
37526 ワード

# coding=utf-8

      S,          ,
      ,          ; 
      O(N),     O(1)。
 :“I_have_a___dream!”,  “Ihaveadream”
 :              。
import copy
import pprint
import random
import re
import collections

def is_remove(a_str):
    pattern = re.compile(r"[\u4e00-\u9fa5]")
    find_list = pattern.findall(a_str)
    if find_list:
        return False
        return True

def remove_blank(a_in_str, is_remove):
    size = len(a_in_str)
    str_list = list(a_in_str)
    i = 0  #        
    j = 0  #          ,  j<=i
    while (i < size):
        if is_remove(str_list[i]):
            i += 1
            if j < i:
                str_list[j] = str_list[i]
            i += 1
            j += 1
    return "".join(str_list[:j])   

# print remove_blank("asdb   dfd",is_remove)

#    :
      ,         。

def find_max(a_int_list):
    if not a_int_list:
    max = a_int_list[0]
    for i in a_int_list:
        if i > max:
            max = i
    return max

# print find_max([1,3,4,5,6,4,5])


def find_two_max(a_int_list):
    if not a_int_list:
    if len(a_int_list) < 2:
    max = a_int_list[0]
    max_2 = a_int_list[1]
    for i in a_int_list:
        if i > max:
            max = i
        elif i > max_2:
            max_2 = i
    return max, max_2

# print find_two_max([1,3,4,5,6,4,5])
Huffman             。
  :        (  )     
  ,             ,  
Huffman         :     
           ,        
      ;  ,         。

def calc_frequency(a_in_str):
    counter = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    for a_char in a_in_str:
        counter[a_char] += 1
    return counter

class HuffmanNode():
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0
        self.parent = None
        self.left_child = None
        self.right_child = None

def select_two_mini(hn_list):
    if not hn_list:
    mini_1 = None
    mini_2 = None
    i = 0
    for node in hn_list:
        if not node.value or node.parent is not None:
            #            , continue
            i = i + 1
            if mini_1 is None:
                mini_1 = i
                i += 1
            if mini_2 is None:
                mini_2 = i
                i += 1
            elif node.value < hn_list[mini_1].value:
                mini_1 = i
            elif node.value < hn_list[mini_2].value:
                mini_2 = i
        i += 1
    return mini_1, mini_2

def HuffmanCoding(char_counter_dict):
    if not char_counter_dict:
    char_list = char_counter_dict.keys()
    value_list = char_counter_dict.values()
    leaf = len(char_counter_dict)
    #   2n-1    
    node_num = 2 * leaf - 1
    hn_list = [HuffmanNode() for _ in range(node_num)]
    #   leaf    hn_list  n    
    for i in range(leaf):
        hn_list[i].value = value_list[i]
    #              ,     hn_list,parent,child          
    for i in range(leaf, node_num):
        node1, node2 = select_two_mini(hn_list)
        hn_list[node1].parent = hn_list[node2].parent = i
        hn_list[i].left_child = node1
        hn_list[i].right_child = node2
        hn_list[i].value = hn_list[node1].value + hn_list[node2].value
    print hn_list
    huffman_codding = []
    for i in range(leaf):
        a_codding = ""
        child = i
        pt = hn_list[i].parent
        while (pt):
            if hn_list[pt].left_child == child:
                a_codding += "0"
                a_codding += "1"
            child = pt
            pt = hn_list[pt].parent
        a_codding = a_codding[::-1]
    return dict(zip(char_list, huffman_codding))

# a_dict = {"A": 15, "B": 7, "C": 6, "D": 6, "E": 5}
# print HuffmanCoding(a_dict)
       S[0…N-1],   S  k
      S   ,     “abcdef”
   2   ‘a’、‘b’        
 ,      “cdefab”:      
    n+k  k      。
    :    k        n-k 。
    :
      O(n),      O(1)。
      a    ,     i  b,     c,
  i        cb,
         bc   cb。
   b   b',  c   c',
   (b'c')'       cb。

def reverse_str(a_str_list, start, end):
    if not a_str_list:
    while (end > start):
        tem = a_str_list[start]
        a_str_list[start] = a_str_list[end]
        a_str_list[end] = tem
        start += 1
        end -= 1

def circulation(a_in_str, k_len):
    a_list = list(a_in_str)
    reverse_str(a_list, 0, k_len - 1)
    reverse_str(a_list, k_len, len(a_in_str) - 1)
    reverse_str(a_list, 0, len(a_in_str) - 1)
    return "".join(a_list)

# print circulation("abcde",2)

##############################################     、  、  #####################################################

     N,     N     。
 2 N    ;
      x, x   ; x  , x 
      ,         ,   
      N     。
     ,       “  ”。


