


 01-01 08:26:43.507: DEBUG/InCallScreen(1409):   - mLastDisconnectCause = NORMAL  01-01 08:27:01.515: DEBUG/InCallScreen(1409):   - mLastDisconnectCause = LOCAL
01-02 17:21:36.304: DEBUG/InCallScreen(1383):   - mLastDisconnectCause = ERROR_UNSPECIFIED
内訳://DisconnectCause values in the most common scenarios://-INCOMING_MISSED: incoming ringing call times out, or the  other end hangs up while still ringing                //- INCOMING_REJECTED: user rejects the call while ringing                //- LOCAL: user hung up while a call was active (after answering an incoming call, or after making an  outgoing call)                //- NORMAL: the other end hung up (after answering an incoming   call, or after making an outgoing call)
    private void delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() {
        if (VDBG) log("delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect()...  Phone state = " + mCM.getState());

        // Clean up any connections in the DISCONNECTED state.
        // [Background: Even after a connection gets disconnected, its
        // Connection object still stays around, in the special
        // DISCONNECTED state.  This is necessary because we we need the
        // caller-id information from that Connection to properly draw the
        // "Call ended" state of the CallCard.
        //   But at this point we truly don't need that connection any
        // more, so tell the Phone that it's now OK to to clean up any
        // connections still in that state.]

        if (!phoneIsInUse()) {
            // Phone is idle!  We should exit this screen now.
            if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: phone is idle...");

            // And (finally!) exit from the in-call screen
            // (but not if we're already in the process of pausing...)
            if (mIsForegroundActivity) {
                if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: finishing InCallScreen...");

                // In some cases we finish the call by taking the user to the
                // Call Log.  Otherwise, we simply call endInCallScreenSession,
                // which will take us back to wherever we came from.
                // UI note: In eclair and earlier, we went to the Call Log
                // after outgoing calls initiated on the device, but never for
                // incoming calls.  Now we do it for incoming calls too, as
                // long as the call was answered by the user.  (We always go
                // back where you came from after a rejected or missed incoming
                // call.)
                // And in any case, *never* go to the call log if we're in
                // emergency mode (i.e. if the screen is locked and a lock
                // pattern or PIN/password is set.)

                if (VDBG) log("- Post-call behavior:");
                if (VDBG) log("  - mLastDisconnectCause = " + mLastDisconnectCause);
                if (VDBG) log("  - isPhoneStateRestricted() = " + isPhoneStateRestricted());
                mNumberAll ++;
                Log.e("mNumber", "mNumberAll==="+mNumberAll);
                	mNumberFail ++;
                	Log.e("mNumber", "Failure number==="+mNumberFail);
                Log.e("mNumber", "mNumberFail/mNumberAll==="+mNumberAll +"/"+ mNumberAll);

                // DisconnectCause values in the most common scenarios:
                // - INCOMING_MISSED: incoming ringing call times out, or the
                //                    other end hangs up while still ringing
                // - INCOMING_REJECTED: user rejects the call while ringing
                // - LOCAL: user hung up while a call was active (after
                //          answering an incoming call, or after making an
                //          outgoing call)
                // - NORMAL: the other end hung up (after answering an incoming
                //           call, or after making an outgoing call)

				//Mod by kylin 2011.10.21 begin	    //Open by kylin 2012.03.22
                if ((mLastDisconnectCause != Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED)
                        && (mLastDisconnectCause != Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED)
                        && !isPhoneStateRestricted()) {
                    if (VDBG) log("- Show Call Log after disconnect...");
                    final Intent intent = PhoneApp.createCallLogIntent();
                    // Even in this case we still call endInCallScreenSession (below),
                    // to make sure we don't stay in the activity history.
                //Mod by kylin 2011.10.21 begin	
        } else {
            // The phone is still in use.  Stay here in this activity, but
            // we don't need to keep the screen on.
            if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: staying on the InCallScreen...");
            if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState();