
24034 ワード

create database itcast;
    create database itcast character set utf8;
show   ;
show databases;
drop database itcase;

create table   (   1     [(  )] [    ],   2     [(  )] [    ]);
create table t4 (c1 int,c2 varchar(20),c3 text,c4 int,c5 int);
desc   ;
alter table     rename    ;
alter table xi_ID rename xi;
alter table    character set    ;
alter table users character set utf8;

alter table    add         [(  )]     ;
alter table student add lalala varchar(20);
alter table    modify         [(  )] [    ];
alter table t4 modify c3 int not null;
alter table    change             [(  )];
alter table student change gender name varchar(20);
alter table    drop    ;
alter table student drop id;


create table test06 (id int primary key,name varchar(15) not null,age int(10),aa int unique,bb text,index(id));
create table test07 (id int primary key,name varchar(15) not null,age int(10),aa int unique,bb text,index indexName (id));
explain select * from t2 where id=1;
create table test09 (id int,name varchar(15) not null,age int(10),aa int unique,bb text,unique index unique_id (id asc));
create table test10 (id int,name varchar(15) not null,age int(10),aa int unique,bb text,fulltext index fulltext_name (name));
create table t1 (id int,name varchar(20) not null,age int(10),aa int unique,bb text,index single_name(name(20)));
create table t2 (id int,name varchar(20) not null,age int(10),aa int unique,bb text,index multi(name(20),id));
create table t3 (id INT,name varchar(20) not null,age int(10),space geometry not null,SPATIAL index sp(space))engine=myisam;
--        -    
create index index_c1 on t4(c1);
alter table t4 add index hh(c1);
--        -     
create unique index unique_index_c2 on t4(c2);
alter table t4 add unique index hh2(c2);
--        -    
create index usignal_index_c3 on t4(c3(10));
alter table t4 add index signal_hh2(c2);
--        -    
create index mulitidx_index_c4andc5 on t4(c4(4),c5(4));
alter table t4 add index mulit_hh2(c2,c3(10));
--        -    
create fulltext index fulltext_index_c2 on t4(c2);
alter table t4 add fulltext index fulltext_hh2(c2);
--        -    
create spatial index spatial_index on t5(space);
alter table t4 add spatial index spatial_hh2(space);
alter table t4 drop index fulltext_hh2;
drop index mulit_hh2 on t4;

insert into t4 (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values (11,"awei",22,33,44);
insert into t4 values (22,"haokun",33,44,55);
insert into t4 (c4,c5) values (33,44);
insert into t6 values (22,"haokun",22),(33,"awei",33),(44,"hk",44);
insert into t6 (id,name) values (222,"test1"),(333,"wei");
update student set name='  ',grade=100.00 where name="awei";
update student set grade=66 where grade<40;
update student set grade=66;
delete from student where name='  ';
delete from student;
--         ,     1    
--  DDL,     drop   create ,      ,    
truncate table student;

select id,grade,name from student;
--     grade     ,        
select distinct grade from student order by grade;
select * from student;
select * from student where id<5;
select * from liuwei.test where name in('  ','  ','  ','  ');
select * from liuwei.test where name not in('  ','  ','  ','  ');
select * from liuwei.test where id between 10 and 20;
select * from liuwei.test where id not between 10 and 20;
select * from liuwei.test where name is null;
select * from liuwei.test where name is not null;
select distinct gender from liuwei.text;
select distinct gender,name from liuwei.test;
--%      ,_      
select * from liuwei.test where xieyihao like "%2%8";
select * from liuwei.test where xieyihao like "_170___80";
select * from liuwei.test where xieyihao like "%8%" and id<30;
select * from liuwei.test where xieyihao like "%8%" and id in (27,28,29) and gender=' ';
select * from liuwei.test where xieyihao like "%8" or id<5;
--and/or    ,    and  
select * from liuwei.test where gender=' ' or id<15 and name in ('  ','  ','  ','  ') and xuehao like "%75%";
select count(name) from liuwei.test;
select sum(xieyihao) from liuwei.test;
    --  ,  ifnull null      ,  aa     null,   0      
    select sum(ifnull(aa,0)+bb+cc) from exam;
select avg(xieyihao) from liuwei.test;
select max(xieyihao) from liuwei.test;
select max(xieyihao) from liuwei.test;
select * from student order by id;
--      asc(  )   ,    asc   
select * from student order by asc id;
--        ,      ,            0  
select * from liuwei.test order by id+0 limit 20;
--    --        ,     id    
select * from liuwei.test order by gender,id+0 desc;
--group by     
select gender from liuwei.test group by gender;
--group by           
select count(*),gender from liuwei.test group by gender;
--group by   having       
select sum(xieyihao),gender from liuwei.test group by gender having sum(xieyihao)>90000;
--4.3.4  limit        
select * from liuwei.test order by id+0 limit 20;
--        4    , 5   
select * from liuwei.test order by id+0 limit 3,5;
   as         as   ,  as    
select name stu_name,gender stu_gender,xieyihao xy,xuehao xh from test t where>30;
alter table    add constraint FK_ID foreign key (     ) REFERENCES      (     );
alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key (gid) REFERENCES grade (id);
alter table    drop foreign key    
alter table student drop foreign key FK_ID;
--    (          ,          )
--    (                    ,     )
select * from  1 CROSS JOIN  2;
--   1  2             ;
select      from  1 [inner] join  2 on  1.    = 2.    ;
select,department.dname from department join employee on department.did=employee.did;
select,department.dname from department,employee where department.did=employee.did;
select * from employee p1 join employee p2 on p1.did=p2.did;

