

はい、ソフトウェア会社はこの社会の最も重要な部分の 1 つです.あなたが知っているすべてのスタッフは彼らによって作られています 😇、銀行、ソーシャル ネットワーク ....、これらすべてのスタッフはあなたのライフスタイルに必要ですよね?あなたの人生はこれらのソフトウェア会社に依存していると考える必要があります.WhatsApp、Facebook、またはInstagramがダウンしたときに何が起こるかを思い出してください.


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Yes, inline **_so_** later, really stressful, you don't mind what are you working on, you only send and send **build**, like _apples are sold _, 🤤 but, I really love it, it has allowed me to learn a lot, mainly from my partners but also from the other teams (UI/UX/BEND). It's really 🤒 enjoyable working in an environment where everyday you see _200-300_ commits, your mailbox is saturated, it's impossible to check all this staff, to be sure that you are up to dated of all the future which are being introduced, it's really difficult, I mean, it's **impossible** 😵‍💫.

I won't change my **life**, I have found a business where my tech lead 🤧 is _incredible_, near of him I feel strongly unused, he always thinks in the perfect approach, never mind, he always keep all the **features** included. I'm here for the last two months but I have just learnt things I have never mind of their **existence** 🎃, this is exactly what's working on a big software company looks like. 

I really recommend you don't working on a determinate company only by money, it's a _mistake_, probably you have just rejected tons of opportunities without **taking** care about who are working there 😄. I mean, I know that all the things I have learnt I those two months cost thousand of €, but I received it **free and personalised **, it means don't chose a work only by money, chose a work because you are sure about when you'll working on, you can look for information about your future teammates and keeping up to date about what will you working on.

It's my real advice about how to work on a big software company, keep in mind these advices. If you really like this post please don't forget to share with your friends 💀