
  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Creating an Azure Key Vault
  • Creating Secrets in Azure Key Vault
  • Using AzPowerShell & AzCLI to Lookup Secrets

  • Using azure_keyvault_secret Ansible Lookup Plugin
  • Adding the Lookup Plugin
  • Non-Managed Identity Lookups
  • Managed Identity Lookups
  • Conclusion

  • 導入

    As companies become more security conscious, password rotation is often one of the first areas addressed. Secret management is one solution to the problem of password rotation. Decoupling and centralizing secrets into a secret management system is a good start. However, that's not the greatest value add you'll get from a secret management system. The true benefit is being able to rotate those secrets without manual intervention or fear of the unknown side effects of that change. This frees you from having to manually update the password and improves security posture.

    You accomplish this by first using a secret management system to store secrets and other sensitive information. Second, when writing code that utilizes those secrets it pulls that information at run time from the secrets management system. How this is implemented varies widely and depends on your tooling and coding languages in use. In this tutorial you'll go through the process of storing and retrieving secrets from Azure Key Vault with Ansible.

  • Azure subscription
  • Ansible installed for Azure
  • Azure PowerShell module
  • Azure CLI

  • Azureキーボールトの作成

    Before you can use secrets stored in Azure Key Vault you must first create the Azure Key Vault and the secrets you wish to retrieve. Creating these resources in Azure can be done with Ansible. azure_rm_keyvault is the Ansible module that is used to create the Azure Key Vault itself. The required parameters are; resource group, SKU name, vault tenant, and vault name. While these are the required parameters. The Azure Key Vault will not be useful unless Ansible can access the secrets stored inside. To address that you must also define access policies.

    Access to Azure Key Vault can be done in several ways, but for this tutorial you'll use a service principal. This tutorial assumes a service principal as already been created. For more information on creating a service principal reference . You will need the tenant id and object id of the service principal. Note, that the object id is not the same as the application id or client id referenced in other resources.

    # Get Azure tenantId
    az account show --subscription "MySubscriptionName" --query tenantId --output tsv
    # Get objectId with AzCLI
    az ad sp show --id <ApplicationID> --query objectId
    # Get Azure tenantID with AzPowerShell
    (Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName "MySubscriptionName").TenantId
    # Get objectId with AzPowerShell
    (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId <ApplicationID> ).id

    With the tenantId and service principal objectId you can create the Azure Key Vault. It is worth mentioning that the vault_name value has to be globally unique in Azure. So, don't be alarmed if your name was taken you'll have to find one that hasn't. Another thing to consider is to place the Azure Key Vault in a different resource group than the infrastructure you are building in Azure with Ansible. If you keep in the same resource group you might accidentally delete it along with other compute resources.

    Azure Key Vault can store more than just secrets. It can also store certificates and keys. However, in this tutorial you'll only use it for secrets. Keep in mind the idea of least privilege as you assign permission and ensure the accounts have only the access they need. For this tutorial the service principal will need to get, list, and set permissions. Normally, it would only require get and list, but you also have to create the secret within the vault. That task can be done with another Ansible module but requires that the service principal has set permissions on secrets in the Azure Key Vault.

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
      connection: local
        - name: Create resource group
            name: ansible-infra
            location: eastus
        - name: Create Ansible Key Vault
            resource_group: ansible-infra
            vault_name: ansibleKeyVaultDEV
            vault_tenant: <tenantID>
            enabled_for_deployment: yes
              name: standard
              - tenant_id: <tenantID>
                object_id: <servicePrincipalObjectId>
                  - get
                  - list
                  - set


    Creating secrets in an Azure Key Vault can be done with the azure_rm_keyvaultsecret Ansible module. This Ansible module allows you to create, update, and delete secrets stored in the Azure Key Vault. It does not however allow you to look up those secrets. The azure_rm_keyvaultsecret module requires you to specify a secret name, a secret value, and the key vault URI. The key vault URI can be within the portal under the properties blade called DNS Name. It can also be found with AzureCli or AzPowerShell. All of those are valid methods for obtaining the key vault URI, but you can also look it up with Ansible.

    - name: Create a secret
        secret_name: adminPassword
        secret_value: "P@ssw0rd0987654321"
        keyvault_uri: "{{ keyvaulturi }}"

    The Ansible module azure_rm_keyvault_info will query an existing Azure Key Vault and return information about the resource. One of the values returned in the key vault URI. Using the register functionality in Ansible, you can store that information in a variable and parse it with a JSON query to pull out just the key vault URI. Using set_fact you can create another variable containing just the key vault URI. That variable containing the value for the Azure Key Vault URI can then be used to create a secret without having to look up the URI manually.