#     :   a ,a*a            ,   a*a

def Eratosthenes(end_num):
    all_num_flags = [True for i in xrange(1, end_num + 2)]
    all_num_flags[0] = False  #         ,0       
    p = 2  #      
    end_range = p * p
    while end_range <= end_num:
        #       p         p*p
        cp = end_range
        while cp <= end_num:
            all_num_flags[cp] = False
            cp += p
        p += 1
        while not all_num_flags[p]:
            p += 1
        end_range = p * p
    i = 0
    prime_num_list = []
    for flag in all_num_flags:
        if flag:
        i += 1
    return prime_num_list

      ,          。 
      ,       ,    
 :  :2→4→3、5→6→4,  :7→0→8

class AddNode():
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = None
        self.next = None

def add_node_list(nl1, nl2):
    if not nl2:
        return nl1
    if not nl1:
        return nl2
    head = AddNode()
    cur = head
    carry = 0  #   
    while (nl1 and nl2):
        value = nl1.value + nl2.value + carry
        carry = value // 10
        value = value % 10
        new_node = AddNode()
        new_node.value = value
        cur.next = new_node
        cur = cur.next
        nl1 = nl1.next
        nl2 = nl2.next

    if nl1:
        long_nl = nl1
        long_nl = nl2
    while (long_nl):
        value = long_nl.value + carry
        new_node = AddNode()
        new_node.value = value
        long_nl = long_nl.next
        cur.next = new_node
        cur = cur.next
    return head.next