        foreign key(orderdis) references orders(id);
         dept emp, emp  id      dept  id  
        create table dept(
            id int primary key auto_increment,
            name varchar(40)
        create table emp(
            id int primary key auto_increment,
            name varchar(40),
            dept_id int,
            foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id)
2.     ,            
        alter table    add constraint FK_ID foreign key(     ) REFERENCES     (     );
        alter table emp add constraint FK_ID foreign key(dept_id) REFERENCES dept(id);
        alter table    drop foreign key    ;
        alter table emp drop foreign key FK_ID;
          (    ):      1      2   
        select * from emp,dept;
        select * from emp,dept where;
        select * from emp inner join dept on;
        select * from dept left join emp on;
        select * from dept right join emp on;
        select * from dept full join emp on; # mysql       !
    mysql              ,   union               ,              
        select * from dept left join emp on
        select * from dept right join emp on;
    ~  4               :
        select     ,      from dept inner join emp on where;
    1. IN       
          IN         ,               ,                      .
        ~       20       
        select dname from department where did in (select did from employee where age=20);
        ~        20       
        select dname from department where did not in (select did from employee where age=20);
    2.EXISTS                  ,             ,        ,   TRUE FALSE,     TRUE ,      
        ~  employee          21    ,    ,   department      
        select * from department where exists (select * from employee where age>21);
    3.ANY               ,                        ,                   ,                
            ~   ANY       ,         
            --   employee   did,   department  did   ,    employee      did         
            select * from department where did>any(select did from employee);
    4. ALL                         .
            ~   ALL       ,         
            --   employee   did,   department  did   ,    employee    did         
            --   employee      did 4,   department   did    4        
            select * from department where did>all(select did from employee);
            ~            ,            
            --  employee       did,         department    
            select dname from department where did = (select did from employee where name='  ');
      :        ,             
    mysql       ,  mysql                
        start transaction; --     
        commit; --     ,       sql           
        rollback; --     ,      ,                   .
                    ,             .
                        .(       :            ,             ,              )
                            ,                    ,               .
                      ,                ,                       .
                   ,                              ,     (Isolation)        .
        read uncommitted --       ,             (  )  
        read committed --                      (  )  
        repeatable read --             ,      (  )  
        serializable --                              
    serializable > repeatable read > read committed > read uncommitted
    read uncommitted > read committed > repeatable read > serializable
    mysql    repeatable read      !
        set [session/global] transaction isolation level ....; --       
        select @@tx_isolation; --             
    show variables like '%autocommit';
             sql       ,         
        create procedure        ([proc_parameter]) [characteristics...]routine_body
            proc_parameter        :
                [IN|OUT|INOUT]param_name type
                [    |    |          ]         (MySQL      )
                LANGUAGE SQL:       ,    SQL          ,        .
                [NOT] DETERMINISTIC:        ,             .[NOT]                ,       .
                                       [NOT] DETERMINISTIC
        ~      student      
            delimiter !! --      sql       
            create procedure Proc()
                select * from student;
            end !!
            delimiter ; --            
                      BEGIN END  ,            
            DECLARE var_name[,varname]...date_type[DEFAULT value];
            SET var_name = expr[,var_name = expr]...;
            select col_name[...] into var_name[...] table_expr;
        ~          myvariable   ,   INT  ,    100
        ~         ,  +20   
            delimiter //
            create procedure proc2()
                declare myvariable int default 100;
                select myvariable;
                set myvariable = myvariable+20;
                select myvariable;
            end //
            delimiter ;
        ~    ,                   
            delimiter //
            create procedure proc3()
                declare s_grade float;
                declare s_gender char(2);
                select grade,gender into s_grade,s_gender from student where id = 3;
                select s_grade,s_gender;
            end //
            delimiter ;            
        DECLARE condition_name CONDITION FOR [condition_type];
            condition_type     :
            -- ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'liuweiee'
                SQLSTATE[VALUE] sqlstate_value    -- SQLSTATE     42000
                mysql_error_code    -- code     1049
        ~  "ERROR 1049 (42000)"  ,   command_not_allowed
            declare command_not_allowed condition for sqlstate 42000;
            declare command_not_allowed condition for 1049
        DECLARE handler_type HANDLER FOR condition_value[,...] sp_statement
            handler_type --             
                CONTINUE           ,    
                UNDO                    ,MySQL         
            condition_value --              
                SQLSTATE[VALUE] sqlstate_value   5          
                condition_name    DECLARE CONDITION         
                SQLWARNING           01   SQLSTATE    
                NOT FOUNT            02   SQLSTATE    
    4.  (  )   
            DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR for select_statement
            OPEN cursor_name
            FETCH cursor_name INTO var_name[,var_name]...   ##                
            CLOSE cursor_name
            IF expr_condition THEN statement_list
                [ELSEIF expr_condition THEN statement_list]
                [ELSE statement_list]
            END IF
        ~            V    null,         
            DELIMITER //
            create procedure proc4()
                DECLARE v varchar(2);
                set v = 'a';
                IF v is null then select 'is null';
                ELSE select 'not null';
                END IF;
            DELIMITER ;
            CASE case_expr
                THEN when_value THEN statement_list
                [THEN when_value THEN statement_list]...
                [ELSE statement_list]
            END CASE
            DELIMITER //
            create procedure proc5()
                DECLARE v int;
                set v = 1;
                case v
                    when 1 then select 'value is 1';
                    when 2 then select 'value is 2';
                    else select 'not 1 or 2';
                end case;
            DELIMITER ;
            [loop_table:]LOOP statement_list END LOOP [loop_label]
            DECLARE id INT DEFAULT 0;
                SET id = id+1;
                -- leave        ,         
                -- iterate        (continue )
                if id>=10 then leave add_loop;
                end if;
            end loop add_loop;
        ~  loop   if      10~20    
            DELIMITER //
            create procedure test1()
                DECLARE id INT DEFAULT 0;
                    SET id = id+1;
                    if id<10 then iterate my_loop;
                    elseif id>20 then leave my_loop;
                    end if;
                    select id ' is between 10 and 20';
                end loop my_loop;
            end //
            DELIMITER ;
        REPEAT   --   do..while
            [repeat_lable:] REPEAT statement_list UNTLL expr_condition END REPEAT[repeat_lable]
            DECLARE id INT DEFAULT 0;
                SET id=id+1;
                UNTIL id>=10;
            END REPEAT;
        WHILE   --   while  
            [while_lable:] while expr_condition DO statement_list END WHILE [while_lable]
            DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0;
            WHILE i<10 do
                set i=i+1;
            END WHILE;
    CALL sp_name([parameter[,...]])
    ~        ,  student        
        --       ,IN   ,OUT   
        CREATE PROCEDURE CountProc1(IN s_gender VARCHAR(50),OUT num INT)
            --  student    '  ' ' '      ,       NUM
            SELECT COUNT(*) INTO num FROM student WHERE gender = s_gender;
        END //
    call CountProc1(" ",@num );
    select @num;
        1.SHOW STATUS           
            show procedure status;
            --            2   
            show procedure status like '%2';
        2.SHOW CREATE           
            show create{procedure|function} sp_name
            show create procedure proc4;
        3. information_schema.Routines           
            select * from information_schema.Routines;
        ALTER {PROCEDURE|FUNCTION} sp_name[characteristic...]
            CONTAINS SQL        SQL  ,           ;
