
  • slowRunnerは1ノードずつ前進する.
  • fastRunnerはslowRunnerよりk-1ノード先頭に立っている.1ノードずつ進む
  • fastRunnerが最後のノードに遍歴するとき、slowRunnerは
  • を求める.
        public MyListNode nth2End(MyListNode list,int k) {
            // slowRunner   fastRunner     
            MyListNode slowRunner = list;
            MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner;
            for(int i=0; i<k;i++){
                fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                if(fastRunner == null){
                    return null;
            while(fastRunner != null){
                fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                slowRunner = slowRunner.next;
            return slowRunner;

    package MyList;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class MyListTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            MyListTest listTest = new MyListTest();
            MyListNode list = listTest.buildList(15);
            int k = 6;
            MyListNode node =  listTest.nth2End(list, k);
            System.out.printf("The %d-th node to the end is: %d",k,node.val);
        public MyListNode nth2End(MyListNode list,int k) {
            // slowRunner   fastRunner     
            MyListNode slowRunner = list;
            MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner;
            for(int i=0; i<k;i++){
                fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                if(fastRunner == null){
                    return null;
            while(fastRunner != null){
                fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                slowRunner = slowRunner.next;
            return slowRunner;
        /** *       num     ,       */
        public MyListNode buildList(int num) {
            if (num == 0) {
                return null;
            MyListNode header = new MyListNode();
            Random random = new Random();
            int val;
            MyListNode p = header;
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                val = random.nextInt(100);
                p.next = new MyListNode(val);
                p = p.next;
            return header.next;
        /** *      * */
        public void display(MyListNode list) {
            System.out.println("***** Output the list: *****");
            MyListNode p = list;
            int count = 0;
            while (p != null) {
                System.out.printf("%-5d", p.val);
                p = p.next;
                if (count == 5) {
                    count = 0;

    ***** Output the list: *****
    89   65   1    1    63   
    67   11   90   13   31   
    59   80   49   22   52   
    The 6-th node to the end is: 31

  • slowRunnerは1ノード
  • を一度に進む.
  • fastRunnerは一度に2つのノード
  • を進む.
  • リングが存在する場合fastRunnerとslowRunnerは
  • に出会う.
        public boolean hasLoop(MyListNode head) {
            MyListNode slowRunner = head;
            MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner;
            while (fastRunner != null) {
                // slowRunner    1 
                slowRunner = slowRunner.next;
                // fastRunner    2 
                //           ,              ,  false
                fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                if(fastRunner != null){
                    fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                else {
                    return false;
                //    slowRunner   fastRunner     
                    return true;
            return false;
    ***** Output the list: *****
    58   80   78   6    38   
    94   52   11   94   68   
    28   86   56   23   87   
    The 6-th node to the end is: 68

  • ループの開始ノードloopBeginの前にk個のノードのチェーンテーブルであると仮定すると、slowRunnerがloopBeginに到達すると、fastRunnerはすでに2*k個のノードを歩き、slowRunnerよりk個のノードを多く歩いた.
  • リングにLoopSize個のノードが含まれているとすると、このときfastRunnerの位置はk%LoopSizeになる.
  • チェーンの方向に沿って、その後、単位時間が1つも経たないうちにfastRunnerはslowRunnerに1つのノードに近づくが、両者の間の「距離」は当然LoopSize-k%LoopSizeであるため、(LoopSize-k%LoopSize)単位時間後に2つのノードが出会って、ノードはcollionNodeである.
  • slowRunnerからloopBeginで解析を開始したのでcollionNodeからさらに(k%LoopSize)個のノードを歩いてloopBeginに戻りました.リングはこんなに面白いです.
  • collisionNodeは簡単に入手でき,チェーンテーブルの先頭ノードheadは既知であり,kもLoopSizeも解析のための仮定値であり,まだ知られていない.だから、collitionNodeとheadを見つめて、loopBeginをどう求めるか考えなければなりません.
  • headからloopBeginまでの距離はk、collionNodeからloopBeginまでの距離は(k%LoopSize)、わあ!解くことができます!
  • collionNodeを見つけた後、1つのポインタからheadの後ろを遍歴し、1つのポインタがcollionNodeの後ろからループを中継し、彼らはloopBeginで出会うだろう.
  •     public MyListNode getLoopBegin(MyListNode head) {
            MyListNode slowRunner = head;
            MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner;
            while (fastRunner != null) {
                // slowRunner    1 
                slowRunner = slowRunner.next;
                // fastRunner    2 
                //           ,              ,  false
                fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                if (fastRunner != null) {
                    fastRunner = fastRunner.next;
                } else {
                    System.err.println("The list doesn't have loop!");
                    return null;
                //    slowRunner   fastRunner     
                if (slowRunner.equals(fastRunner)) {
                    System.out.println("The collisionNode is: " + slowRunner.val);
                    MyListNode fromHead = head;
                    while (!fromHead.equals(slowRunner)) {
                        fromHead = fromHead.next;
                        slowRunner = slowRunner.next;
                    return fromHead;
            return null;

