cf push Update、bl sync での bluemix の buildpack 確認


cf login

API endpoint>

Email> **


Targeted org **

Select a space (or press enter to skip):
1. ibm_handson_01
2. new
3. test

Space> 1
Targeted space ibm_handson_01

API endpoint: (API version: 2.54.0)
User: **
Org: **
Space: ibm_handson_01

cf push "PHPApp201603"
Using manifest file **/manifest.yml

Updating app PHPApp201603 in org ** / space ibm_handson_01 as **...

Using route
Uploading PHPApp201603...
Uploading app files from: */PHPApp201603
Uploading 19.4K, 8 files
Done uploading
Binding service Insights for Twitter-39 to app PHPApp201603 in org *
/ space ibm_handson_01 as **...

Stopping app PHPApp201603 in org ** / space ibm_handson_01 as **...


使っているのはPivotal の BuildpackでS3からダウンロードされています。

Starting app PHPApp201603 in org ** / space ibm_handson_01 as **...
-----> Downloaded app package (20K)
-----> Downloaded app buildpack cache (5.4M)
-------> Buildpack version 4.3.10
Installing HTTPD
Downloaded [file:///var/vcap/data/dea_next/admin_buildpacks/ee88f28c-4afb-47c3-bc0f-db9ddc1ebb1d_749aaae1e042fa80b3e79977ea60bb95de257452/dependencies/https_pivotal-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com_concourse-binaries_httpd_httpd-2.4.20-linux-x64.tgz] to [/tmp]
Installing PHP
PHP 5.5.34
Downloaded [file:///var/vcap/data/dea_next/admin_buildpacks/ee88f28c-4afb-47c3-bc0f-db9ddc1ebb1d_749aaae1e042fa80b3e79977ea60bb95de257452/dependencies/https
pivotal-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com_concourse-binaries_php_php-5.5.34-linux-x64-1459869133.tgz] to [/tmp]
Downloaded [file:///var/vcap/data/dea_next/admin_buildpacks/ee88f28c-4afb-47c3-bc0f-db9ddc1ebb1d_749aaae1e042fa80b3e79977ea60bb95de257452/dependencies/https
pivotal-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com_concourse-binaries_php_php-5.5.34-linux-x64-1459869133.tgz] to [/tmp]
Downloaded [file:///var/vcap/data/dea_next/admin_buildpacks/ee88f28c-4afb-47c3-bc0f-db9ddc1ebb1d_749aaae1e042fa80b3e79977ea60bb95de257452/dependencies/https
_pivotal-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com_php_binaries_trusty_composer_1.0.0_composer.phar] to [/tmp]
PROTIP: Include a composer.lock file with your application! This will make sure the exact same version of dependencies are used when you deploy to CloudFoundry.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Finished: [2016-09-10 15:31:39.411573]
-----> Uploading droplet (45M)

1 of 1 instances running

App started


App PHPApp201603 was started using this command $HOME/.bp/bin/start

Showing health and status for app PHPApp201603 in org *** / space ibm_handson_01 as **...



Generating autoload files
Finished: [2016-09-10 15:41:36.546088]
-----> Uploading droplet (45M)

0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
1 of 1 instances running

App started


App PHPApp201603 was started using this command $HOME/.bp/bin/start

Showing health and status for app PHPApp201603 in org *** / space ibm_handson_01 as **...

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 128M x 1 instances
last uploaded: Sat Sep 10 15:40:58 UTC 2016
stack: unknown
buildpack: php_buildpack

 state     since                    cpu    memory          disk           details

#0 running 2016-09-11 12:42:03 AM 4.6% 54.7M of 128M 126.3M of 1G

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 128M x 1 instances
last uploaded: Sat Sep 10 15:31:09 UTC 2016
stack: unknown
buildpack: php_buildpack

