
1. Architecture

1.1 Infra

1.2 Service

3. Requirements

  • Configured VPC
  • Jenkins server
  • GitLab server
  • AMI with CodeDeploy agent
  • 4. Target Group

    EC2 → Target groups → Create target group
    Choose a target type: InstancesTarget group name: prd-apn2-test-web-tgProtocol: HTTP : 80VPC: prd-apn2-test-vpcHealth checks: HTTPHealth check path: /

    5. Security Group

    5.1 Web Load Balancer

    EC2 → Security Groups → Create security group
    Security group name: prd-apn2-test-web-xalb-sgDescription: Allows HTTP and HTTPS to clientsVPC: prd-apn2-test-vpcInbound rules:
         TCP: 80 , Source: , Description: All openTages:
         Key: Name , Value: prd-apn2-test-web-xalb-sg

    5.2 Web Auto Scaling Group

    Security group name: prd-apn2-test-web-asg-sgDescription: Allows HTTP to Web Load BalancerVPC: prd-apn2-test-vpcInbound rules:
         TCP: 80 , Source: prd-apn2-test-web-xalb-sg , Description: Allow HTTP to Web Load Balancer

    6. ELB

    EC2 → Load Balancers → Create Load Balancer
    Load balancer types: Application Load BalancerLoad balancer name: prd-apn2-test-web-xalbScheme: Internet-facingIP address type: IPv4VPC: prd-apn2-test-vpcMappings: ap-northeast-2a(pub) , ap-northeast-2c(pub)Security Groups: prd-apn2-test-web-xalb-sgListeners and routing:
         Protocol: HTTP     Port: 80     Default action: prd-apn2-test-web-tg

    7. IAM

    7.1 EC2

    IAM → Roles → Create role
    Trusted entity type AWS service Use case
    Common use cases: EC2
    Add permissions: AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy

    Role name: EC2TestWebASGCodeDeployRole

    7.2 CodeDeploy

    7.2.1 Policy

    IAM → Policy → Create Policy
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"

    Name: AWSCodeDeployRoleForAutoScaling

    7.2.2 Roles

    IAM → Roles → Create role
    Trusted entity typeAWS service Use case
    Use cases for other AWS services: CodeDeploy

    Add permissions
    Set permissions boundary - optional
    Create role without a permissions boundary
    Name, review, and create
    Role name: AWSCodeDeployRoleForAutoScaling
    Permissions → Add permissions → Attach policies

    AWS CodeDeployRoleForAutoScalingアプリケーションの検証

    7.3 Jenkins

    IAM → Users → Add users
    Username: JenkinsForCodeDeploySelect AWS credential type
    Access key - Programmatic access
    Set permissions
    Attach existing policies directly: AWSCodeDeployFullAccess , AmazonS3FullAccess

    8. AMI

    Create an AMI from an Amazon EC2 Instance
    Image name: prd-apn2-test-web-ami

    9. Launch templates

    EC2 → Launch Templates
    Launch template name: prd-apn2-test-web-templateApplication and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) - required
         MY AMI: prd-apn2-test-web-amiInstance type: t2.micro
    key pair name: prd-test-web-ec2-keySubnet: Don’t include in launch templateSecurity groups: prd-apn2-test-web-asg-sg
    Configure storage: 1x 30GiB , gp2 Root volume
    Advanced details
    IAM instance profile: EC2TestWebASGCodeDeployRole

    10. Auto Scaling

    EC2 → Auto Scaling groups
    Auto Scaling group name: prd-apn2-test-web-asgVersion: Latest
    VPC: prod-apn2-test-vpcAvailability Zones and subnets: prd-apn2-test-pri-2a , prd-apn2-test-pri-2c
    Attach to an existing load balancer Choose from your load balancer target groups Existing load balancer target groups: prd-apn2-test-web-tg
    Group size
         Desired capacity: 2     Minimum capacity: 2     Maximum capacity: 4Scaling policies
    Target Tracking scaling policy
    Scaling policy name: Target Tracking PolicyMetric type: Average CPU untilizationTarget value: 40Instances need: 300 Add notifications
    Add tags
    Key: NameValue - optional: prd-apn2-test-web-asg

    11. CodeDeploy

    11.1 Application

    CodeDeploy → Applications → Create application
    Application name: test-webCompute platform:EC2/On-premises

    11.2 Deployment Groups

    Deployment Groups → Create deployment group
    Enter a deployment group name: prd-test-web
    Service role
    Enter a service role: arn:aws:iam::400450079911:role/AWSCodeDeployRoleForAutoScaling
    Deployment type
    Choose how to deploy your application: Blue/green
    Environment configurationAutomatically copy Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group prd-apn2-test-web-asg Deployment settings
    Traffic rerouting: Reroute traffic immediatelyChoose whether instances in the original environment are terminated after the deployment is succeeds, and how long to wait before termination
          Terminate the original instances in the deployment group     Days: 0 /Hours: 0 /Minutes: 10Deployment configuration: CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce
    Load balancer
    Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer
    Choose a target group: prd-apn2-test-web-tg

    12. S3

    S3 → Buckets → Create bucket
    General configuration
    Bucket name: test-jenkins-deploy-s3AWS Region: ap-northeast-2
    Object Ownership
    Object Ownership: ACLs disabled (recommended)
    Block Public Access settings for this bucket
    Block all public access Bucket Versioning
    Bucket Versioning: Disable
    Default encryption!

    13. Jenkins

    13.1 Setting Up the Jenkins Plugin for AWS CodeDeploy

    13.2 Pipeline

    Choose New Item Freestyle project
    Enter a name for the project: test-web-prd
    Post-build Actions: Deploy an application to AWS CodeDeploy
    Deploy an application to AWS CodeDeploy
    AWS CodeDeploy Application Name: test-webAWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group: prd-test-webAWS CodeDeploy Deployment Config: CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnceAWS Region: AP_NORTHEAST_2S3 Bucket: test-jenkins-deploy-s3Include Files: dist/**, scripts/*.sh, nginx.conf, appspec.yml
    Use Access/Secret keys
    AWS Access Key: {AWS Access Key}AWS Secret Key: {AWS Secret Key}

    14. Checking Deploy Process

    14.1. Jenkins Build

    Build Now

    14.2. S3 Build File

    Check if the file built on S3 has been successfully uploaded.
    Download uncompress the file, then you'll see the files that you uploaded as Include Files.

    14.3. Checking CodeDeploy

    CodeDeploy → Deployments → Deployment history

    14.4. Checking Target groups

    EC2 → Target Groups
    Check the Health status

    14.4. Checking ALB

    Copy the DNS name address and test if you can access the website with the address.