    package MyList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class MyListTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            MyListTest listTest = new MyListTest();
            MyListNode head, end;
            HashMap<String, MyListNode> list = listTest.buildList(15);
            head = list.get("head");
            end = list.get("end");
            int k = 6;
            //      6   
            MyListNode node = listTest.nth2End(head, k);
            System.out.printf("The %d-th node to the end is: %d
    , k, node.val); // boolean ret1 = listTest.hasLoop(head); System.out.println("
    + ret1); // , end.next = node; boolean ret2 = listTest.hasLoop(head); System.out.println("
    + ret2); // , 6 MyListNode loopBegin = listTest.getLoopBegin(head); System.out.println("The loopBegin is: " + loopBegin.val); } /** * */ public MyListNode getLoopBegin(MyListNode head) { MyListNode slowRunner = head; MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner; while (fastRunner != null) { // slowRunner 1 slowRunner = slowRunner.next; // fastRunner 2 // , , false fastRunner = fastRunner.next; if (fastRunner != null) { fastRunner = fastRunner.next; } else { System.err.println("The list doesn't have loop!"); return null; } // slowRunner fastRunner if (slowRunner.equals(fastRunner)) { System.out.println("The collisionNode is: " + slowRunner.val); MyListNode fromHead = head; while (!fromHead.equals(slowRunner)) { fromHead = fromHead.next; slowRunner = slowRunner.next; } return fromHead; } } return null; } public boolean hasLoop(MyListNode head) { MyListNode slowRunner = head; MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner; while (fastRunner != null) { // slowRunner 1 slowRunner = slowRunner.next; // fastRunner 2 // , , false fastRunner = fastRunner.next; if (fastRunner != null) { fastRunner = fastRunner.next; } else { return false; } // slowRunner fastRunner if (slowRunner.equals(fastRunner)) { return true; } } return false; } public MyListNode nth2End(MyListNode head, int k) { // slowRunner fastRunner MyListNode slowRunner = head; MyListNode fastRunner = slowRunner; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { fastRunner = fastRunner.next; if (fastRunner == null) { return null; } } // while (fastRunner != null) { fastRunner = fastRunner.next; slowRunner = slowRunner.next; } return slowRunner; } /** * num , */ public HashMap<String, MyListNode> buildList(int num) { if (num < 1) { return null; } MyListNode header = new MyListNode(); Random random = new Random(); int val; MyListNode p = header; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { val = random.nextInt(100); p.next = new MyListNode(val); p = p.next; } HashMap<String, MyListNode> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); hashMap.put("head", header.next); hashMap.put("end", p); return hashMap; } /** * */ public void display(MyListNode list) { System.out.println("***** Output the list: *****"); MyListNode p = list; int count = 0; while (p != null) { System.out.printf("%-5d", p.val); p = p.next; count++; if (count == 5) { System.out.println(); count = 0; } } } }

    ***** Output the list: *****
    95   12   36   3    10   
    99   8    88   79   28   
    6    28   53   45   5    
    The 6-th node to the end is: 28
    The collisionNode is: 53
    The loopBegin is: 28