
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
	NSString *height;
	/**   :
	 +(id) stringWithFormat: (NSString *) format,...
	    (。。。):              。
	           (+),          ,            ,          ,                   。
	 objective-c           ,              。             ,  ,           。        long   ,              (      )
	height=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"you heigh is %d feet,%d inches",5,11];
	//length            。-(unsigned int) length;
	if([height length]>5){
		NSLog(@"height length ------");
	 isEqualToString :                            ,  yes no
	NSString *thing1=@"hello";
	NSString *thing2=[[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"hello"];
    if([thing1 isEqualToString:thing2]){
		NSLog(@"they are same");	
	 ==:       ,           
		NSLog(@"== same");
	 compare:       。     
	 compare                      ,     NSComparisonResult(    )     。
	 typedef enum _NSComparisonResult{
	 } NSComparisonResult;
	[thing1 compare:thing2];
	if(NSOrderedSame==[thing1 compare:thing2]){
		NSLog(@"compare same");	
	 -(NSComparisonResult) compare:(NSString *) string 
	 options:(unsinged) mask;
	 options       ,    |      
	 NSLiteralSearch:      ,     
	 NSNumbericSearch:          ,      
	if([thing1 compare:thing2 options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch|
		NSLog(@"they match");
	 -(BOOL) hasPrefix:(NSString *) aString;
	 -(BOOL) hasSuffix:(NSString *) aString;
	NSString *fileName=@"aabbbcc";
	if([fileName hasPrefix:@"aa"]){
		NSLog(@"begin with aa");
	if([fileName hasSuffix:@"cc"]){
		NSLog(@"end with cc");
	//SString      ,  NSString     ,        。
	//+(id) stringWithCapacity:(unsinged) capacity; capacity:  NSMutableString     ,                 ,          。
	NSMutableString *str=[NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:40];
	[str appendFormat:@"sdfsdf%d",5];
	[str appendString:@"ssssssss"];
	//-(void) deleteCharactersInRange:(NSRange) range;
	NSMutableString *ms;
	ms=[NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:50];
	[ms appendString:@"aabbccdd"];
	NSRange range;
	range=[ms rangeOfString:@"cc"];
	[ms deleteCharactersInRange:range];
	//       ,           
	//------------------  --------------
	//NSArray ,NSDictionary
	 NSArray    cocoa ,           。
	NSArray     :1,     objective-c   ,     c           int,float,enum,struct,  nsarray      。2,   nsarray   nil
	 arrayWithObjects:      nsarray。              ,       nil      ,(      nsarray   nil   )
	NSArray *array=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"aa",@"bb",@"cc",nil];
	//-(unsigned) count;          
	//-(id) objectAtIndex:(unsigned int) index;          
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<[array count]; i++) {
		NSLog(@"index %d has %@",i,[array objectAtIndex:i]);
	NSString *ns=@"sdf,dsfs,dfd,fdf,df,dd";
	NSArray *comArr=[ns componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
	for(int i=0;i<[comArr count];i++){
		NSLog(@"componentsSeparatedByString===%@",[comArr objectAtIndex:i]);
	//componentJoinedByString:   nsarray          
	NSString *joinedStr=[comArr componentsJoinedByString:@"-->"];
	NSLog(@"joined---= %@",joinedStr);
	NSMutableArray *mutableArr=[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:40];
	[mutableArr addObject:@"aa"];
	[mutableArr addObject:@"bb"];
	[mutableArr addObject:@"cc"];
	[mutableArr addObject:@"dd"];
	for(int i=0;i<[mutableArr count];i++){
		NSLog(@"mutableArr==%@",[mutableArr objectAtIndex:i]);
	//-----  -(void) removeObjectAtIndex:(unsinged) index;          ,
	//        ,          ,                      
	[mutableArr removeObjectAtIndex:2];
	for(int i=0;i<[mutableArr count];i++){
		NSLog(@"removeObjectAtIndex == %@",[mutableArr objectAtIndex:i]);
	//NSEnumerator ,  cocoa               
	//-(NSEnumerator *) objectEnumerator;
	NSEnumerator *enumerator=[mutableArr objectEnumerator];
	id thingie;
	while(thingie=[enumerator nextObject]){
		NSLog(@"i found %@",thingie);
	for(NSString *string in mutableArr){
		NSLog(@"for in == %@",string);
	 NSDictionary         (     NSString   )       (          )。                   。
	 NSDictionary            。             ,              。
	 +(id) dictionaryWithObjectAndKeys:(id) firstObject,....;
	                   , nil       。
	NSDictionary *dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"aaa",@"a",@"bbb",@"b",nil];
	NSString *dicStr=[dic objectForKey:@"a"];
	if([dicStr isEqualToString:@"aaa"]){
	NSMutableDictionary *mutableDic=[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:50];
	[mutableDic setObject:@"1111" forKey:@"1"];
	[mutableDic setObject:@"222" forKey:@"2"];
	//   -(void) removeObjectForKe:(id) key;
	[mutableDic removeObjectForKey:@"2"];
	NSArray *keyArr=[mutableDic allKeys];
	for(NSString *str in keyArr){
		NSLog(@"key== %@",str);
		NSLog(@"value== %@",[mutableDic objectForKey:str]);
	//    ,NSNumber NSValue
	 cocoa    NSNumber          
	 +(NSNumber *) numberWithChar:(char) value;
	 +(NSNumber *) numberWithInt:(int) value;
	 +(NSNumber *) numberWithFloat:(float) value;
	 +(NSNumber *) numberWthiBool:(BOOL) value;
	 -(char) charValue;
	 -(int) intVlaue;
	 -(float) floatValue;
	 -(BOOL) boolValue;
	 -(NSString *) stringValue;
	NSNumber *number;
	number=[NSNumber numberWithInt:3];
	[mutableDic setObject:number forKey:@"int"];
	int num=[[mutableDic objectForKey:@"int"] intValue];
	NSLog(@"int object value== %d",num);
	//NSValue .NSNumber    NSValue   ,NSValue       
	 +(NSValue *) valueWithBytes:(const void *) value objCType:(const char *) type;
	                  ,  ,               ( c         & ),                    ,      struct         。        
	NSRect rect= NSMakeRect(1, 2, 30, 40);
	NSValue *value;
	value=[NSValue valueWithBytes:&rect	objCType:@encode(NSRect)];
	NSMutableArray *mr=[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:50];
	[mr addObject:value];
	 -(void) getValue:(void *) value;                  
	value=[mr objectAtIndex:0];
	NSRect r;
	NSLog(@"00000 ===%@",r);
	[value getValue:&r];
	NSLog(@"111== %@",r);
	 +(NSValue *) valueWithPoint:(NSPoint) point;
	 +(NSValue *) valueWithSize:(NSSize) size;
	 +(NSValue *) valueWithRect:(NSRect) rect;
	 -(NSPoint) pointValue;
	 -(NSSize) sizeValue;
	 -(NSRect) rectValue;
	 *+(NSNull *) null; 
	[mutableDic setObject:[NSNull null] forKey:@"fax"];
	id fax;
	fax=[mutableDic objectForKey:@"fax"];
	if(fax==[NSNull null]){
	[pool drain];
    return 0;