
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> books;
set<string> readedBooks;
string name;
//       6         vector  
cout << "Enter names for books you'd like to read\(Ctrl+Z to end):"
<< endl;
while (cin >> name)
cin.clear(); //         
bool timeOver = false;
string answer, bookName;
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
while (!timeOver && !books.empty()) {
//     6          
cout << "Would you like to read a book?(Yes/No)" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer[0] == 'y' answer[0] == 'Y') {
//  vector        
int i = rand() % books.size(); //         
bookName = books[i];
cout << "You can read this book: "
<< bookName << endl;
readedBooks.insert(bookName); //          
books.erase(books.begin() + i); //  vector       
cout << "Did you read it?(Yes/No)" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer[0] == 'n' answer[0] == 'N') {
readedBooks.erase(bookName); //           
books.push_back(bookName); //        vector 
cout << "Time over?(Yes/No)" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer[0] == 'y' answer[0] == 'Y') {
//    6     
timeOver = true;
if (timeOver) {//    6     
cout << "books read:" << endl;
for (set<string>::iterator sit = readedBooks.begin();
sit != readedBooks.end(); ++sit)
cout << *sit << endl;
cout << "books not read:" << endl;
for (vector<string>::iterator vit = books.begin();
vit != books.end(); ++vit)
cout << *vit << endl;
cout << "Congratulations! You have read all these books."<<endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
multimap<string, string> authors;
string author, work, searchItem;
//          multimap  
do {
cout << "Enter author name(Ctrl+Z to end):" << endl;
cin >> author;
if (!cin)
cout << "Enter author's works(Ctrl+Z to end):" << endl;
while (cin >> work)
authors.insert(make_pair(author, work));
}while (cin);
cin.clear(); //         
cout << "Who is the author that you want erase:" << endl;
cin >> searchItem;
multimap<string,string>::iterator iter =
if (iter != authors.end())
cout << "Can not find this author!" << endl;
//   multimap  
cout << "author\t\twork:" << endl;
for (iter = authors.begin(); iter != authors.end(); ++iter)
cout << iter->first << "\t\t" << iter->second << endl;
return 0;
