19.2 Template non-type parameters

template classとfunctionはnon-type parameterという名前の

Non-type parameters

A non-type parameter can be any of the following types:
  • An integral type
  • An enumeration type
  • A pointer or reference to a class object
  • A pointer or reference to a function
  • A pointer or reference to a class member function
  • std::nullptr_t
  • A floating point type (since C++20)
  • 次の例ではstatic arrayクラスで使用します.
    #include <iostream>
    template <typename T, int size> // size is an integral non-type parameter
    class StaticArray
        // The non-type parameter controls the size of the array
        T m_array[size] {};
        T* getArray();
        T& operator[](int index)
            return m_array[index];
    // Showing how a function for a class with a non-type parameter is defined outside of the class
    template <typename T, int size>
    T* StaticArray<T, size>::getArray()
        return m_array;
    int main()
        // declare an integer array with room for 12 integers
        StaticArray<int, 12> intArray;
        // Fill it up in order, then print it backwards
        for (int count { 0 }; count < 12; ++count)
            intArray[count] = count;
        for (int count { 11 }; count >= 0; --count)
            std::cout << intArray[count] << ' ';
        std::cout << '\n';
        // declare a double buffer with room for 4 doubles
        StaticArray<double, 4> doubleArray;
        for (int count { 0 }; count < 4; ++count)
            doubleArray[count] = 4.4 + 0.1 * count;
        for (int count { 0 }; count < 4; ++count)
            std::cout << doubleArray[count] << ' ';
        return 0;
    templateのパラメータにint sizeというパラメータが存在します
    non-type parameterはこのように使用できます
    non-constexpr値でnon-type parameterを設定するとエラーが発生します
    template <int size>
    class Foo
    int main()
        int x{ 4 }; // x is non-constexpr
        Foo<x> f; // error: the template non-type argument must be constexpr
        return 0;