29664 ワード
// :
tel: {
attribute: { //
method: function(e) {
var _ = this.apis;
// sql
// task
}).task({ // sql
// task
// sql
// task
// sql
// task
// sql
// task
// });}
* sign auth
*{"e":"[email protected]","t":"13811641164","s":"1","n":"lyb"}
* @category task
* @class auth
* @namespace task.sign
* @author SDark
* @since
* 2014.09.09 lyb
var task = {};
task.code = "admin.passwordrecover";
task.name = "admin.passwordrecover";
task.description = " ";
* api
task.deps = {
sql: "common.sql",
sqlls: "common.biz",
msg: "common.msg"
* @attribute attribute
task.attribute = {};
task.tasks = {
tel: {
attribute: {
method: function(e) {
var _ = this.apis;
//var utype = 1;//e.action.user.utype;
code: "One",
method: function(ex) {
var sql = "select * from userbase where telphone=:telphone";
_.sqlls.query(sql, {
telphone: e.params.tel
}).success(function(rows) {
if (rows.length <= 0) {
ex.error(" !<br/> !");
data: false
} else {
data: true
}).failure(function(err) {
function addNumber(_idx) {
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < _idx; i += 1) {
str += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
return str;
// , {}
//status:1// , a:status
console.log(" ! !failure");
code: "Two",
method: function(ex) { // , ,
var sql = "select * from user_check where telphone=:telphone and status=1 and :now<=timeout and :now>=createtime";
_.sqlls.query(sql, {
telphone: e.params.Tel,
now: Date.now() - 946684800000
}).success(function(rows) {
if (rows.length > 0) {
ex.error(" , !");
} else {
data: true
}).failure(function(err) {
code: "Three",
method: function(ex) { //
var sql = "update user_check set status=3 where telphone=:telphone";
_.sqlls.query(sql, {
telphone: e.params.Tel
}).success(function(rows) {
data: true
}).failure(function(err) {
code: "Four",
method: function(ex) { //
var syspassword = addNumber(6); // ,
function addNumber(_idx) {// js
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < _idx; i += 1) {
str += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
return str;
}<pre name="code" class="javascript"><span style="white-space:pre"> </span>// _.msg.send(e.params.Tel,
// syspassword
// ).success(function(rows) {
// ex.success({
// data: syspassword
// });
// }).failure(function(err) {
// ex.error(err);
// });
data: syspassword
code: "Five",
method: function(ex) { //
var sql = "insert into user_check(telphone,checkinfo,timeout,createtime,status) values(:telphone,:checkinfo,:timeout,:createtime,1);";
_.sqlls.query(sql, {
telphone: e.params.tel,
checkinfo: ex.get("Four").data,
timeout: Date.now() - 946684800000 + 100000,
createtime: Date.now() - 946684800000
}).success(function(rows) {
data: true
}).failure(function(err) {
success: function(ex) {
"successTag": true
failure: function(ex) {
"successTag": false,
"msg": ex.toString().replace("Error:", "")
}, //
// code: { attribute: { }, method: function(e) { // var _ = this.apis; console.info(e.params.StuPhone); console.info(e.params.ValidateCode); var sql = "select iid from user_check where telphone=:telphone and status=1 and checkinfo=:checkinfo and :now<=timeout and :now>=createtime;"; //var sql = "select count(*) as a from user_check where telphone=:telphone and status=1 and checkinfo=:checkinfo" _.sqlls.query(sql, { telphone: e.params.StuPhone, now: Date.now() - 946684800000, checkinfo: e.params.ValidateCode }).success(function(row) { console.info(row); if (row.length > 0) { console.log(" !" + row); e.result( row ); } else { console.log(" ! !"); e.result({ status: 2 }); } /*if (rows[0]["a"] > 0) { count(*) console.log(" !"); e.result({ status: 1 }); } else { //e.error(" ! !"); console.log(" ! !"); e.result({ status: 2 }); };*/ }).failure(function() { console.log(" !"); e.result({ status: 3 }); }); } },
// save: { attribute: { }, method: function(e) { var _ = this.apis; var sql1 = "select iid from user_check where checkinfo=:checkinfo" var sql = "update userbase set upassword=:pwd where telphone=:tel;"; console.log(e.params.tel); console.log(e.params.code); _.sqlls.query(sql1, { checkinfo: e.params.code }).success(function(result) {<pre name="code" class="javascript"><span style="white-space:pre"> </span>_.sqlls.save(sql, { pwd: e.params.pwd, tel: e.params.tel // }).success(function(result) { console.log(" !!"); e.result({ // "successTag": true }); }).failure(function() { console.log(" !"); e.result({ "successTag": false }); }); }).failure(function() { console.log(" !"); e.result({ "successTag": false }); }); } } }; exports.task = task;
