
1487 ワード

         1/3 2/3               
    <==       =====

            (         ):(2/3)^time = n , time = O(log2/3 n);

#define NOTFOUND 555555555

int sortedArr[] = {5,7,9,10,11,12,18,22,28};

int myBinary_search(int arr[],int s,int t,int target);

int main()
    int target;
    printf("please input the target you want to find:
"); scanf("%d",&target); // int index = myBinary_search(sortedArr,0,8,target); // if(index != NOTFOUND){ printf("The index of the target number in the array is %d
",index); }else{ printf("The target is not in the array
"); } return 0; } // // arr // s // t int myBinary_search(int arr[],int s,int t,int target){ while(s<t){ // int m = (t-s)/3*2+s; if(arr[m] == target) return m; else if(arr[m] < target) s = m + 1; else t = m - 1; } return NOTFOUND; }