PostgreSQL: デフォルトの権限を確認するSQL


SELECT rolname   as owner,
       nspname   as schema,
       case defaclobjtype
           when 'r' then 'table'
           when 'S' then 'sequence'
           when 'f' then 'function'
           when 'T' then 'type'
           when 'n' then 'schema'
           else 'other'
           end   as type,
       defaclacl as access_privileges
FROM pg_default_acl acl
         JOIN pg_namespace ON acl.defaclnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
         JOIN pg_authid on acl.defaclrole = pg_authid.oid
order by owner, schema, type


      rolename=xxxx -- privileges granted to a role
              =xxxx -- privileges granted to PUBLIC

                  r -- SELECT ("read")
                  w -- UPDATE ("write")
                  a -- INSERT ("append")
                  d -- DELETE
                  x -- REFERENCES
                  t -- TRIGGER
                  X -- EXECUTE
                  U -- USAGE
                  C -- CREATE
                  c -- CONNECT
                  T -- TEMPORARY
             arwdxt -- ALL PRIVILEGES (for tables)
                  * -- grant option for preceding privilege

              /yyyy -- role that granted this privilege