return false; } MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned int i,j = 0; StringTools stringTools; sql = stringTools.filterString(sql); i = mysql_real_query(&mySQLClient,sql.c_str(),(unsigned int)strlen(sql.c_str()));// if ( i ) { std::cout << "Error query from database: %s
" << mysql_error(&mySQLClient) << std::endl; return false; } res = mysql_store_result(&mySQLClient); vector<string> objectValue; while( (row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) ) {// objectValue.clear(); for ( j = 0 ; j < mysql_num_fields(res) ; j++ ) { objectValue.push_back(row[j]); } this ->resultList.push_back(objectValue); } mysql_free_result(res); //free result after you get the result return true; } vector< vector<string> > MySQLManager::getResult() { return resultList; } void MySQLManager::destroyConnection() { mysql_close(&mySQLClient); this ->IsConnected = false; } bool MySQLManager::getConnectionStatus() { return IsConnected; }

上一篇文章:Linux下使用C/C++アクセスデータベース——SQL Server篇
#include <iostream>   
#include <string>   
#include <strstream>   
using namespace std;   
class CBaseX
		  int x;
		  CBaseX() { x = 10; }
		  void foo() { printf("CBaseX::foo() x=%d
", x); } }; class CBaseY { public: int y; int* py; CBaseY() { y = 20; py = &y; } void bar() { printf("CBaseY::bar() y=%d, *py=%d
", y, *py); } }; class CDerived : public CBaseX, public CBaseY { public: int z; CDerived() { z = 10; } void test() { printf("test z=%d
", z); } }; int main() { int n = 65535; strstream ss; strstream ss1; strstream ss2; string s; string s1; string s2; ss << n; ss >> s; cout << s << endl; double t_d = 10.6; float t_i= static_cast<float>(t_d); // cout<<t_i<endl; ss1<<t_i; ss1>>s1; cout << s1 << endl; char* c="iloveyou"; char * p = reinterpret_cast<char *>(c);// ss2<<p; ss2>>s2; cout << s2 << endl; CDerived* pD = new CDerived(); // pD->bar(); printf("CDerived* pD = %x
", (int)pD); CBaseY* pY = pD; // , pY = pD + 4 // pY->bar(); CBaseY* pD3 = dynamic_cast<CBaseY*>(pD);// pD3->bar(); CDerived* pD4 = static_cast<CDerived*>(pD3);// pD4->bar(); CBaseY* pD5 = static_cast<CBaseY*>(pD4);// pD5->bar(); CDerived* pD6 = reinterpret_cast<CDerived*>(pD4);// pD6->bar(); printf("CBaseY* pY = %x
", (int)pY); void* pV1 = pY; // , pV1 = pY printf("void* pV1 = %x
", (int)pV1); // pD2 = pY, pD2 = pY - 4 CDerived* pD2 = static_cast<CDerived*>(pV1); printf("CDerived* pD2 = %x
", (int)pD2); // pD2->test(); /* class B {}; class D: public B {} void f( B* pb ) { D* pd1 = dynamic_cast<D*>(pb); D* pd2 = static_cast<D*>(pb); }*/ return 0; } /* dynamic_cast: static_cast : , reinterpret_cast: const_cast: */