Sharepoint 2010を利用して全文検索を行うDemo
7472 ワード
public class SharepointSearch
public static DataTable Search(List<string> column, List<string> scope, string searchWords, IndexServiceSearchOption searchOption)
QueryWebServiceProxy.QueryService queryService = new QueryWebServiceProxy.QueryService();
queryService.Url = APJ.Util.Utility.GetAppSetting("SharepointServer");
//queryService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
queryService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(" ", " ", " ");
System.Data.DataSet queryResults = queryService.QueryEx(BuildQueryText(column, scope, searchWords, searchOption));
DataTable indexResult = queryResults.Tables[0];
string rootPath = APJ.Util.Utility.GetAppSetting("SaveFilePath").Trim().ToLower();
for (int i = 0; i < indexResult.Rows.Count; i++)
indexResult.Rows[i][0] = indexResult.Rows[i][0].ToString().Replace("/", "\\");
indexResult.Rows[i][0] = indexResult.Rows[i][0].ToString().Replace("file:" + rootPath, "");
//add by zjy 20140620, log sharepoint service infomation
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.Append("Sharepoint Serch Log
string scopes = "";
foreach (string s in scope)
scopes += s + "|";
msg.Append(string.Format("RootPath:{0} , SharepointServer:{1} , Scope:{2} , Keywords:{3}
", rootPath, "url", scopes, searchWords));
msg.Append(string.Format("Result count:{0}
", indexResult.Rows.Count));
msg.Append("Result count:
for (int x = 0; x < indexResult.Rows.Count; x++)
msg.Append(indexResult.Rows[x][0] + "
APJ.Util.Log.WindowLog.Log(msg.ToString(), APJ.Util.Log.LogType.Message, "SysLog");
return indexResult;
catch (Exception ex)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
return dt;
private static string ParseKeywords(string keyWords, IndexServiceSearchOption searchOption)
string[] strArray = keyWords.Split((char[])new char[] { ' ' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (searchOption.Equals(IndexServiceSearchOption.And))
return "FREETEXT(DEFAULTPROPERTIES,\'" + keyWords + "\')";
else if (searchOption.Equals(IndexServiceSearchOption.Or))
for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i = (int)(i + 1))
strArray[i] = "FREETEXT(DEFAULTPROPERTIES,\'" + strArray[i] + "\')";
string str = " Or ";
return string.Join(str, strArray);
return "FREETEXT(DEFAULTPROPERTIES,\'" + keyWords + "\')";
private static string ParseColumn(List<string> column)
//Join Column as: Column1 , Column2...
//if the column.count <1 ,then select all column
string returnParseColumn = string.Empty;
StringBuilder queryColumn = new StringBuilder(250);
if (column == null || column.Count < 1)
queryColumn.Append("Title, Rank, Size, Description, Write, Path");
returnParseColumn = queryColumn.ToString();
foreach (string _column in column)
queryColumn.Append(_column + ",");
if (queryColumn.Length > 1)
returnParseColumn = queryColumn.ToString().Substring(0, queryColumn.ToString().Length - 1);
return returnParseColumn;
private static string ParseScope(List<string> scope)
//Join Scope as: CONTAINS(Path,Scope1) or CONTAINS(Path,Scope2)...
string queryScope = string.Empty;
if (scope != null && scope.Count > 0)
string[] queryScopeArray = new string[scope.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < scope.Count; i++)
queryScopeArray[i] = "CONTAINS(Path,\'" + scope[i] + "\')";
queryScope = string.Join(" or ", queryScopeArray);
return queryScope;
private static string BuildQueryText(List<string> column, List<string> scope, string searchWords, IndexServiceSearchOption searchOption)
string queryColumn = ParseColumn(column);
string queryScope = ParseScope(scope);
string queryKeyWord = ParseKeywords(searchWords, searchOption);
//Title, Rank, Size, Description, Write, Path
StringBuilder queryText = new StringBuilder(200);
queryText.Append("<QueryPacket xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search.Query' Revision='1000'>");
queryText.Append(" <SupportedFormats>");
queryText.Append(" <Format revision='1'> urn:Microsoft.Search.Response.Document:Document");
queryText.Append(" </Format> ");
queryText.Append(" </SupportedFormats>");
queryText.Append(@" <Range>
</Range> ");
queryText.Append("<QueryText language='en-US' type='MSSQLFT'>");
queryText.Append(" SELECT ");
queryText.Append(" FROM scope() ");
queryText.Append(" WHERE ");
queryText.Append(" (" + queryKeyWord + ")");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryScope))
queryText.Append(" AND (" + queryScope + ")");
queryText.Append(" ORDER BY \"Rank\" DESC");
return queryText.ToString();
public enum IndexServiceSearchOption