geometry > calculate polar and azimuth angles from (x,y,z) vector > Equations and Numpy Implementation > > v0.1..v0.3

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This is an English version of this article.

The equation of gamma is modified to use arctan2().
In addition, the code is modified (refactored) a little.


We introduce the calculation of the zenith and azimuth angles from a (x,y,z) vector.
The zenith angle is in [0, pi) and the azimuth is in [0, 2pi), where [ and ( denote open and closed, respectively.


Definition of the zenith and azimuth angles

We define the zenith and azimuth angles as $\beta$ and $\gamma$.

The (x,y,z) and the ($\beta$ and $\gamma$) is related as follows:

x = cos\gamma sin\beta ... (1) \\
y = sin\gamma sin\beta ... (2) \\
z = cos\beta ...(3)

Definition of the directions

We define $\beta$ and $\gamma$ as follows in terms of the directions.

  • for $\beta$ = 0
    • x = 0, y = 0, z = 1
    • > corresponds to z axis
  • for $\gamma$ = 0
    • x = $sin\beta$
    • y = 0
    • (z = $cos\beta$)
    • > corresponds to x axis in (x,y) plane

Equation of beta

From Eq.(3)

\beta = arccos(z) ... (4)

By using numpy.arccos(), the range of beta is [0, pi).

Equation of gamma

From Eq.(2) divided by Eq.(1)

\frac{y}{x} = \frac{\sin\gamma}{\cos\gamma} = tan\gamma ... (5.1)
\gamma = arctan(\frac{y}{x}) ... (5.2)

numpy.arctan2() returns values in [-pi, pi).
The value is converted to [0, 2pi) for the convenience of the later data processing.

Numpy Implemantation v0.1..v0.3
import numpy as np
import sys

v0.3 Dec. 17, 2017
    - refactor > rename functions by adding "_rad"
    - refactor > add function comment
v0.2 Dec. 10, 2017
    - fix bug: calc_gamma_rad() was too complicated
        _+ use arctan2()
    - add Test_group_run_random()
v0.1 Dec. 09, 2017
    - add Test_group_run_axes()
    - add calc_gamma_rad()
    - add calc_beta_rad()

def calc_beta_rad(pvec):
    polar angle [0, pi]
    return np.arccos(pvec[2])  # arccos:[0, pi]

def calc_gamma_rad(pvec):
    azimuth angle [0, 2pi]
    gamma = np.arctan2(pvec[1], pvec[0])
    if gamma < 0.0:
        gamma += 2 * np.pi
    return gamma

def Test_group_run_axes():
    pvecs = [
        [0, 0, 1],  # z direction
        [0, 0, -1],  # z direction
        [0, 1, 0],  # y direction
        [0, -1, 0],  # y direction
        [1, 0, 0],  # x direction
        [-1, 0, 0],  # x direction
    for elem in pvecs:
        beta_rad = calc_beta_rad(elem)
        gamma_rad = calc_gamma_rad(elem)

        fmt = "{0} \tbeta:{1:.5f} gamma:{2:.5f}"
        msg = fmt.format(elem, beta_rad, gamma_rad)

def Test_calc_xyz(beta_rad, gamma_rad):
    rad = 1.0  # radius
    resx = rad * np.cos(gamma_rad) * np.sin(beta_rad)
    resy = rad * np.sin(gamma_rad) * np.sin(beta_rad)
    resz = rad * np.cos(beta_rad)
    return resx, resy, resz

def Test_group_run_random():
    bt_stp = np.pi / 4.0  # beta step
    gm_stp = np.pi / 4.0  # gamma step
    for bt_in in np.arange(0.0, np.pi, bt_stp):
        for gm_in in np.arange(0.0, 2 * np.pi, gm_stp):
            # print(bt_in, gm_in)
            wrk = Test_calc_xyz(bt_in, gm_in)
            bt_out = calc_beta_rad(wrk)
            gm_out = calc_gamma_rad(wrk)
            if abs(gm_in - gm_out) > sys.float_info.epsilon:
                print("%+.5e" % (gm_in - gm_out), end=' ')
                print("NG:", end=" ")
            msg = ','.join("%+.5f" % elem for elem in wrk)
            print(msg, end=' -- ')
            fmt = "b{0:.5f} b{1:.5f} g{2:.5f} g{3:.5f}"
            msg = fmt.format(bt_in, bt_out, gm_in, gm_out)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Run example

The above code executes the Test_group_run_random().
In the Test_group_run_random(), $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are taken evenly in the each dimension.

$ python3 
+7.85398e-01 NG: +0.00000,+0.00000,+1.00000 -- b0.00000 b0.00000 g0.78540 g0.00000
+1.57080e+00 NG: +0.00000,+0.00000,+1.00000 -- b0.00000 b0.00000 g1.57080 g0.00000
-7.85398e-01 NG: -0.00000,+0.00000,+1.00000 -- b0.00000 b0.00000 g2.35619 g3.14159
+7.85398e-01 NG: -0.00000,-0.00000,+1.00000 -- b0.00000 b0.00000 g3.92699 g3.14159
+1.57080e+00 NG: -0.00000,-0.00000,+1.00000 -- b0.00000 b0.00000 g4.71239 g3.14159
+5.49779e+00 NG: +0.00000,-0.00000,+1.00000 -- b0.00000 b0.00000 g5.49779 g-0.00000
+4.44089e-16 NG: -0.50000,-0.50000,+0.70711 -- b0.78540 b0.78540 g3.92699 g3.92699
+4.44089e-16 NG: -0.70711,-0.70711,+0.00000 -- b1.57080 b1.57080 g3.92699 g3.92699

There are several errors.

  • (0, 0, 1) returns gamma errors
    • Since the value of gamma is degenerated
  • error of 4.4e-16 in the last two lines
    • sys.float_info_epsilon is 2.220e-16
    • the errors (4.4e-16) is twice of the sys.float_info_epsilon

answered Mar 2 '12 at 5:51

But don't forget the pitfalls of using it as an absolute error margin for floating point comparisons. E.g. for large numbers, rounding error could exceed epsilon.

Maybe, pitfalls...