DOJO 8 event dojo/on

8280 ワード

公式サイトチュートリアル:Events with Dojo要素にeventsをバインドし、パッケージdojo/onを参照し、onメソッドで実現する必要があります.< button id = "myButton" >Click me!</ button > < div id = "myDiv" >Hover over me!</ div >

require([ "dojo/on" , "dojo/dom" , "dojo/dom-style" , "dojo/mouse" , "dojo/domReady!" ],      function (on, dom, domStyle, mouse) {          var myButton = dom.byId( "myButton" ),              myDiv = dom.byId( "myDiv" );
           on(myButton, "click" , function (evt){              domStyle.set(myDiv, "backgroundColor" , "blue" );          });          on(myDiv, mouse.enter, function (evt){              domStyle.set(myDiv, "backgroundColor" , "red" );          });         var handler = on(myDiv, mouse.leave, function (evt){              domStyle.set(myDiv, "backgroundColor" , "" );          });
        handler.remove();// event
myDiv, mouse.leave, function (evt){              domStyle.set(myDiv, "backgroundColor" , "" );          }); });

on 。 。
: events
: event , , event , , , 。
on , remove , , event。
on.once(element,event name,handler), on , , handler remove。
events, event

---------------------------------- require([ "dojo/on" , "dojo/dom" , "dojo/_base/lang" , "dojo/domReady!" ],      function (on, dom, lang) {
           var myScopedButton1 = dom.byId( "myScopedButton1" ),              myScopedButton2 = dom.byId( "myScopedButton2" ),              myObject = {                  id: "myObject" ,                  onClick: function (arg){                      alert( "The scope of this handler is " + + " , value = " + arg );                  }              };
           // This will alert "myScopedButton1"          on(myScopedButton1, "click" , myObject.onClick);          // This will alert "myObject" rather than "myScopedButton2"          on(myScopedButton2, "click" , lang.hitch(myObject, "onClick", "something" ));
handler , , 。
handler object.method, , method this 。
handler lang.hitch(object,method name,[arg1,[arg2,.....]]) , N , method this object。
define(["dojo/aspect"], function(aspect){

  aspect.after(dojo, "xhr", function(deferred){

    // this is called after any dojo.xhr call


  // this will execute the original dojo.xhr method and then our advising function

  dojo.xhr("GET", {...});


define(["dojo/aspect"], function(aspect){

  aspect.before(dojo, "xhr", function(method, args){

    // this is called before any dojo.xhr call

    if(method == "PUT"){

      // if the method is PUT, change it to a POST and put the method in the parameter string

      args.url += "?x-method=PUT";

      // return the new args

      return ["POST", args];



  // this will execute the original our advising function and then dojo.xhr

  dojo.xhr("PUT", {...});

define(["dojo/aspect"], function(aspect){

  aspect.around(dojo, "xhr", function(originalXhr){

    return function(method, args){

      // doing something before the original call

      var deferred = originalXhr(method, args);

      // doing something after the original call

      return deferred;



  dojo.xhr("PUT", {...});
