
49579 ワード

  • は少し言って、私は自分で作って、結点の移動のコードを書きたいと思って、結局ふだん多く練習して利益があります.実は回転するノードのdata値を直接修正すればいいので、親ノードもルートを判断する必要がなく、便利になります.
  • AVLは大きい2生が比较的に复雑な1枚だと感じて、私はネット上のコードを见てjavaが多いと感じて、それからコードは比较的に简単で、新入生用に适していないので、1版の比较的に详しいことを书きました.必要な学生がいたら、伝言を残して私に相談してください.
  • #include
    using namespace std;
    #define rep(i, a, b) for(int i=(a); i
    #define req(i, a, b) for(int i=(a); i<=(b); i++)
    #define ull unsigned __int64
    #define sc(t) scanf("%d",&(t))
    #define sc2(t,x) scanf("%d%d",&(t),&(x))
    #define pr(t) printf("%d
    #define pf printf #define prk printf("
    #define pi acos(-1.0) #define ms(a,b) memset((a),(b),sizeof((a))) #define mc(a,b) memcpy((a),(b),sizeof((a))) #define w while #define vr vector #define gr greater typedef long long ll; //next_permutation(arr, arr+size); //prev_permutation(arr, arr+size); struct AVL{ AVL *lchild; AVL *rchild; AVL *father; int flag; int data; int root; }; AVL *t = NULL, *p = NULL; int hh, flag; void insert(AVL *s, int x) { if(x > s->data) { if(s->rchild != NULL) insert(s->rchild, x); else { AVL *c; c = new AVL; //new , c->data = x; c->lchild = c->rchild = NULL; c->flag = 0; c->root = 0; s->rchild = c; c->father = s; } } else { if(s->lchild != NULL) insert(s->lchild, x); else { AVL *c; c = new AVL; c->data = x; c->lchild = c->rchild = NULL; c->flag = 0; s->lchild = c; c->father = s; } } } void gethigh(AVL *s, int h) // { if(s->lchild != NULL) { hh = max(hh, h+1); gethigh(s->lchild, h+1); } if(s->rchild != NULL) { hh = max(hh, h+1); gethigh(s->rchild, h+1); } //cout << "insert" << endl; } void updata(AVL *s) { hh = 1; if(s->lchild != NULL) { hh = 2; gethigh(s->lchild, 2); // , , 2 cout << "s->data = "<<s->data<<" : the lchild is not NULL, and is " << s->lchild->data << endl; } int hl = hh; hh = 1; if(s->rchild != NULL) { hh = 2; gethigh(s->rchild, 2); cout << "s->data = " <<s->data<< " : the rchild is not NULL, and is " << s->rchild->data << endl; } int hr = hh; s->flag = hl - hr;// , ,flag , 2 if(s->flag == 2 || s->flag == -2) { p = s; cout << "p is " << p->data << " && p->flag = " << p->flag << endl; flag = 1; } //prk; if(s->lchild != NULL) updata(s->lchild); if(s->rchild != NULL) updata(s->rchild); } void change(AVL *s) { cout << "p is " << p->data << " && p->flag = " << p->flag << endl; // , 、 , if(p->flag == 2) { if(p->lchild->flag == 1) //LL { AVL *r = p->lchild; if(r->rchild != NULL) p->lchild = r->rchild; else p->lchild = NULL; r->rchild = p; p->father = p->father; p->father = r; if(p->root == 1) { r->root = 1; p->root = 0; t = r; } else { AVL *c = r->father; if(c->lchild->data == p->data) c->lchild = r; else c->rchild = r; } } else //LR { AVL *r = p->lchild; AVL *rr = r->rchild; if(rr->lchild != NULL) r->rchild = rr->lchild; else r->lchild = NULL; rr->lchild = r; r->father = rr; if(rr->rchild != NULL) p->lchild = rr->rchild; else p->lchild = NULL; rr->rchild = p; rr->father = p->father; p->father = r; if(p->root == 1) { rr->root = 1; p->root = 0; t = rr; } else { AVL *c = rr->father; if(c->lchild->data == p->data) c->lchild = rr; else c->rchild = rr; } } } else { if(p->rchild->flag == -1) //RR { AVL *r = p->rchild; if(r->lchild != NULL) p->rchild = r->lchild; else p->rchild = NULL; r->lchild = p; r->father = p->father; p->father = r; if(p->root == 1) { r->root = 1; p->root = 0; t = r; } else { AVL *c = r->father; if(c->lchild->data == p->data) c->lchild = r; else c->rchild = r; } } else //RL { AVL *r = p->rchild; AVL *rr = r->lchild; if(rr->rchild != NULL) r->lchild = rr->rchild; else r->lchild = NULL; rr->rchild = r; r->father = rr; if(rr->lchild != NULL) p->rchild = rr->lchild; else p->rchild = NULL; rr->lchild = p; rr->father = p->father; p->father = rr; if(p->root == 1) { rr->root = 1; p->root = 0; t = rr; } else { AVL *c = rr->father; if(c->lchild->data == p->data) c->lchild = rr; else c->rchild = rr; } } } flag = 0; updata(t); if(flag) change(p); } void pre(AVL *s) { cout << s->data << " "; if(s->lchild != NULL) pre(s->lchild); if(s->rchild != NULL) pre(s->rchild); } void ord(AVL *s) { if(s->lchild != NULL) ord(s->lchild); cout << s->data << " "; if(s->rchild != NULL) ord(s->rchild); } void bac(AVL *s) { if(s->lchild != NULL) ord(s->lchild); if(s->rchild != NULL) ord(s->rchild); cout << s->data << " "; } int main() { int x; sc(x); t = new AVL; p = new AVL; t->data = x; t->lchild = NULL; t->rchild = NULL; t->flag = 0; t->root = 1; t->father = NULL; w(sc(x) && x!=-1) { insert(t, x); // flag = 0; updata(t); // if(flag) { cout << endl << "*************" <<endl; change(p); // AVL } } pre(t); // prk; ord(t); // prk; bac(t); // prk; return 0; }