def print_node_list(nl):
    head = nl
    while (head):
        print head.value,
        head = head.next
    print "
def test_add_node_list(): nl1 = AddNode() cur = nl1 for i in range(3): new_node = AddNode() new_node.value = random.randint(1, 9) cur.next = new_node cur = cur.next nl2 = AddNode() cur = nl2 for i in range(4): new_node = AddNode() new_node.value = random.randint(1, 9) cur.next = new_node cur = cur.next print_node_list(nl1.next) print_node_list(nl2.next) head = add_node_list(nl1.next, nl2.next) print_node_list(head) # test_add_node_list() """  , m n 。 。  : ^-1→2→3→4→5,m=2,n=4, ^-1→4→3→2→5。  :1≤m≤n≤ 。 """ class int_node(): def __init__(self): self.value = None self.next = None def part_reverse(nl, start, end): if end <= start: return p_head = nl # for i in range(start - 1): p_head = nl.next p_end = p_head.next # p_cur = p_end.next # for _ in range(end - start): # # 1 p_cur.next : p_end.next = p_cur.next # 2 p_cur.next : p_cur.next = p_head.next # 3 p_head.next : p_head.next = p_cur # 4 , p_cur p_cur = p_end.next def test_part_reverse(): head = int_node() p_cur = head head.value = -1 for i in range(10): new_node = int_node() new_node.value = random.randint(1, 9) p_cur.next = new_node p_cur = new_node print_node_list(head) part_reverse(head, 1, 10) print " " print_node_list(head) # test_part_reverse() ''' , Longest Common Subsequence,LCS。  S T, T S ;  X Y , , X Y 。  13455 245576 455  acdfg adfc adf  (Longest Common Substring)  : , : LCS(X,0) = 0 : LCS(Xm,Yn)=LCS(Xm-1,Yn-1) xm = ym LCS(Xm,Yn)=MAX(LCS(Xm-1,Yn),LCS(Xm,Yn-1)) xm != ym , : Xm Yn , (m+1)*(n+1) (i,j) Xm[:i],Yn[:j] (i,j) , 、 (i,j) , +1 , , ''' def lcs(Xm, Yn): m = len(Xm) n = len(Yn) chess = [] first_row = [] for j in range(n + 1): first_row.append(0) for i in range(m + 1): chess.append(copy.deepcopy(first_row)) for i in range(1, m + 1): for j in range(1, n + 1): if Xm[i - 1] == Yn[j - 1]: chess[i][j] = chess[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 else: chess[i][j] = max([chess[i - 1][j], chess[i][j - 1]]) # pprint.pprint (chess) return chess def recall_lcs(Xm, Yn, chess): print chess m = len(Xm) n = len(Yn) result = [] while (m != 0 and n != 0): if Xm[m - 1] == Yn[n - 1]: result.append(Yn[n - 1]) m -= 1 n -= 1 else: if chess[m][n - 1] >= chess[m - 1][n]: n -= 1 else: m -= 1 result.reverse() print "".join(result) # Xm="abcdefg" # Yn="bcafegd" # chess = lcs(Xm,Yn) # recall_lcs(Xm,Yn,chess) def recall_lcs_dfs(Xm, Yn, m, n, chess, result): ''' , , , n , n-1 , , , :param Xm: :param Yn: :param m: :param n: :param chess: :param result: :return: ''' rl = list(result) while (m != 0 and n != 0): if Xm[m - 1] == Yn[n - 1]: rl.append(Yn[n - 1]) m -= 1 n -= 1 else: if chess[m][n - 1] > chess[m - 1][n]: n -= 1 elif chess[m][n - 1] == chess[m - 1][n]: # , , recall_lcs_dfs(Xm, Yn, m - 1, n, chess, "".join(rl)) # n -= 1 else: m -= 1 rl.reverse() print "".join(rl) def test_recall_lcs_dfs(): Xm = "efghab" Yn = "egfahb" chess = lcs(Xm, Yn) print chess result = "" recall_lcs_dfs(Xm, Yn, 6, 6, chess, result) # ''' A {5,6,7,1,2,8}  :A’{1,2,5,6,7,8}  , A , A’ , , 。 , A , A A’ 。  , / : , 。 : , , ! : : ''' # def lis_dp(a_int_list): # results = [] # for i in range(len(a_int_list)): # results.append([]) j = 0 max = 0 # , , for i in a_int_list: results.append([i]) # j , , for h in range(j): if i > results[h][-1] and len(results[h]) + 1 > len(results[j]): temp2 = copy.deepcopy(results[h]) temp2.append(i) if len(temp2) > len(results[j]): results[j] = temp2 if len(results[j]) > len(results[max]): max = j j += 1 print results print max return results[max] # a_int_list = [3, 5, 8, 7, 4, 9, 12, 6] # print lis_dp(a_int_list) # def greedy_lis(a_int_list): temp = [] fl = [] for _ in a_int_list: fl.append(False) fl[0] = True for num in a_int_list: if not temp: temp.append(num) continue if num > temp[-1]: temp.append(num) else: # temp num # for i in range(len(temp)): # if temp[i]>num: # temp[i]=num # : low = 0 high = len(temp) - 1 while (low < high): mid = (low + high) / 2 if num < temp[mid]: high = mid - 1 else: low = mid + 1 if temp[low] > num: temp[low] = num else: temp[low + 1] = num print temp print len(temp) # a_int_list = [3, 5, 8, 7, 4, 9, 12, 6] # greedy_lis(a_int_list) ''' S[0…N-1], , S , : ''' def swap(a_int_list, a, b): if a == b: return else: temp = a_int_list[a] a_int_list[a] = a_int_list[b] a_int_list[b] = temp def is_duplicate(a_int_list,i_start,i): while(i_startif a_int_list[i_start] == a_int_list[i]: return True i_start+=1 else: return False # def Permutation(a_int_list,size,i_start): # i_start size , # i_start , size # i_start , #i_start 0 if i_start == size-1: print a_int_list return swaped = set([]) for i in range(i_start,size): # a[i] # if is_duplicate(a_int_list,i_start,i): # # a[i] [i_start,i) , , , # continue # if a_int_list[i] in swaped: continue swaped.add(a_int_list[i] ) swap(a_int_list,i,i_start) Permutation(a_int_list,size,i_start+1) swap(a_int_list,i_start,i) #Permutation([1,2,3,2],4,0) # KMP , , ! '''  text pattern, text pattern 。   (Brute Force) : O(m*n) KMP , BF 。  : N, M  BF O(M*N), O(1)  KMP O(M+N), O(M) ''' # def brute_force_search(src_str, aim_str): src_size = len(src_str) aim_size = len(aim_str) remove_len = src_size - aim_size src_cur = 0 # aim_cur = 0 # while src_cur < remove_len and aim_cur < aim_size: if src_str[src_cur+aim_cur] == aim_str[aim_cur]: aim_cur += 1 else: src_cur += 1 aim_cur = 0 if aim_cur >= aim_size: return src_cur return -1 # print brute_force_search("abcdefg", "cde") # KMP # step1 next ''' a b a a b c a b a next -1 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 :j=5 , “abaab” k k ab, c next 2 , 5 next , c next b 1, , , 1+1, ''' def get_next(src_str): size = len(src_str) next_list = [-1, ] # k next # ,k=next[j-1] k = -1 # j j = 0 while j < size - 1: if k == -1 or src_str[k] == src_str[j]: j += 1 k += 1 next_list.append(k) else: k = next_list[k] return next_list # print get_next("abaa") # get next , def kmp(src_str,aim_str): next_list = get_next(aim_str) ans = -1 src_size = len(src_str) aim_size = len(aim_str) src_cur = 0 # aim_cur = 0 # while src_cur < src_size : if aim_cur==-1 or src_str[src_cur] == aim_str[aim_cur]: src_cur += 1 aim_cur += 1 else: # aim_cur , aim , aim_cur = next_list[aim_cur] if aim_cur == aim_size: ans = src_cur - aim_size break return ans # print kmp("acfcfeccfcecfcfecdcdefg", "cfcfecd")