 state     since                    cpu    memory          disk           details

#0 running 2016-09-11 12:32:06 AM 0.0% 54.8M of 128M 126.3M of 1G

httpd のデーモンはこんな感じ

2016-09-11T00:13:22.945+0900[STG/112]OUT-----> Uploading droplet (45M)
2016-09-11T00:13:28.989+0900[DEA/112]OUTStarting app instance (index 0) with guid e550990a-4085-41e3-a945-311cd3c525fb
2016-09-11T00:13:40.301+0900[App/0]OUT15:13:40 httpd | [Sat Sep 10 15:13:40.290669 2016] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 36:tid 140433494570816] AH00489: Apache/2.4.20 (Unix) configured -- resuming normal operations
2016-09-11T00:13:40.302+0900[App/0]OUT15:13:40 httpd | [Sat Sep 10 15:13:40.291066 2016] [mpm_event:info] [pid 36:tid 140433494570816] AH00490: Server built: Apr 11 2016 13:29:18
2016-09-11T00:13:40.302+0900[App/0]OUT15:13:40 httpd | [Sat Sep 10 15:13:40.291146 2016] [core:notice] [pid 36:tid 140433494570816] AH00094: Command line: '/app/httpd/bin/httpd -f /home/vcap/app/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -D FOREGROUND'
2016-09-11T00:13:40.402+0900[App/0]OUT15:13:40 php-fpm | [10-Sep-2016 15:13:40] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 38
2016-09-11T00:13:40.402+0900[App/0]OUT15:13:40 php-fpm | [10-Sep-2016 15:13:40] NOTICE: ready to handle connections


Windows10上のBox SyncにBl(Git) Sync を実施。変更削除も問題なしでなんと快適。

bl sync swiftapple --verbose
IBM Bluemix Live Sync CLI V1.0.4 (c) 2015 IBM Corp.

NOTE: An optional update (1.0.7) is available here:

The destination directory:

C:\Users\User\Box Sync

is not empty (local contents will be sent to the remote).

Do you want to continue? [Y or N] > y
Synchronizing project:

bluemixhirayama | swiftapple


C:\Users\User\Box Sync\***

Standby. Reconciling local/remote...

  • PHPApp Build Log.txt... OK
  • OK
  • PHPApp201603... OK
  • PHPApp201603\ OK
  • PHPApp201603\composer.json... OK
  • PHPApp201603\index.php... OK
  • PHPApp201603\insight4tweet.php... OK
  • PHPApp201603\manifest.yml... OK
  • PHPApp201603\ OK
  • PHPApp201603\style.css... OK
  • PHPApp201603\images... OK
  • PHPApp201603\images\newapp-icon.png... OK
  • LICENSE... OK < + Makefile... OK < + Package.swift... OK < + manifest.yml... OK < + .swift-version... OK < + .cfignore... OK < + License.txt... OK < + .gitmodules... OK < + Procfile... OK < + OK < + .gitignore... OK < + .travis.yml... OK < + .git... OK < + .git\logs... OK < + .git\logs\refs... OK < + .git\logs\refs\heads... OK < + .git\logs\refs\heads\master... OK < + .git\logs\refs\remotes... OK < + .git\logs\refs\remotes\origin... OK < + .git\logs\refs\remotes\origin\master... OK < + .git\logs\HEAD... OK < + .git\hooks... OK < + .git.projectInfo... OK < + .git\refs... OK < + .git\refs\heads... OK < + .git\refs\tags... OK < + .git\refs\remotes... OK < + .git\refs\remotes\origin... OK < + .git\packed-refs... OK < + .git\objects... OK < + .git\objects\pack... OK < + .git\objects\pack\pack-ab2cc0ecfd8d47d78350e436b8a3f73843338f2a.pack... OK < + .git\objects\pack\pack-ab2cc0ecfd8d47d78350e436b8a3f73843338f2a.idx... OK < + .git\objects\info... OK < + .git\objects\71... OK < + .git\objects\71\43cca1f81156f41304905333447aec567097d1... OK < + .git\index... OK < + .git\config... OK < + .git\branches... OK < + .git\HEAD... OK < + .git\FETCH_HEAD... OK < + Sources... OK < + Sources\Server... OK < + Sources\Server\main.swift... OK < + Sources\Utils... OK < + Sources\Utils\ArgumentsParser.swift... OK < + Sources\Utils\StringUtils.swift... OK < + Sources\Utils\HttpResponse.swift... OK < + launchConfigurations... OK < + launchConfigurations\swiftapple.launch... OK

Starting synchronization.
Press 'q' to stop synchronization.

C:\Users\User\Box Sync>bl projects
IBM Bluemix Live Sync CLI V1.0.4 (c) 2015 IBM Corp.

NOTE: An optional update (1.0.7) is available here:

Listing... succeeded.
Projects available for synchronzing:

bluemixhirayama | swiftapple