
13375 ワード

  • local-tx-datasource:ローカルデータソース構成のルートタグの記名;
  • jndi-name:データソースJNDI名前は、Apple.propertiesファイルに対応しています。
  • driver-class:データベース接続ドライバクラス;
  • connection-url:データベース接続URL文字列;
  • user-name:データベース接続ユーザ名;
  • password:データベース接続パスワード;
  • min-pool-size:接続池は最小接続数をアクティブにすることができます。
  • max-pool-size:接続池は最大接続数をアクティブにすることができます。
  • blocking-timeout-milis:例外を出す前に最大の待ち時間、単位ミリ秒;
  • idle-timeout-minutes:接続プールがアクティブになっている空き接続のタイムアウト時間は、単位秒です。
  • 二、事務管理メカニズム
  • EJB容器初期化データ恒久化環境Session Contect;
  • ユーザは、あるxxSession Beanにおけるトランザクション方法を呼び出す。
  • xSession Beanはある業務ロジックxLogicを呼び出して操作します。
  • xxLogicはDAO層アクセスデータを呼び出します。
  • 2~4の過程で異常が発生した場合、session Contect呼び出し方法setRollbbbackonlyは異常を捕捉し、その異常をEJBException(RuntimeExceptionから継承)に転化して投げ続け、同時に事務をロールバックする。
  • 三、事務管理の配置
    JBOSSのEJB容器管理事務は、一般的にJBOSSのserver/default/confディレクトリの下に配置されています。具体的な配置パラメータは以下の通りです。      name=「jboss:service=Transation Manager」      xmboean-dd=「resorce:xmdesc/Transation ManagerService-xmboean.xml」            300            true      jboss:service=XidFactory
    package com.sunrise.www.utils; 
    import java.sql.Connection; 
    import java.sql.DriverManager; 
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement; 
    import java.sql.ResultSet; 
    import java.sql.SQLException; 
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; 
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; 
    import com.sunrise.www.utils.exception.DAOException; 
    public class DAOUtils { 
        private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DAOUtils.class); 
        private static boolean datasource_flag = false; 
        private static boolean read_datasource_flag = true; 
        private static boolean read_direct_conn_flag = false; 
        private static String datasource_name = null; 
        public static Connection getDBConnection(String datasourceName) 
                throws DAOException { 
            try { 
                return ServiceLocator.getInstance().getDataSource(datasourceName).getConnection(); 
            } catch (Exception ex) { 
                throw new DAOException("Cannot connect to database.", ex); 
        public static Connection getDBConnection() throws DAOException { 
            try { 
                if (read_datasource_flag) { 
                    String tmp = SystemConfig.getDefaultConfig("USE_DATASOURCE").toLowerCase(); 
                    datasource_flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(tmp); 
                    read_datasource_flag = false; 
                Connection conn = null; 
                if (!datasource_flag) { 
                    String user = "", password = "", url = "", driver = ""; 
                    if (!read_direct_conn_flag) { 
                        user = SystemConfig.getDefaultConfig("USER"); 
                        password = SystemConfig.getDefaultConfig("PASSWORD"); 
                        url = SystemConfig.getDefaultConfig("URL"); 
                        driver = SystemConfig.getDefaultConfig("DATABASEDRIVER"); 
                        read_direct_conn_flag = true; 
                    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); 
                } else { 
                    if (datasource_name == null) 
                        datasource_name = SystemConfig.getDefaultConfig("DATASOURCE_NAME"); 
                    conn = getDBConnection(datasource_name); 
                return conn; 
            } catch (Exception ex) { 
                log.error("       ", ex); 
                throw new DAOException(ex); 
        public static void closeAll(Connection dbConnection, 
                PreparedStatement stmt, ResultSet result) throws DAOException { 
        public static void close(Connection dbConnection, PreparedStatement stmt) 
                throws DAOException { 
        public static void close(Connection dbConnection) throws DAOException { 
            try { 
                if (dbConnection != null && !dbConnection.isClosed()) { 
                    dbConnection = null; 
            } catch (SQLException se) { 
                throw new DAOException("SQL Exception while closing " + "DB connection : /n", se); 
        public static void close(ResultSet result) throws DAOException { 
            try { 
                if (result != null) result.close(); 
            } catch (SQLException se) { 
                throw new DAOException("SQL Exception while closing " + "Result Set : /n", se); 
        public static void close(PreparedStatement stmt) throws DAOException { 
            try { 
                if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); 
            } catch (SQLException se) { 
                throw new DAOException("SQL Exception while closing " + "Statement : /n", se); 
         * @return read_datasource_flag 
        public static boolean isRead_datasource_flag() { 
            return read_datasource_flag; 
         * @param read_datasource_flag 
         *              read_datasource_flag 
        public static void setRead_datasource_flag(boolean read_datasource_flag) { 
            DAOUtils.read_datasource_flag = read_datasource_flag; 
    package com.sunrise.www.utils; 
    import java.util.Hashtable; 
    import javax.naming.InitialContext; 
    import javax.naming.NamingException; 
    import javax.sql.DataSource; 
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; 
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; 
    import com.sunrise.www.utils.exception.ServiceLocatorException; 
    public class ServiceLocator { 
        private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServiceLocator.class); 
        private static ServiceLocator serviceLocator; 
        private static InitialContext context; 
        private static Hashtable datasourceTable = new Hashtable(); 
        private ServiceLocator() throws ServiceLocatorException { 
            try { 
                context = getInitialContext(); 
            } catch (Exception e) { 
                throw new ServiceLocatorException(e.getMessage()); 
         * @return 
         * @throws ServiceLocatorException 
        public static synchronized ServiceLocator getInstance() 
                throws ServiceLocatorException { 
            if (serviceLocator == null) 
                serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator(); 
            return serviceLocator; 
         *  J2EE           
