
一つのdocumentに対して、sizeはN個のcharactersであり、M個のキーワードを含んだ辞書であり、このdocumentにこれらのキーワードを置き換えたり、見つけたりします.正則で一致する方式であれば、時間の複雑さはO(M*N)であるべきです.Flash Textアルゴリズムの時間複雑さはO(N)に達することができる.Aho Coraickと違って、Flash Textアルゴリズムはsub-strigsに一致しません.
FlashTextは完全な単語のみにマッチするように設計されています.たとえば入力された辞書は「Apple」です.アルゴリズムは「I like Pineapple」と一致するとは思いません.このアルゴリズムも最初に最長の整合を見つけるように設計された.入力辞書については、「Macine,Learning,Macine Learning」、文字列では「I like Machine learning」と、一番長いマッチングしか考えられません.つまり、Machine Learningです.
  • キーワード検索:もしソフトウェアエンジニアの履歴書reume(D)があると仮定して、20 Kのプログラミングスキルリストコーパス={java、python、javascript、Machine learning、...]があります.私たちはこの20 Kのプロジェクトの中でどの項目がレムに現れているかを探したいです.
  • キーワードの交換:もう一つのよくある使用事例は、同じ意味のコーポス={java script]、'javascript'、'javascript'、'javascript'、'javascript'、'javascript'、'javascript script'、...)があります.
  • このような問題を解決するために、Reglar-Expressionsは一般的に使われています.しかし、Regexは、copusプロジェクトのtermsの数が100の規模で比較的効果がありますが、termsは1000の規模で、かなり遅くなりました.NO.of termsが10 K規模で、no.of documentsが百万規模であれば、運行時間は何日間になりますか?
    NO.of termsが増加すると,Regexに必要な時間はほぼ直線的に増加する.しかし、Flash Textはほとんど定数です.
    import re
    compiled_regex= re.compile(r'\b2017\b|\b\d{4}\b')
    compiled_regex.findall('In 2017 2311 is my birthday.')
    # ['2017', '2311']
    import re
    re.sub(r"\bjave script\b", 'javascript', 'java script is awesome.')
    # 'javascript is awesome'
    2 Flash Text
    FlashTextは、基本trie tree(辞書ツリー、単語検索ツリーともいう)データ構造のアルゴリズムであり、Aho Coraickアルゴリズムによって啓発される.まず、すべての関連キーワードを入力として動作します.これらのキーワードでtrie dictionaryを作ります.
    このカバンが必要なら、pip install flashtextができます.
    Flash Textソースアドレスはhttps://github.com/vi3k6i5/flashtext
    import os
    import string
    import io
    class KeywordProcessor(object):
            _keyword (str): Used as key to store keywords in trie dictionary.
                Defaults to '_keyword_'
            non_word_boundaries (set(str)): Characters that will determine if the word is continuing.
                Defaults to set([A-Za-z0-9_])
            keyword_trie_dict (dict): Trie dict built character by character, that is used for lookup
                Defaults to empty dictionary
            case_sensitive (boolean): if the search algorithm should be case sensitive or not.
                Defaults to False
            >>> # import module
            >>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
            >>> # Create an object of KeywordProcessor
            >>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
            >>> # add keywords
            >>> keyword_names = ['NY', 'new-york', 'SF']
            >>> clean_names = ['new york', 'new york', 'san francisco']
            >>> for keyword_name, clean_name in zip(keyword_names, clean_names):
            >>>     keyword_processor.add_keyword(keyword_name, clean_name)
            >>> keywords_found = keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love SF and NY. new-york is the best.')
            >>> keywords_found
            >>> ['san francisco', 'new york', 'new york']
            * loosely based on `Aho-Corasick algorithm `_.
            * Idea came from this `Stack Overflow Question `_.
        def __init__(self, case_sensitive=False):
                case_sensitive (boolean): Keyword search should be case sensitive set or not.
