
8836 ワード

# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
# 3-1 Python     
#Enter a code
print('Learn Python in imooc')
print(100 < 99)

# 3-2 Python print  
#input code

# 3-3 Python   
#print ('hello')

# 3-4 Python      
x1 = 1
d = 3
n = 100
x100 = x1+(n-1)*d
print (s)

# 3-5 Python      
s = ('Python was started in 1989 by \"Guido\".
Python is free and easy to learn.') print s # 3-6 Python raw print (r'''"To be, or not to be": that is the question....Whether it's nobler in the mind to suffer.''') # 3-7 Python Unicode # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- print (''' , 。 , 。''') # 3-8 Python 11.0 / 4 # ==> 2.75 11 / 4 # ==> 2 print (2.5 + 10.0 / 4) print (2.5 + 10 / 4) # 3-9 Python a = 'python' print ('hello,', a or 'world') b = '' print ('hello,', b or 'world') # a true, # 4-1 Python list L = ['Adam',95.5,'Lisa',85,'Bart',59] print (L) # 4-2 4-2 Python list L = [95.5,85,59] print( L[0]) print( L[1]) print( L[2]) # 4-3 Python list L = [95.5, 85, 59] print (L[-1]) print (L[-2]) print (L[-3]) # 4-4 Python #append() list 。 L = ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart'] L.insert(2, 'Paul') print (L) # 4-5 Python list L = ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Paul', 'Bart'] L.pop(2) L.pop(2) print (L) # 4-6 Python L = ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart'] L[-1] = 'Adam' L[0] = 'Bart' L[2]=L[-1] print (L) # 4-7 Python tuple t = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) print (t) # 4-8 Python tuple t = ('Adam',) print (t) # 4-9 Python “ ” tuple # t = ('a', 'b', ['A', 'B']) t = ('a', 'b', ('A', 'B')) print t # 5-1 Python if score = 75 if score >= 60: print ('passed') # 5-2 Python if-else score = 55 if score >= 60: print ('passed') else: print ('failed') # 5-3 Python if-elif-else score = 85 if score >= 90: print ('excellent') elif score >= 80: print ('good') elif score >= 60: print ('passed') else: print ('failed') # 5-4 Python for L = [75, 92, 59, 68] sum = 0.0 for x in L: sum += x print (sum / 4) # 5-5 Python while sum = 0 x = 1 while x <=100: sum += x x += 2 print (sum) # 5-6 Python break sum = 0 x = 1 n = 1 while True: sum += x x *= 2 n += 1 if n > 20: break print (sum) # 5-7 Python continue sum = 0 x = 0 while True: x = x + 1 if x > 100: break if x%2 == 0: continue sum += x print (sum) # 5-8 Python for x in ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']: for y in ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']: if x < y: print (x+y) # 6-1 Python dict d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59, 'Paul':75 } # 6-2 Python dict d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59 } print ('Adam: ', d.get('Adam')) print ('Lisa: ', d.get('Lisa')) print ('Bart: ', d.get('Bart')) # 6-3 Python dict # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- d = { 95:'Adam', 85:'Lisa', 59:'Bart' } # 6-4 Python dict d = { 95: 'Adam', 85: 'Lisa', 59: 'Bart' } d[72] = 'Paul' # 6-5 Python dict d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59 } for key in d: print (key, ':', d[key]) # 6-6 Python set #set , list 4 , set 3 。 # set set() list,list set s = set(['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart', 'Paul']) # 6-7 Python set # in , true false s = set([name.lower() for name in ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart', 'Paul']]) print 'adam' in s print 'bart' in s # 6-8 Python set months = set(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']) x1 = 'Feb' x2 = 'Sun' if x1 in months: print 'x1: ok' else: print 'x1: error' if x2 in months: print 'x2: ok' else: print 'x2: error' # 6-9 Python set s = set([('Adam', 95), ('Lisa', 85), ('Bart', 59)]) for x in s: print x[0], ':', x[1] # 6-10 Python set #set add();set remove() s = set(['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Paul']) L = ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart', 'Paul'] for x in L: if x in s: s.remove(x) else: s.add(x) print (s) # 7-2 Python L = range(1,101) #[1,2,...100] sum = 0 for i in L : sum = sum + i*i print sum # 7-3 Python def square_of_sum(L): return sum([i * i for i in L]) print square_of_sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) print square_of_sum([-5, 0, 5, 15, 25]) # 7-4 Python import math def quadratic_equation(a, b, c): x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c))/(2 * a) x2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c))/(2 * a) return x1,x2 print quadratic_equation(2, 3, 0) print quadratic_equation(1, -6, 5) # 7-5 Python def move(n, a, b, c): if n == 1: print a, '-->', c return move(n-1, a, c, b) print a, '-->', c move(n-1, b, a, c) move(4, 'A', 'B', 'C') # 7-6 Python def greet(x = 'world'): print ('Hello,%s.'%x) greet() greet('Bart') # 7-8 Python def average(*args): l = len(args) if l == 0:return 0.0 else: return sum(args,0.0)/l print average() print average(1, 2) print average(1, 2, 2, 3, 4) # 8-1 list L = range(1, 101) print L[:10] # print L[2::3] #3 print L[4:50:5] #50 5 # 8-2 L = range(1, 101) print L[-10:] # print L[-46::5] # 10 5 # 8-3 def firstCharUpper(s): return s.title() print firstCharUpper('hello') print firstCharUpper('sunday') print firstCharUpper('september') # 9-1 for i in range(1, 101): if i%7 == 0: print (i) # 9-2 #zip() list list:zip([10, 20, 30], ['A', 'B', 'C'])->>>[(10, 'A'), (20, 'B'), (30, 'C')] L = ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart', 'Paul'] for index, name in enumerate(L): print index+1, '-', name # 9-3 dict value #1. values() dict value list。 #2. itervalues() , dict value, itervalues() values() list 。 d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59, 'Paul': 74 } print sum(d.values())*1.0/len(d) d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59, 'Paul': 74 } sum = 0.0 for score in d.itervalues(): sum = sum + score print sum/len(d) # 9-4 dict key value #items() dict tuple list # items() iteritems(),iteritems() dict list, tuple d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59, 'Paul': 74 } sum = 0.0 for k, v in d.items(): sum = sum + v print k, ':', v print 'average', ':', sum/len(d) # 10-1 print [x*(x+1) for x in range(1,100,2)] #[1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 7x8, ..., 99x100] [x * x for x in range(1, 11)] #[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] # 10-2 # d = { 'Adam': 95, 'Lisa': 85, 'Bart': 59 } def generate_tr(name, score): if score < 60: return '%s%s' % (name, score) return '%s%s' % (name, score) tds = [generate_tr(name, score) for name, score in d.iteritems()] print '' print '' print '
'.join(tds) print '
' # 10-3 #isinstance(x, str) x def toUppers(L): return [x.upper() for x in L if isinstance(x, str) ] print toUppers(['Hello', 'world', 101]) # 10-4 # 3 for , 3 。 ,121 , 121。 print [a*100+b*10+c for a in range(1,10) for b in range(0,10) for c in range(0,10) if a == c]