The Java™ Tutorils-Concerency:Pausing Execution with SleepはSleepでスレッドを停止して実行します。

The Java™ Tutorils-Concerency:Pausing Execution with SleepはSleepでスレッドを停止して実行します。
スレッドの休止が中断されると、sleep方法はInterruptedException をスローします。
Thread. sleep causes the current thread to suspend exection for a speciiifed period.Thisisisisaefficinentmeans of making processor time available to the the the the thethethe aaplication or or or thethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethethetheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppplicininininininproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproprotititititititititititiフォロワー、and waiting for another thread with duties that are undestood to have time requirements、as with the SimpleThexample in a later section.
Twowooverloaded versions of sleep are provided:one that speciiiifes the sleep time to the mimilisecond and one speciiies the sleeptime the naosecond.However,these ssleeptimes the at Alititititinininininininininininininininininininininininininininat thet thethetheaat thethethetheaaaattttttttttggggggggthethethethethethererereredededededededededededededededededededededededededededededebe terminated by interrupts、as we’ll see in later section.In any case,you cannot asume that invoking sleep will suspend the thread for precisely the time period specified.
The SleepMessage s example uses sleep to print messages at four-second intervals:
このSleep Messageのサンプルは、Sleepを利用して、4秒ごとにメッセージを印刷する機能を実現する。
public class SleepMessages {
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {
String importantInfo[] = {
"Mares eat oats",
"Does eat oats",
"Little lambs eat ivy",
"A kid will eat ivy too"

for (int i = 0;i < importantInfo.length; i++) {
//Pause for 4 seconds
//Print a message
Notice that mann declears that it throws InterruptedException.This is an exception that sleep throws when another thread interrupts the current thread while sleep is active.Since appis appination therept theretch