ogg installation

Oracle golden gate  is installed by oracle.
Gernerally, the location is/u01/app/ogg
Unzip the archive tag fo ogg and locate taht to/u01/app/ogg
It should set the environment value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH as $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib
Then change the directory to ogg home, and execute ggsci to configure ogg contents.
[oracle@HWZX-DB-BI ogg]$ ./ggsciOracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion 19362036 OGGCORE_11., x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Sep  9 2014 13:51:14
Copyright (C) 1995, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
GGSCI (HWZX-DB-BI) 1> create subdirsCreating subdirectories under current directory/u01/app/oggParameter files               /u01/app/ogg/dirprm: already existsReport files                  /u01/app/ogg/dirrpt: createdCheckpoint files              /u01/app/ogg/dirchk: createdProcess status files          /u01/app/ogg/dirpcs: createdSQL script files              /u01/app/ogg/dirsql: createdDatabase definitions files    /u01/app/ogg/dirdef: createdExtract data files            /u01/app/ogg/dirdat: createdTemporary files               /u01/app/ogg/dirtmp: created
Stdout files                  /u01/app/ogg/dirout: created
Edit parameter file for manager process which is named mgr
PORT 7809
DYNAMICPORTLIST 7810-1820, 7830
Describe the mgr parameters
You  can specify 5000 ports  in any comunitcation of following formations:
7830 7833 7835
7830-7835, 7839 
And the port must be unreserved and unrestricted,  each manager instance on a system must have a different port.
DYNAMICPORTLIST is not a requried parameter, but it  is strongly recommended for  best performance. The collector process is responsible for finding and binding to a avaiable port, and having a known list  of qualified speed this process.
In absence fo DYNANAMICPORTLIST, collector tries to use port 7840 to remote request, if the port 7840 is not available,  collector increment by one until it finds an available port. This  can delay the acceptance of the rrmote request. 
If collector runs out of DYNAMICPORTLIST, the following occurs:
Manager process report an error in process report and in ORACLE GOLDENGATE ggserr log.
Collector retires based on the rules in the ORACLE GOLDENGATE tcperr file.
The rest of parameters :
●AUTOSTART: Starts Extract and Replicat processes when Manager starts. Thisparameter is required in a cluster configuration, and is useful when Oracle GoldenGateactivities must begin immediately at system startup. (Requires Manager to be part ofthe startup routine.) You can use multiple AUTOSTART statements in the sameparameter file.● AUTORESTART: Starts Extract and Replicat processes again after abnormal termination.This parameter is required in a cluster configuration, but is also useful in anyconfiguration to ensure continued processing.● PURGEOLDEXTRACTS: Purges trail files when Oracle GoldenGate is finished processingthem. Without PURGEOLDEXTRACTS, no purging is performed and trail files can consumesignificant disk space. For best results, use PURGEOLDEXTRACTS as a Manager parameter,not as an Extract or Replicat parameter.● STARTUPVALIDATIONDELAY | STARTUPVALIDATIONDELAYCSECS: Sets a delay time after whichManager validates the run status of a process. Startup validation makes OracleGoldenGate users aware of processes that fail before they can generate an errormessage or process report.
Start mgr process as following:


Manager started.


Manager is running (IP port DB-BI.7809).