
  • BellmanFordアルゴリズム
  • 長所短所
  • を実現
  • の利点
  • の欠点
    欠点は,負の重み回路を検出できるが,負の重み回路がある最短経路の問題は解決できないことである.また、時間の複雑さが高い.O(|V| * |E|).

  • インプリメンテーション
    // main.cpp
    // BellmanFord
    // Created by Alps on 15/3/26.
    // Copyright (c) 2015  chen. All rights reserved.
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #ifndef NumVertex
    #define NumVertex 4
    #ifndef Infinity
    #define Infinity 1000
    typedef int Vertex;
    struct LinkList{
        int val;
        int weight;
        LinkList * next;
        LinkList(int v, int w): val(v), weight(w), next(NULL){}
    typedef LinkList* VList;
    struct TableEntry{
        VList Header;
        Vertex Dist;
        Vertex Path;
    typedef TableEntry Table[NumVertex+1];
    void InitTable(Vertex start, Table T){
        int OutDegree = 0;
        VList temp = NULL;
        for (int i = 1; i <=NumVertex; i++) {
            T[i].Header = NULL; // init the vertex
            T[i].Dist = Infinity;
            T[i].Path = -1;
            for (int j = 0; j < OutDegree; j++) { // init the link vertex
                temp = (VList)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkList));
                scanf("%d %d", &temp->val, &temp->weight);
                temp->next = T[i].Header;
                T[i].Header = temp;
        T[start].Dist = 0;
    void PrintPath(Vertex V, Table T){
        if (T[V].Path != -1) {
            PrintPath(T[V].Path, T);
            printf(" to ");
        printf("%d", V);
    bool BellFord(Vertex start, Table T){
        bool Update = false;
        VList temp;
        for (int i = 1; i <= NumVertex; i++) { //cycle the num of vertex
            Update = false;
            for (int j = 1; j <= NumVertex; j++) { // traversal all the vertex
                if (T[j].Dist != Infinity) { // if the current vertex distance is not Inf
                    temp = T[j].Header;
                    while (temp != NULL) { // if it have traversaled the link vertex
                        if (T[j].Dist + temp->weight < T[temp->val].Dist) { //if need to relax
                            T[temp->val].Dist = T[j].Dist + temp->weight; //relax operation
                            T[temp->val].Path = j; // mark the path
                            Update = true; // mark the vertex update is true
                        temp = temp->next; // find the next node
        if (Update == true) {
            return false; // if the Graph have a negative cycle
            return true; // no negative cycle
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
        Table T;
        InitTable(1, T);
        if (!BellFord(1, T)) {
            printf("There is a cycle!
    ); return 0; } PrintPath(3, T); return 0; }
        2 //        
        2 -1//  id    2 length
        3 1
        2 //        
        3 -2 //  
        4 1
        4 -1