         * @return 
         * @throws NamingException 
        public static InitialContext getInitialContext() throws NamingException { 
            return new InitialContext(); 
         *      data source 
         * @param datasourceName 
         * @return 
         * @throws ServiceLocatorException 
        public DataSource getDataSource(String datasourceName) 
                throws ServiceLocatorException { 
            try { 
                DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) datasourceTable.get(datasourceName); 
                if (dataSource == null) { 
                    dataSource = (DataSource) context.lookup(actualJndiName(datasourceName)); 
                    if (dataSource == null) { 
                        log.error("         : " + datasourceName); 
                        throw new ServiceLocatorException("         : " + datasourceName); 
                    datasourceTable.put(datasourceName, dataSource); 
                return dataSource; 
            } catch (NamingException ne) { 
                throw new ServiceLocatorException(ne); 
        private String actualJndiName(String jndiName) throws NamingException { 
            String prefixes = (String) context.getEnvironment().get(InitialContext.URL_PKG_PREFIXES); 
            return ((prefixes != null && prefixes.contains("jboss")) ? "java:/" : "") + jndiName; 
    package com.sunrise.www.utils; 
    import java.io.IOException; 
    import java.io.InputStream; 
    import java.util.Properties; 
    import com.sunrise.www.utils.exception.SystemConfigException; 
    public class SystemConfig { 
        private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG = "Application.properties"; 
        private static ClassLoader defaultClassLoader; 
        private SystemConfig() { 
         * Returns the default classloader (may be null). 
         * @return The default classloader 
        public static ClassLoader getDefaultClassLoader() { 
            return defaultClassLoader; 
         * Sets the default classloader 
         * @param defaultClassLoader - 
         *            the new default ClassLoader 
        public static void setDefaultClassLoader(ClassLoader defaultClassLoader) { 
            SystemConfig.defaultClassLoader = defaultClassLoader; 
         * Returns a resource on the classpath as a Properties object 
         * @param resource 
         *            The resource to find 
         * @return The resource 
         * @throws IOException 
         *             If the resource cannot be found or read 
        public static Properties getResourceAsProperties(String resource) 
                throws IOException { 
            Properties props = new Properties(); 
            InputStream in = null; 
            String propfile = resource; 
            in = getResourceAsStream(propfile); 
            return props; 
         * Returns a resource on the classpath as a Properties object 
         * @param loader 
         *            The classloader used to load the resource 
         * @param resource 
         *            The resource to find 
         * @return The resource 
         * @throws IOException 
         *             If the resource cannot be found or read 
        public static Properties getResourceAsProperties(ClassLoader loader, 
                String resource) throws IOException { 
            Properties props = new Properties(); 
            InputStream in = null; 
            String propfile = resource; 
            in = getResourceAsStream(loader, propfile); 
            return props; 
         * Returns a resource on the classpath as a Stream object 
         * @param resource 
         *            The resource to find 
         * @return The resource 
         * @throws IOException 
         *             If the resource cannot be found or read 
        public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) 
                throws IOException { 
            return getResourceAsStream(getClassLoader(), resource); 
         * Returns a resource on the classpath as a Stream object 
         * @param loader 
         *            The classloader used to load the resource 
         * @param resource 
         *            The resource to find 
         * @return The resource 
         * @throws IOException 
         *             If the resource cannot be found or read 
        public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(ClassLoader loader, 
                String resource) throws IOException { 
            InputStream in = null; 
            if (loader != null) 
                in = loader.getResourceAsStream(resource); 
            if (in == null) 
                in = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(resource); 
            if (in == null) 
                throw new IOException("Could not find resource " + resource); 
            return in; 
        private static ClassLoader getClassLoader() { 
            if (defaultClassLoader != null) { 
                return defaultClassLoader; 
            } else { 
                return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); 
        //          com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources 
         *        (Application.properties)      
         * @param key 
         * @param defaultValue 
         * @return 
        public static String getDefaultConfig(String key, String defaultValue) { 
            return loadProperties(DEFAULT_CONFIG).getProperty(key, defaultValue); 
        public static String getDefaultConfig(String key) { 
            return loadProperties(DEFAULT_CONFIG).getProperty(key); 
        public static String getConfig(String resource, String key) { 
            return loadProperties(resource).getProperty(key); 
        public static String getConfig(String resource, String key, 
                String defaultValue) { 
            return loadProperties(resource).getProperty(key); 
        public static Properties loadProperties(String resource) { 
            try { 
                Properties props = getResourceAsProperties(resource); 
                if(props != null){ 
                    return props; 
                throw new SystemConfigException("Resource " + resource + " is not exist."); 
            } catch (IOException e) { 
                throw new SystemConfigException(e); 