学習Python -中級コース:日10、複素数パート2



複素数の位相や引数は、phase() 関数.
import cmath
x = -1.0
y = 0.0
# converting x and y into complex number
z = complex(x,y);
# printing phase of a complex number using phase()
print ("The phase of complex number is : ",cmath.phase(z))
The phase of complex number is :  3.141592653589793


複素数を極形式に変換することができますpolar() そして、rect() 関数.
import cmath
z = complex(1,1)
a = cmath.polar(z)
print ("The polar complex number is : ",end="")
print (a) # returns a tuple
z2= cmath.rect(a[0],a[1])
print ("The rectangular form of complex number is : ",end="")
print (z2)
The polar complex number is : (1.4142135623730951, 0.7853981633974483)
The rectangular form of complex number is : (1.0000000000000002+1j)

Note the return types for the functions

  • polar() returns a tuple.
  • rect() returns a complex number.


>>> import cmath
>>> z=complex(-2,1)
#make a complex number.
>>> cmath.exp(z)
# Raise z to a complex power.
>>> cmath.exp(z.real)
# the cmath module takes in real as well as complex parameters.
>>> cmath.log(z,10)
#logarithm of z to the base 10
>>> cmath.log(10,z)
# logarithm of 10 to  the base z
>>> cmath.log(z,z)
#alogarithm of z to the base z
>>> cmath.sqrt(z)
# square root of z
>>> cmath.acos(z)
# arccos of z
>>> cmath.atan(z)
# arctan of z
>>> cmath.sin(z)
# arc sine of z
>>> cmath.acosh(z)
# hyperbolic inverse cosine
>>> cmath.tanh(z)
# hyperbolic tangent
>>> cmath.pi
# The usual pi constant
>>> pow(z,z)
# z raised to the power z.(note that this is not from the cmath module.

Note- j is often used in electronics instead of i, hence in Python expressions like 1+1i are written as 1+ij


  • 信号処理
  • 画像処理
  • 科学計算
  • グラフィックス
  • コンピュータビジョン
  • データ圧縮
  • 読もう
  • What are some applications of complex numbers in computer science?
  • complex numbers in programming?
  • 複雑な数字の概念に新しい人は以下のビデオが好きかもしれません。

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