                    Defaults to False
            self._keyword = '_keyword_'
            self._white_space_chars = set(['.', '\t', '
    ', '\a', ' ', ',']) try: # python 2.x self.non_word_boundaries = set(string.digits + string.letters + '_') except AttributeError: # python 3.x self.non_word_boundaries = set(string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '_') self.keyword_trie_dict = dict() self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive self._terms_in_trie = 0 def __len__(self): """Number of terms present in the keyword_trie_dict Returns: length : int Count of number of distinct terms in trie dictionary. """ return self._terms_in_trie def __contains__(self, word): """To check if word is present in the keyword_trie_dict Args: word : string word that you want to check Returns: status : bool If word is present as it is in keyword_trie_dict then we return True, else False Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple') >>> 'Big Apple' in keyword_processor >>> # True """ if not self.case_sensitive: word = word.lower() current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict len_covered = 0 for char in word: if char in current_dict: current_dict = current_dict[char] len_covered += 1 else: break return self._keyword in current_dict and len_covered == len(word) def __getitem__(self, word): """if word is present in keyword_trie_dict return the clean name for it. Args: word : string word that you want to check Returns: keyword : string If word is present as it is in keyword_trie_dict then we return keyword mapped to it. Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York') >>> keyword_processor['Big Apple'] >>> # New York """ if not self.case_sensitive: word = word.lower() current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict len_covered = 0 for char in word: if char in current_dict: current_dict = current_dict[char] len_covered += 1 else: break if self._keyword in current_dict and len_covered == len(word): return current_dict[self._keyword] def __setitem__(self, keyword, clean_name=None): """To add keyword to the dictionary pass the keyword and the clean name it maps to. Args: keyword : string keyword that you want to identify clean_name : string clean term for that keyword that you would want to get back in return or replace if not provided, keyword will be used as the clean name also. Examples: >>> keyword_processor['Big Apple'] = 'New York' """ status = False if not clean_name and keyword: clean_name = keyword if keyword and clean_name: if not self.case_sensitive: keyword = keyword.lower() current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict for letter in keyword: current_dict = current_dict.setdefault(letter, {}) if self._keyword not in current_dict: status = True self._terms_in_trie += 1 current_dict[self._keyword] = clean_name return status def __delitem__(self, keyword): """To remove keyword from the dictionary pass the keyword and the clean name it maps to. Args: keyword : string keyword that you want to remove if it's present Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple') >>> del keyword_processor['Big Apple'] """ status = False if keyword: if not self.case_sensitive: keyword = keyword.lower() current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict character_trie_list = [] for letter in keyword: if letter in current_dict: character_trie_list.append((letter, current_dict)) current_dict = current_dict[letter] else: # if character is not found, break out of the loop current_dict = None break # remove the characters from trie dict if there are no other keywords with them if current_dict and self._keyword in current_dict: # we found a complete match for input keyword. character_trie_list.append((self._keyword, current_dict)) character_trie_list.reverse() for key_to_remove, dict_pointer in character_trie_list: if len(dict_pointer.keys()) == 1: dict_pointer.pop(key_to_remove) else: # more than one key means more than 1 path. # Delete not required path and keep the other dict_pointer.pop(key_to_remove) break # successfully removed keyword status = True self._terms_in_trie -= 1 return status def __iter__(self): """Disabled iteration as get_all_keywords() is the right way to iterate """ raise NotImplementedError("Please use get_all_keywords() instead") def set_non_word_boundaries(self, non_word_boundaries): """set of characters that will be considered as part of word. Args: non_word_boundaries (set(str)): Set of characters that will be considered as part of word. """ self.non_word_boundaries = non_word_boundaries def add_non_word_boundary(self, character): """add a character that will be considered as part of word. Args: character (char): Character that will be considered as part of word. """ self.non_word_boundaries.add(character) def add_keyword(self, keyword, clean_name=None): """To add one or more keywords to the dictionary pass the keyword and the clean name it maps to. Args: keyword : string keyword that you want to identify clean_name : string clean term for that keyword that you would want to get back in return or replace if not provided, keyword will be used as the clean name also. Returns: status : bool The return value. True for success, False otherwise. Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York') >>> # This case 'Big Apple' will return 'New York' >>> # OR >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple') >>> # This case 'Big Apple' will return 'Big Apple' """ return self.__setitem__(keyword, clean_name) def remove_keyword(self, keyword): """To remove one or more keywords from the dictionary pass the keyword and the clean name it maps to. Args: keyword : string keyword that you want to remove if it's present Returns: status : bool The return value. True for success, False otherwise. Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple') >>> keyword_processor.remove_keyword('Big Apple') >>> # Returns True >>> # This case 'Big Apple' will no longer be a recognized keyword >>> keyword_processor.remove_keyword('Big Apple') >>> # Returns False """ return self.__delitem__(keyword) def get_keyword(self, word): """if word is present in keyword_trie_dict return the clean name for it. Args: word : string word that you want to check Returns: keyword : string If word is present as it is in keyword_trie_dict then we return keyword mapped to it. Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York') >>> keyword_processor.get('Big Apple') >>> # New York """ return self.__getitem__(word) def add_keyword_from_file(self, keyword_file, encoding="utf-8"): """To add keywords from a file Args: keyword_file : path to keywords file encoding : specify the encoding of the file Examples: keywords file format can be like: >>> # Option 1: keywords.txt content >>> # java_2e=>java >>> # java programing=>java >>> # product management=>product management >>> # product management techniques=>product management >>> # Option 2: keywords.txt content >>> # java >>> # python >>> # c++ >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword_from_file('keywords.txt') Raises: IOError: If `keyword_file` path is not valid """ if not os.path.isfile(keyword_file): raise IOError("Invalid file path {}".format(keyword_file)) with io.open(keyword_file, encoding=encoding) as f: for line in f: if '=>' in line: keyword, clean_name = line.split('=>') self.add_keyword(keyword, clean_name.strip()) else: keyword = line.strip() self.add_keyword(keyword) def add_keywords_from_dict(self, keyword_dict): """To add keywords from a dictionary Args: keyword_dict (dict): A dictionary with `str` key and (list `str`) as value Examples: >>> keyword_dict = { "java": ["java_2e", "java programing"], "product management": ["PM", "product manager"] } >>> keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_dict(keyword_dict) Raises: AttributeError: If value for a key in `keyword_dict` is not a list. """ for clean_name, keywords in keyword_dict.items(): if not isinstance(keywords, list): raise AttributeError("Value of key {} should be a list".format(clean_name)) for keyword in keywords: self.add_keyword(keyword, clean_name) def remove_keywords_from_dict(self, keyword_dict): """To remove keywords from a dictionary Args: keyword_dict (dict): A dictionary with `str` key and (list `str`) as value Examples: >>> keyword_dict = { "java": ["java_2e", "java programing"], "product management": ["PM", "product manager"] } >>> keyword_processor.remove_keywords_from_dict(keyword_dict) Raises: AttributeError: If value for a key in `keyword_dict` is not a list. """ for clean_name, keywords in keyword_dict.items(): if not isinstance(keywords, list): raise AttributeError("Value of key {} should be a list".format(clean_name)) for keyword in keywords: self.remove_keyword(keyword) def add_keywords_from_list(self, keyword_list): """To add keywords from a list Args: keyword_list (list(str)): List of keywords to add Examples: >>> keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_list(["java", "python"]}) Raises: AttributeError: If `keyword_list` is not a list. """ if not isinstance(keyword_list, list): raise AttributeError("keyword_list should be a list") for keyword in keyword_list: self.add_keyword(keyword) def remove_keywords_from_list(self, keyword_list): """To remove keywords present in list Args: keyword_list (list(str)): List of keywords to remove Examples: >>> keyword_processor.remove_keywords_from_list(["java", "python"]}) Raises: AttributeError: If `keyword_list` is not a list. """ if not isinstance(keyword_list, list): raise AttributeError("keyword_list should be a list") for keyword in keyword_list: self.remove_keyword(keyword) def get_all_keywords(self, term_so_far='', current_dict=None): """Recursively builds a dictionary of keywords present in the dictionary And the clean name mapped to those keywords. Args: term_so_far : string term built so far by adding all previous characters current_dict : dict current recursive position in dictionary Returns: terms_present : dict A map of key and value where each key is a term in the