🌤 BE TIL Day 6 0321
⬇️ Main Note
Two computers are requesting and responsing to each other to deliver the data.
But sometimes, the request isn't sent properly.
--> This is because the user requested to fetch the information even before the data is fully uploaded to the data base.
To solve this problem, here, we use async/await.
Operated while the other functions are getting executed It's like us using kakao-talk while downloading the game
--> we don't wait for the game to download successfully.
The functions are executed one by one. After one function is being executed, then the user is now available to send and receive the request successfully. Javascript is in async way.
--> Source code is executed line by line.
--> After a line of code is executed, the next code is being executed.
Since .env files are for important data, we rarely git push to git hub with the source code.
☁️ Async/Await
Two computers are requesting and responsing to each other to deliver the data.
But sometimes, the request isn't sent properly.
--> This is because the user requested to fetch the information even before the data is fully uploaded to the data base.
To solve this problem, here, we use async/await.
--> we don't wait for the game to download successfully.
--> Source code is executed line by line.
--> After a line of code is executed, the next code is being executed.
// ========== 동기형식 ==========
const data = axios.get(“https://koreanjson.comp/posts/1”)
console.log(data) //promise
// ========== 비동기를 동기로 바꾸기 ==========
async function createBoard(){
const data = await axios.get(“https://koreanjson.comp/posts/1”)
☁️ Deploy
--> fileprocess.env.변수명
--> how to importSince .env files are for important data, we rarely git push to git hub with the source code.
// ========== API Create ==========
app.post('/tokens/phone', (req, res) => {
// facade pattern makes the efficiency go higher
const phone = req.body.phoneNumber
const isValid = getPhoneNumber(phone)
if (isValid){
const myToken = getToken()
sendTokenToSMS(phone, myToken)
res.send("인증완료 " + myToken)
// ========== API Structure ==========
export async function sendTokenToSMS (fff, ggg){
// console.log(fff + " 번호로 인증번호 " + ggg + "를 전송합니다")
const appKey = process.env.SMS_APP_KEY
const XSecretKey = process.env.SMS.X_SECRET_KEY
const sender = process.env.SNS_SENDER
const result = await axios.post( `https://api-sms.cloud.toast.com/sms/v3.0/${appKey}/WNgOBwLIMMiRMbfw/sender/sms`,{ //endpoint
// data
body: `ㅎㅇㅎㅇ, 인증번호는 [${ggg}]임`,
sendNo: sender, // 보내는 사람
// 받는 사람 (동시에 여러명에게 보낼 수 있기에 대괄호 안에 객체 형태로 넣어줌)
{internationalRecipientNo: fff}
headers: {
//config - 설정파일
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset-URF-8",
"X-Secret-Key": XSecretKey
console.log("전송 끝")
この問題について(🌤 BE TIL Day 6 0321), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけました https://velog.io/@j00b33/BE-TIL-Day-6-0321テキストは自由に共有またはコピーできます。ただし、このドキュメントのURLは参考URLとして残しておいてください。
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