Fedora 16のネットワークカードのデバイスの名前の問題

  • Servers overs have multiple Ethernet porth,eigther embedded on the Mother board,or on add-in PCI cards.Linux has trditititional thers porthX,but there hare s berelation of the etX.the-the the the me me me me me the the the the the the the the the the mastrelss the the the the the the-the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the theEthernet port will have a new naming scheme corese ponding to physical locations,rather than ethX.Ethernet port embedded on server motherboards will be named emnumber>,while porton PCI cards will be named pnumber>p,coreponding to the chassis labels.Additionally,if the network device is an SR-II Virtual Function or has Network Partioning(NPAR)capability,the name will have a suffix ofvirtual.function>or_.
  • By change the naming convention、system administratos willのlonger have to gess at the ethX to physical port mapping、or invoke worlounds on each system to rename the m into some“same”order.
    This feaaaffects affects all physical sysstems that expose networkpopose naming information in SMBIOS 2.6 or later(speciiliallyfield types 9 and 41).Dell PowewerEdge 10 G and newer servers(PowewerEdge II livers(PowetHP HP HP HP HP dge II IIdge 1950 littttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttEver ver ver ver ver ver ver verセッションas do some newer desktop models.Futhere more,most older systems expose some information in the PCI IRQ Routing Table,which will be consulted if information is not provided by SMBIOS.
    Fedora running as a gusest virtual machine will continue to use the ethX names.
    Existing installation s up graded to Fedora 15 will not see a change in names unless/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is deleted and the HWADDR lineas are removed from all/etc/sys/syssconfigs/neptes
    You may continue to write rules in/etc/udeev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to change the device names to anything you wish.Such will Tale precednece over this physical location ming scheme.Such make look
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:11:22:33:44:55", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="public"
    This feature may be disable by passing「biosdevname=0」on the kersnel command line、in which case、behavior will revert to using ethX names.
    Upgrading from an earlier version of Fedora to Fedora 15 may reult in change of network device names from an earlier biosdevname me to the final ming scheme me describers fidehere.Contration。
    簡単に言えば、伝統的なネーミング方法を回復したいです。ケネルコマンドラインナップリガでビックビデオ=0を使えばいいです。グラブ2ケネルのcommand lineのパスを修正します。