Creating backups of running Vms in XenServer(XenServerで実行中の仮想マシンのバックアップを作成)
3946 ワード
With XenServer it is possible to create backups of VMs, even if they are running. The process is as follows:
#XenServerでは、実行中であってもバックアップ用の仮想マシンを作成できます.手順は次のとおりです. Search for the uuid of the Vms to backup#バックアップが必要なvmsを検索するuuid Createa snapshot of each(running)VM#実行するVMごとにスナップショット を作成する保存the snapshot to file#スナップショットをファイル に保存 Remove the created snapshot#作成したスナップショットを削除 First look for the
uuid of the VMs to backup. We don’t want to backup the control domain itself, so we add
is-control-domain=false to the
vm-list command and we also don’t want backups of snapshots so we add
Now we create a snapshot of the VMs we want to backup, replacing the
one by one with the ones we found with the previous command. Also replace the name of the snapshot if desired
This command has a return value: the
uuid of the created snapshot. Then we transform the snapshot into a VM to be able to save it to a file, replacing
uuid with the return value of the previous command:
In the next step we save the snapshot to a file, replacing
uuid with the snapshot
uuid and providing a meaningful
In the final step we delete the snapshot:
Python is installed by default on XenServer hosts, so the following script will work out of the box. Download the script from this location to save it to your XenServer host, replacing the .txt extension with .py.
uuid of the VMs to backup. We don’t want to backup the control domain itself, so we add
is-control-domain=false to the
vm-list command and we also don’t want backups of snapshots so we add
xe vm-list is-control-domain=false is-a-snapshot=false
Now we create a snapshot of the VMs we want to backup, replacing the
one by one with the ones we found with the previous command. Also replace the name of the snapshot if desired
xe vm-snapshot uuid=d61bfc1a-33b2-5406-7ea5-76e4f7113220 new-name-label=snapshotname
This command has a return value: the
uuid of the created snapshot. Then we transform the snapshot into a VM to be able to save it to a file, replacing
uuid with the return value of the previous command:
xe template-param-set is-a-template=false ha-always-run=false uuid=b759625c-eab5-4e0f-be5e-a05bcbad869a
In the next step we save the snapshot to a file, replacing
uuid with the snapshot
uuid and providing a meaningful
xe vm-export vm=b759625c-eab5-4e0f-be5e-a05bcbad869a filename=filename.xva
In the final step we delete the snapshot:
xe vm-uninstall uuid=b759625c-eab5-4e0f-be5e-a05bcbad869a force=true
Python is installed by default on XenServer hosts, so the following script will work out of the box. Download the script from this location to save it to your XenServer host, replacing the .txt extension with .py.
import commands, time
def get_backup_vms():
result = []
cmd = "xe vm-list is-control-domain=false is-a-snapshot=false"
output = commands.getoutput(cmd)
for vm in output.split("
lines = vm.splitlines()
uuid = lines[0].split(":")[1][1:]
name = lines[1].split(":")[1][1:]
result += [(uuid, name)]
return result
def backup_vm(uuid, filename, timestamp):
cmd = "xe vm-snapshot uuid=" + uuid + " new-name-label=" + timestamp
snapshot_uuid = commands.getoutput(cmd)
cmd = "xe template-param-set is-a-template=false ha-always-run=false uuid=" +
cmd = "xe vm-export vm=" + snapshot_uuid + " filename=" + filename
cmd = "xe vm-uninstall uuid=" + snapshot_uuid + " force=true"
for (uuid, name) in get_backup_vms():
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", time.gmtime())
print timestamp, uuid, name
filename = "\"" + timestamp + " " + name + ".xva\""
backup_vm(uuid, filename, timestamp)