keyword_trie_dict. And value mapped to it is the clean name mapped to it. Examples: >>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor() >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('j2ee', 'Java') >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Python', 'Python') >>> keyword_processor.get_all_keywords() >>> {'j2ee': 'Java', 'python': 'Python'} >>> # NOTE: for case_insensitive all keys will be lowercased. """ terms_present = {} if not term_so_far: term_so_far = '' if current_dict is None: current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict for key in current_dict: if key == '_keyword_': terms_present[term_so_far] = current_dict[key] else: sub_values = self.get_all_keywords(term_so_far + key, current_dict[key]) for key in sub_values: terms_present[key] = sub_values[key] return terms_present def extract_keywords(self, sentence, span_info=False): """Searches in the string for all keywords present in corpus. Keywords present are added to a list `keywords_extracted` and returned. Args: sentence (str): Line of text where we will search for keywords Returns: keywords_extracted (list(str)): List of terms/keywords found in sentence that match our corpus Examples: >>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor >>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor() >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York') >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Bay Area') >>> keywords_found = keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love Big Apple and Bay Area.') >>> keywords_found >>> ['New York', 'Bay Area'] """ keywords_extracted = [] if not sentence: # if sentence is empty or none just return empty list return keywords_extracted if not self.case_sensitive: sentence = sentence.lower() current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict sequence_start_pos = 0 sequence_end_pos = 0 reset_current_dict = False idx = 0 sentence_len = len(sentence) while idx < sentence_len: char = sentence[idx] # when we reach a character that might denote word end if char not in self.non_word_boundaries: # if end is present in current_dict if self._keyword in current_dict or char in current_dict: # update longest sequence found sequence_found = None longest_sequence_found = None is_longer_seq_found = False if self._keyword in current_dict: sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword] longest_sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword] sequence_end_pos = idx # re look for longest_sequence from this position if char in current_dict: current_dict_continued = current_dict[char] idy = idx + 1 while idy < sentence_len: inner_char = sentence[idy] if inner_char not in self.non_word_boundaries and self._keyword in current_dict_continued: # update longest sequence found longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword] sequence_end_pos = idy is_longer_seq_found = True if inner_char in current_dict_continued: current_dict_continued = current_dict_continued[inner_char] else: break idy += 1 else: # end of sentence reached. if self._keyword in current_dict_continued: # update longest sequence found longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword] sequence_end_pos = idy is_longer_seq_found = True if is_longer_seq_found: idx = sequence_end_pos current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict if longest_sequence_found: keywords_extracted.append((longest_sequence_found, sequence_start_pos, idx)) reset_current_dict = True else: # we reset current_dict current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict reset_current_dict = True elif char in current_dict: # we can continue from this char current_dict = current_dict[char] else: # we reset current_dict current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict reset_current_dict = True # skip to end of word idy = idx + 1 while idy < sentence_len: char = sentence[idy] if char not in self.non_word_boundaries: break idy += 1 idx = idy # if we are end of sentence and have a sequence discovered if idx + 1 >= sentence_len: if self._keyword in current_dict: sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword] keywords_extracted.append((sequence_found, sequence_start_pos, sentence_len)) idx += 1 if reset_current_dict: reset_current_dict = False sequence_start_pos = idx if span_info: return keywords_extracted return [value[0] for value in keywords_extracted] def replace_keywords(self, sentence): """Searches in the string for all keywords present in corpus. Keywords present are replaced by the clean name and a new string is returned. Args: sentence (str): Line of text where we will replace keywords Returns: new_sentence (str): Line of text with replaced keywords Examples: >>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor >>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor() >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York') >>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Bay Area') >>> new_sentence = keyword_processor.replace_keywords('I