      - name: Get Key Vault by name
          resource_group: ansible-infra
          name: ansibleKeyVaultDEV
        register: keyvault
      - name: set KeyVault uri fact
        set_fact: keyvaulturi="{{ keyvault | json_query('keyvaults[0].vault_uri')}}
    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
      connection: local
        - name: Get Key Vault by name
            resource_group: ansible-infra
            name: ansibleKeyVaultDEV
          register: keyvault
        - name: set KeyVault uri fact
          set_fact: keyvaulturi="{{ keyvault | json_query('keyvaults[0].vault_uri')}}"
        - name: Create a secret
            secret_name: adminPassword
            secret_value: "P@ssw0rd0987654321"
            keyvault_uri: "{{ keyvaulturi }}"
    Learn more about Working with Ansible Register Variables .


    At this point you have an Azure Key Vault instance and a secret stored in the vault. That secret can now be used in future playbooks to populate sensitive information. But how do you retrieve that information with Ansible? One way is to use the Azure PowerShell module. Ansible has the ability to run shell commands within a task. On Linux operating systems you'll use the shell Ansible module.

    By default the shell task will use bash as its command prompt, but using the args parameter you can specify an alternate executable. In order to execute a PowerShell command put in the path to the pwsh executable. In this example you'll specify /usr/bin/pwsh , which is the default location for PowerShell on CentOS. In order for you to use the Azure cmdlets in PowerShell you first have to connect to Azure. This requires that you provide a service principal application id and password. As well as a tenant id.

    Once connected to Azure you can issue the command to retrieve the Azure Key Vault secret. That cmdlet is Get-AzKeyVaultSecret . Get-AzKeyVaultSecret requires that you specify the name of the Azure Key Vault and the name of the secret stored in the vault. The cmdlet does not return the value in the text by default. If you enclose the cmdlet with () and then add .SecretValueText to the end it will output the secret as a string. That string can then be stored in a variable for Ansible to use within the Ansible playbook.

    Read more about using the shell Ansible module here .
    - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
        vaultName: ansibleKeyVaultDEV
        vaultSecretName: adminPassword
        servicePrincipalId: <ServicePrincipal.ApplicationId>
        servicePrincipalPassword: P@ssw0rd0987654321
        tenantId: <tenantId>
        - name: connect AzPowerShell to Azure
          shell: |
            $passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "{{ servicePrincipalPassword }}" -AsPlainText -Force;
            $pscredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("{{ servicePrincipalId }}", $passwd);
            Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $pscredential -Tenant "{{ tenantId }}"
            executable: /usr/bin/pwsh
        - name: Run a pwsh command
          shell: (Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name "{{ vaultSecretName }}" -VaultName "{{ vaultName }}").SecretValueText
            executable: /usr/bin/pwsh
          register: result
        - debug:
            msg: "{{ result.stdout }}"
    PowerShellに慣れていない場合は、Azure CLIを使用して同じ情報を取得できます.Azure CLIはコマンドラインインターフェイスです.一般的な考えは同じだ.を使用してazureに接続する必要がありますaz login コマンド.サービスプリンシパルを使用して認証するには、サービスプリンシパル名とテナントIDをそのサービスプリンシパルに供給しなければなりません.一旦Azureに接続したら、AzureキーVault秘密をaz keyvault secret コマンドは、アジュールキーVaultの名前とVaultに格納されている秘密の名前を提供する必要があります.
    Azure CLIは通常JSONデータを出力します.特定の値を問い合わせることができます.この例では、プロパティにのみ関心がありますvalue 秘密の価値を含んでいます.また、注意-o tsv コマンドの最後に.これは出力が含まれないようにします"" . この値は秘密の値を格納する変数を設定するために使用します.
    詳しく知るQuerying Azure CLI command output .
    - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
        vaultName: ansibleKeyVaultDEV
        vaultSecretName: adminPassword
        servicePrincipalId: <ServicePrincipal.ApplicationId>
        servicePrincipalPassword: P@ssw0rd0987654321
        tenantId: <tenantId>
        - name: connect AzPowerShell to Azure
          shell: |
            az login --service-principal -u "{{ servicePrincipalId }}" -p "{{ servicePrincipalPassword }}" --tenant "{{ tenantId }}"
            executable: /usr/bin/bash
        - name: Run a pwsh command
          shell: az keyvault secret show --name "{{ vaultSecretName }}" --vault-name "{{ vaultName }}" --query value -o tsv
            executable: /usr/bin/bash
          register: result
        - debug:
            msg: "{{ result.stdout }}"