tplテンプレートvar RefreshTool = function(arg, tel, code) { // , _("#Last").attr("tel", "");// _("#Last").attr("code", "");// if (arg == 1) { _("#Setp1").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u6.png')") _("#Setp2").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u36.png')") _("#Setp3").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u0.png')") _("#Setp1 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u4.png") _("#Setp2 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u4.png") _("#Setp3 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u44.png") _("#Last").hide(); _("#First").show(); } else if (arg == 2) { _("#Setp1").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u36.png')") _("#Setp2").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u6.png')") _("#Setp3").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u0.png')") _("#Setp1 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u44.png") _("#Setp2 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u44.png") _("#Setp3 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u4.png") _("#First").hide(); } else { _("#Setp1").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u0.png')") _("#Setp2").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u36.png')") _("#Setp3").css("background", "url('Context/images/password/u6.png')") _("#Setp1 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u8.png") _("#Setp2 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u8.png") _("#Setp3 img").attr("src", "Context/images/password/u44.png") _("#Email").hide(); _("#Phone").hide(); _("#Last").attr("tel", tel);// _("#Last").attr("code", code);// _("#Last").show(); } }; var wait = 0; var events = { ByEmail: function(sender, arg) { // RefreshTool(2); _("#Email").show(); }, ByTel: function(sender, arg) { // RefreshTool(2); _("#Phone").show(); }, EmailOK: function(sender, arg) { // RefreshTool(3); }, CodeOK: function(sender, arg) { if (wait > 0) return; wait = 60; var tel = _('[data-item="telphone"]', events.parent).val(); // [name="tel"] [data-item="telphone"] if (tel.length < 1) { //alert(" !"); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !" }, {}); p.html(infom); wait = 0; }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } else { console.log(tel); _.post("api/admin/passwordrecover/tel", { // tel: tel }, function(r) { console.info(r.successTag); //alert(" ! !"); if (r.successTag == false) { app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " , !!" }, {}); p.html(infom); wait = 0; }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } else { app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "success", info: " ! !!" }, {}); p.html(infom); var intk; function showalert() { if (wait == 0) { sender.html(" "); clearInterval(intk); } else { sender.html(" (" + wait + ")"); wait--; } } intk = setInterval(showalert, 1000); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } // //if(wait>0) return; // }, "json"); } /* console.info(tel) setTimeout if (wait > 0) return; wait = 60; function time(o) { if (wait == 0) { o.html(" "); } else { o.html(" (" + wait + ")"); wait--; setTimeout(function() { time(o) }, 1000) } } time(sender); */ // var t=setTimeout("alert('5 !')",5000)//5 /* var phone = document.getElementsByName("tel"); tel = phone.val(); alert(tel);*/ //window.location.href="http://www.baidu.com"; /* var wait=60; function time(o) { }*/ }, TelOK: function(sender, arg) { // var code = _('[data-item="code"]', events.parent).val(); // [name="tel"] [data-item="telphone"] var tel = _('[data-item="telphone"]', events.parent).val(); console.info(code); console.info(tel); if (tel.length < 1) { if (code.length < 1) { //alert(" !!"); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } else { //alert(" !"); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; }; } else { if (code.length < 1) { //alert(" !"); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } else { _.post("api/admin/passwordrecover/code", { // ValidateCode: code, StuPhone: tel }, function(r) { console.log(r); if (r.length > 0) { //alert(" !"); // _('#myModal').modal('show');// ! RefreshTool(3, tel, code); // app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover",function(){ // data-target:"#myModal"; // } /*app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "success", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent RefreshTool(3, tel); return;*/ } else { //alert(" ! !"); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " ! !!" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; }; }, "json"); }; } // /* var wait = 60; time:function (o){ if (wait == 0) { o.removeAttribute("disabled"); o.value=" "; wait = 60; } else { // www.jbxue.com o.setAttribute("disabled", true); o.value=" (" + wait + ")"; wait--; setTimeout(function() { time(o) }, 1000) } };*/ //window.location.href="http://www.baidu.com"; //RefreshTool(3); }, btnOK: function(sender, arg) { // var pwd1 = _('[data-item="password1"]', events.parent).val(); // [name="tel"] [data-item="telphone"] var pwd2 = _('[data-item="password2"]', events.parent).val(); console.info(pwd1); console.info(pwd2); if (pwd1 == pwd2) { //alert(" !"); _.post("api/admin/passwordrecover/save", { // pwd: pwd2, tel: _("#Last").attr("tel"), code: _("#Last").attr("code") }, function(r) { console.info(r); //alert(" !"); if (r.successTag == true) { console.info(r.successTag); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert1", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "success", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !!" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } else { console.info(r.successTag); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert1", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " !!!" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } }) } else { //alert(" , !"); app.tpl("Admin->passwordrecover.alert1", function(tpl, p) { var infom = tpl({ itype: "warning", // itype class alert-xxxx info: " , !!!" }, {}); p.html(infom); }, events.parent); //event ,parent return; } _("#Last").attr("tel") _("#Last").attr("code") //RefreshTool(1); } };