love Big Apple and bay area.') >>> new_sentence >>> 'I love New York and Bay Area.' """ if not sentence: # if sentence is empty or none just return the same. return sentence new_sentence = [] orig_sentence = sentence if not self.case_sensitive: sentence = sentence.lower() current_word = '' current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict current_white_space = '' sequence_end_pos = 0 idx = 0 sentence_len = len(sentence) while idx < sentence_len: char = sentence[idx] current_word += orig_sentence[idx] # when we reach whitespace if char not in self.non_word_boundaries: current_white_space = char # if end is present in current_dict if self._keyword in current_dict or char in current_dict: # update longest sequence found sequence_found = None longest_sequence_found = None is_longer_seq_found = False if self._keyword in current_dict: sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword] longest_sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword] sequence_end_pos = idx # re look for longest_sequence from this position if char in current_dict: current_dict_continued = current_dict[char] current_word_continued = current_word idy = idx + 1 while idy < sentence_len: inner_char = sentence[idy] current_word_continued += orig_sentence[idy] if inner_char not in self.non_word_boundaries and self._keyword in current_dict_continued: # update longest sequence found current_white_space = inner_char longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword] sequence_end_pos = idy is_longer_seq_found = True if inner_char in current_dict_continued: current_dict_continued = current_dict_continued[inner_char] else: break idy += 1 else: # end of sentence reached. if self._keyword in current_dict_continued: # update longest sequence found current_white_space = '' longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword] sequence_end_pos = idy is_longer_seq_found = True if is_longer_seq_found: idx = sequence_end_pos current_word = current_word_continued current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict if longest_sequence_found: new_sentence.append(longest_sequence_found + current_white_space) current_word = '' current_white_space = '' else: new_sentence.append(current_word) current_word = '' current_white_space = '' else: # we reset current_dict current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict new_sentence.append(current_word) current_word = '' current_white_space = '' elif char in current_dict: # we can continue from this char current_dict = current_dict[char] else: # we reset current_dict current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict # skip to end of word idy = idx + 1 while idy < sentence_len: char = sentence[idy] current_word += orig_sentence[idy] if char not in self.non_word_boundaries: break idy += 1 idx = idy new_sentence.append(current_word) current_word = '' current_white_space = '' # if we are end of sentence and have a sequence discovered if idx + 1 >= sentence_len: if self._keyword in current_dict: sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword] new_sentence.append(sequence_found) else: new_sentence.append(current_word) idx += 1 return "".join(new_sentence)
    import random
    import re
    import string
    import time
    def get_word_of_length(str_length):
        # generate a random word of given length
        return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(str_length))
    # generate a list of 100K words of randomly chosen size
    all_words = [get_word_of_length(random.choice([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])) for i in range(100000)]
    print('Count  | FlashText | Regex     |')
    for keywords_length in [0, 1000, 5000, 10000, 15000]:
        # chose 1000 terms and create a string to search in .
        all_words_chosen = random.sample(all_words, 1000)
        story = ' '.join(all_words_chosen)
        # get unique keywords from the l i s t of words generated .
        unique_keywords_sublist = list(set(random.sample(all_words, keywords_length)))
        # compile Regex
        compiled_re = re.compile('|'.join([r'\b' + keyword + r'\b' for keyword in unique_keywords_sublist]))
        # add keywords to Flashtext
        keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
        # keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_list(unique_keywords_sublist)
        for keyword in unique_keywords_sublist:
        # time the modules
        start = time.time()
        _ = keyword_processor.extract_keywords(story)
        mid = time.time()
        _ = compiled_re.findall(story)
        end = time.time()
        # print output
        print(str(keywords_length).ljust(6), '|',
              "{0:.5f}".format(mid - start).ljust(9), '|',
              "{0:.5f}".format(end - mid).ljust(9), '|', )
    Count  | FlashText | Regex     |
    0      | 0.00083   | 0.00069   |
    1000   | 0.00106   | 0.00716   |
    5000   | 0.00110   | 0.03609   |
    10000  | 0.00121   | 0.07547   |
    15000  | 0.00155   | 0.11627   |