    AzureThank KeyvaultCount秘密可用性ルックアッププラグインの使用 Lookup Plugins in Ansible are advanced features that allow you to access data from outside sources. The simplest lookup plugin is one that allows you to access data in a file. Similar to using a cat or Get-Content command. Microsoft has written an Ansible lookup plugin for Azure Key Vault called azure_keyvault_secret . The plugin is written in Python and can be found on GitHub inside the azure_preview_modules リポジトリ.
    AzureRenKeyvaultCount秘密可用性ルックアッププラグインはazure_preview_modules . モジュール全体をダウンロードすることでルックアッププラグインを使用できます.しかし、このチュートリアルでは、ロールを使用することなく、あなたの可用性レポに直接ルックアッププラグインを追加されます.

    ルックアッププラグインの追加 In order for you to add a lookup plugin to your Ansible code base, you first have to create a directory called lookup_plugins . This directory needs to be adjacent to your playbook. If you'd like to specify a different location for it, you can do that by modifying the ansible.cfg . LookupCountプラグインディレクトリを使用して、次に作成するルックアッププラグインの名前でファイルを作成する必要があります . Pythonスクリプトで、.py 拡張.
    mkdir lookup_plugins
    Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -OutFile lookup_plugins/
    curl \ \
    -o lookup_plugins/
    詳しく見るAnsible lookup plugins .


    Looking at the examples provided within the comments of the lookup plugin there are two ways to use the lookup plugin; non-managed identity lookups and managed identity lookups. A managed identity is a feature in Azure that provides Azure services with an automatically managed identity in Azure AD. You can use the identity to authenticate to any service that supports Azure AD authentication, including Key Vault, without any credentials in your code. Managed identities are the way to go when your Ansible infrastructure runs in Azure or has the ability to use managed identities. However, that won't always be the case.

    When using the azure_keyvault_secret plugin with non-managed identities you have to provide additional information for the plugin to authenticate. In addition to the vault URI and vault secret, you also have to provide a service principal client id, service principal secret, and tenant id.

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
      connection: local
        - name: Look up secret when ansible host is general VM
            url: ''
            secretname: 'adminPassword'
            client_id: <ServicePrincipal.ApplicationId>
            secret: 'P@ssw0rd0987654321'
            tenant: <tenantId>
          debug: msg="the value of this secret is {{lookup('azure_keyvault_secret',secretname,vault_url=url, client_id=client_id, secret=secret, tenant_id=tenant)}}"
    Read more about managed identities for Azure resources .


    In order to use managed identities in Azure for Ansible your Ansible control server will have to be deployed in Azure as a Linux virtual machine. If that is how you have or want your Ansible environment to be, managed identities are the way to go and offer more security and reduce the complicity in code. Deploying an Azure virtual machine and creating a managed identity is out of scope for this tutorial. However, resources are provided below for you to follow if this infrastructure does not already exist in your environment.

    Future post in the works to deploy these with Azure Resource Manager templates.


  • Quickstart: Deploy the Ansible solution template for Azure to CentOS
  • Configure managed identities for Azure resources on a VM

  • Assign managed identity permissions .
  • マネージアイデンティティが作成され、AzureキーVaultに割り当てられたアクセス許可が格納されている秘密のVaultを問い合わせることができます.認証はマネージアイデンティティを使用してAzure AD内で行われるため、サービスプリンシパル情報を提供する必要がなくなりました.
    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
      connection: local
        - name: Look up secret when ansible host is general VM
            url: ''
            secretname: 'adminPassword'
          debug: msg="the value of this secret is {{lookup('azure_keyvault_secret',secretname,vault_url=url, client_id=client_id, secret=secret, tenant_id=tenant)}}"


    Secret management can either be a nightmare or a blessing. Keep this in mind when implementing infrastructure as code and when authoring automation that requires the use of sensitive information. Keeping those secrets tightly coupled makes the management of the code increasingly difficult over time. Seek to decouple the secrets from your code. It will not only make it more manageable but will also increase your security posture. Imagine how nice it would be to not care or even know if a secret was rotated?

    Want to learn more about Ansible? I'm writing a book! And the first chapter is free! Check it out at .