<div class="cpage container projects" id="${cid}"> <div class="page-header-deai"> <div class="container"> <h1> <span class="icon icon-home" event="back" url="paper" style="cursor: pointer;margin-right: 10px"></span> </h1> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-deai" /> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2"> <div id="Setp1" style="float:left;font-size:16px;width:250px;height: 40px; background: url('Context/images/password/u6.png');"> <img style="left:0px;top:0px;width:26px;height:41px;"src="Context/images/password/u4.png"/> <span >1. </span> </div> <div id="Setp2" style="float:left;font-size:16px;width:250px;height: 40px; background: url('Context/images/password/u36.png');"> <img style="left:0px;top:0px;width:26px;height:41px;"src="Context/images/password/u4.png"/> <span >2. </span> </div> <div id="Setp3" style="float:left;font-size:16px;width:250px;height: 40px; background: url('Context/images/password/u2.png');"> <img style="left:0px;top:0px;width:26px;height:41px;"src="Context/images/password/u44.png"/> <span >3. </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row" > <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2" > <div style="height:330px; BORDER-LEFT: 1px solid gray ;BORDER-RIGHT: 1px solid gray;BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px solid gray;BORDER-TOP: 1px solid gray;"> <br/> <div id="First" class="row" style="display:true;" > <div class="col-sm-6 "> <div class="thumbnail" > <img src="Context/images/paper/paper1.png" alt=" " style="width: 120px; margin-top: 20px;"/> <div style="padding: 25px;"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg" on="ByEmail"> </button> </div> <p><small> </small></p> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 "> <div class="thumbnail" > <img src="Context/images/paper/paper1.png" alt=" " style="width: 120px; margin-top: 20px;"/> <div style="padding: 25px;"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg" on="ByTel"> </button> </div> <p><small> </small></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Phone" style="text-align:center; display:none;" > <div class="btn-group " style="width:350px;"> <h4 style="float: left;"> </h4> <dl class="dl-horizontal" style="margin-top:50px;"> <dt> :</dt> <dd> <input type="text" class="form-control " name="tel" placeholder="Tel" data-item="telphone" value="${Data.telphone}" /> </dd> <br/> <dt> :</dt> <dd> <input type="text" class="form-control" data-item="code" value="${Data.code}"/> <u id="btn" style="cursor: pointer;" on="CodeOK" value=" "> </u> <small style="color:gray;">60s </small> </dd> <br/> <dt></dt> <dd> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" style="padding-left:25px;padding-right:25px;" on="TelOK"> </button> </dd> </dl> </div> <div tpl="alert"> {@if info} <tpl name="alert"> <div class="alert alert-${itype} fade in" role="alert">${info}</div> </tpl> {@/if} </div> </div> <div id="Email" style="text-align:center; display:none;" > <div class="btn-group " style="width:350px;"> <h4 style="float: left;"> </h4> <dl class="dl-horizontal" style="margin-top:50px;"> <dt> :</dt> <dd> <input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter email"/> </dd> <br/> <dt></dt> <dd> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" style="padding-left:25px;padding-right:25px;" on="EmailOK"> </button> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <!-- --> <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"> × </button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel"> </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> ! </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"> </button> </div> </div><!-- /.modal-content --> </div><!-- /.modal --> </div> <div id="Last" style="text-align:center;display:none;" > <div class="btn-group " style="width:350px;"> <h4 style="float: left;"> </h4> <dl class="dl-horizontal" style="margin-top:50px;"> <dt> :</dt> <dd> <input type="password" class="form-control" data-item="password1" placeholder="Password"/> </dd> <br/> <dt> :</dt> <dd> <input type="password" class="form-control" data-item="password2" placeholder="Password"/> </dd> <br/> <dt></dt> <dd> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" style="padding-left:25px;padding-right:25px;" on="btnOK"> </button> </dd> </dl> </div> <div tpl="alert1"> {@if info} <tpl name="alert1"> <div class="alert alert-${itype} fade in" role="alert1">${info}</div> </tpl> {@/if} </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <div tpl="modal"></div> </div>