
2990 ワード

元ネタ:char*str(const char*str 1、const char*str 2);include<string.h>は、str 2文字列がstr 1文字列で初めて出現する位置(str 2の列の終端符を含まない)を探し出す。この位置のポインタを返します。見つからない場合は、空のポインタを返します。Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of strearch in str,or NULL if strearch does not appar in str.Ifstr Search points to a string ofゼロlength,the function returns str.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma warning (disable:4996)
char *mystrstr(char *s1,char *s2);
int main(void)
 char *s="Golden Global View";
 char *l="ob";   //char *l=""
 char *p;
 if (p!=NULL)
  printf("Not Found!
 return 0;
/*FROM */
char *mystrstr(char *s1,char *s2)
 int n;
 if (*s2)                      //
            for (n=0;*(s1+n)==*(s2+n);n++)
    if (!*(s2+n+1))            // '\0'
     return (char*)s1;
  return NULL;
  return (char*)s1;

char *  strstr (buf, sub)
     register char *buf;
     register char *sub;
    register char *bp;
    register char *sp;
    if (!*sub)
      return buf;
    while (*buf)
        bp = buf;
        sp = sub;
        do {
            if (!*sp)
              return buf;
        } while (*bp++ == *sp++);
        buf += 1;
    return 0;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//c strstr
const char* isSub(const char* str, const char *subs){
  return str;
 const char* tmp=str;
 while (*tmp!='\0')
  const char* tmp1=tmp;
  const char* sub1=subs;
  while (*sub1!='\0'&&*tmp1!='\0')
   // ,
   if (*sub1!=*tmp1)
   if (*sub1==*tmp1&&*(sub1+1)=='\0')
    return tmp;
   if (*sub1==*tmp1)
 return NULL;
int main(){
 char* str1="ababcdddb";
 char* str="";
 const char *res=isSub(str1,str);
 if (res!=NULL)
  cout << res << endl;
  cout << "null" << endl;
 //cout << isSub(str1,str) << endl;
 return 0;