windowsではpython pip installを使用します.

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  • windowsでpython pip installを使用します.
  • Python 279 and 34
  • Official instructions公式おすすめ
  • オプションのスキーム
  • Proxy problems代理問題
  • Unbale to find vcvarsallbat
  • windowsではpython pip installを使用します.
    参考:How do I install pip on Windows?
    Python 2.7.9+and 3.4+
    Good newsPython 3.4(released Markch 2014)and Python December 2014)ship with Pip.Thisisisthe best feaature of any Pythrelease.It makes thecommunnidtys s wealth of libririririries acsisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisiststststststststststststststto to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeckage manager,Python joins Ruby、Node.js、Haskell、Perl、Go-almost everother contemporary lagge with a majority open-source community.
    Thank you Python.
    Python 2.7.9(released December 2014)以上またはPython 3.4(released Markch 2014)以上のバージョンは、Pythonはすでにpipツールを含んでいます.
     ./pip2.7.exe install pelican
    ./pip2.7.exe install markdown
    Of course、that doesn’t mean Python packaging is problem soved.The experience remans fraustrings.I discuss this in Stock Overflow question Does Python have a package/module magement system?
    And,alas for everryone using Python 2.7.8 or earlier.The’sのplayto ship Pip to you.Manual instructions follows.
    Python 2≦2.7.8 and Python 3≦3.3
    Flying in the face of its'Batteries included'motto、Python ships without a package manager.To make maters worse、Pip was–until recently–ironically difficult to install.
    Official instructionsの公式推薦
    Download,being careful to save it as file rather than.txt.The n,run it from the command prompt:
    The offical documentation tells to install Pip and each of its dependencies from source.That’s tedious for the experienced,and prohibitively difficult for newbies.
    For our sake、クリストファーGohlke prepares Windows installes(.msi)for popur Python packages.He builds installes for all Python versions、both 32 and 64 bit.You need to
  • Install setuptools
  • Install pip
  • For me,this installed Pip at D:\Python 27\Script s\pip 2.7.exe.Find pip.exe on your computer,then add its folder(for example,C:\Python 27\Scrips)to your path
    pip install httpie
    The re Yougo(hopefully)!Solutions for common problems are given below:
    Proxy problems代理問題
    If you work in office,you might be behind a HTTP proxy.If so,set the environment variables htp_proxy and httpsproxy.Most Python appications(and other free software)respect these.Example syntax:
    http://proxy_url:porthttp://username:password@proxy_url:port If you’re really unlucky,your proxy might be a Microsoft NTLM proxy.Free software can’t cope.The only solution is to install a free Software freendly proxt forwards to the nastry proxy.
    Unbale to find vcvarsall.bat
    Python modules can be part written in C+.Pip tries to comppile from source.If you don’t have a/C++comppiler installed and configred,you’ll see this crypt erromessage.pip installYou can fix that by installing a C++comppiler such as MinGW or Visual C+.Microsoft actually ship one specifially for use with Python.Or try Microsoft Visual C+Compler for Python 2.7.
    Ofter though it’s ease ier to check Christph’s site for your package.