            NO SQL          SQL  ;
            READS SQL DATA               ;
            MODIFIES SQL DATA               ;
            SQL SECURITY{DEFINER|INVOKER}          ;
            DEFINER               ;
            INVOKER          ;
        **           ,MySQL                  ,       ,        .
    ~               +  
        create view view_stu as select math,chinese,math+chinese from student;
        select * from view_stu;
        --       ,  or replace                   
        create or replace view view_stu (  ,  ,  ) as select math,chinese,math+chinese from student;
        select * from view_stu;
        create view stu_class (  ,  ,  )
        select student.s_id,,stu_info.class from stu_info,student where stu_info.s_id=student.s_id;
        select * from stu_class;
        1.desc    ; --       table status like '   '; --       create view    ; --          
        1.  create or replace view      
            ~  create or replace view    view_stu  
            create or replace view view_stu as select * from student;
        2.  alter      
            alter [algorithm = {undefined | merge | temptable}]
            view view_name [(column_list)]
            as select_statement
            [with[cascaded | local] check option]
            ~  alter      
            alter view view_stu as select chinese from student;
        --              ,            
        --                         ,    
        1.  update       
            update view_stu set chinese = 100;
        2.  insert       
            insert into student values (4,'lili',20,30);
        3.  delete       
            delete from view_stu where chinese = 30;
    --        :
        --       select                 
        --       select               
        --       select      distinct,union,top,group by having  
        drop view [if exists] view_name [,view_name1]...[restrict | cascade]
        ~  view_stu2  
        drop view if exists view_stu;
        mysqldump: --               (          )      sql   
             cmd ,mysqldump -u username -p password dbname [tbname1 [tbname2...]] > filename.sql
    2.      --                    ,         
            --       ,              (create database xxx)
            --       sql    
             cmd ,mysql -u     -p [  ] [dbname] < filename.sql
          2:source  :
             mysql      :            source xxx.sql       sql         ,        
      grant       --            ,                      
        grant privileges on database table
            to 'username'@'hostname' [identified by [password]'password']
            [,'username'@'hostname' [identified by [password]'password']] ...
        grant select on mydb3.* to 'wangxiaokun'@'localhost' identified by 'abc123';
      create user      
        create user 'username'@'hostname'[identified by [password]'password']
            [,'username'@'hostname'[identified by [password]'password']]...
        create user 'wangxiaokun'@'localhost' identified by 'abc123';
        insert into mysql.user(host,user,authentication_string,ssl_cipher,x509_issuer,x509_subject)
        values ('hostname','username',password('password','','',''));
        flush privileges;
        ~ insert        
        insert into mysql.user(host,user,authentication_string,ssl_cipher,x509_issuer,x509_subject)
        values ('localhost','wangxiaokun',PASSWORD('abc123'),'','','');
        flush privileges;
    drop user 'username'@'hostname'[,'username'@'hostname'];
    drop user 'wangxiaokun'@'localhost';
    delete from mysql.user where host='hostname' and user='username';
    flush privileges;
    delete from mysql.user where host='localhost' and user='wangxiaokun';
    flush privileges;
    1.  root     
        ~     : --      'password'      ,        
            mysqladmin -u username [-h hostname] -p password new_passwrod
            C:\Documents and Settings\[  windows     ]>
        ~     :
            update mysql.user set password=password('new_passwrod')
            where user='username' and host='hostname';
            flush privileges;
            update mysql.user set password=password('liuwei') where user = 'root' and host='localhost';
            flush privileges;
        ~     :
               root    ,  
            set password=password('new_passwrod');
    2.  root           :
            grant usafe on *.* to 'username'@'localhost' identified by [password]'new_passwrod';
            update mysql.user set password=password('new_passwrod')
            where user='username' and host='hostname';
            flush privileges;
            set password for'username'@'hostname'=password('new_passwrod');
        set password=password('new_passwrod');
 xx        ALTER TABLE logixxxs_xxer_sxxck ADD UNIQUE (LogisticsUserID,LogisticsProductID);