BIT-Vehicle Dataset-車両車種識別データ集

BIT-Vehicle Dataset-車両車種識別データ集
BIT-Vehicle Dataset - 车辆车型识别数据集_第1张图片
Dataset info
The BIT-Vehicle dataset contains 9,850 vehicle mages.The re imags with sizes of 1600*1200 and 1920*1080 captured from two camers at different time and place in in the dataset.The mages contive theand the view point.The top or bottom parts of some vehicles are not includ in the mages due to the capturing delay and the size of the vehicle.The may be one or two vehicles in one image、そして、the location of each vehicle ispre-annotated.The dataset can also be used forevevvalutititievalutititieevalutititieeevalutitititieeevavalutitititititititieeeeeevavavavavalutititititities:BBBBBBBBBBBs、Miroclclclclclclcleeeeeeeeeees、SeSevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevededededededededededededededededededededededectctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctct1,392,and 822,respively.
6 vehicle types,9,850 mages.[Download]
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BIT-Vehicle Dataset - 车辆车型识别数据集_第2张图片
BIT-Vehicle Dataset - 车辆车型识别数据集_第3张图片