
5746 ワード

import sysimport osuserf = open('login.txt')userfr = userf.readlines()useradd = []password = []unlock =[]for line in userfr:        u = line.split()[0]        p = line.split()[1]        un = line.split()[2]        useradd.append(u)        password.append(p)        unlock.append(un)        print u,p,unwhile True:        xz = raw_input('\033[32;1mplease xuanze 1 or 2 ,1 is locking user,2 is login in:\033[0m').strip()        if xz == '1':                while True:                        h = 0                        b = 0                        xc = raw_input('\033[35;1myou need to choose user to locking: or e to break\033[0m')                        if xc =='e':break                        for line in useradd:                                if xc == line:                                        xcc = raw_input('\033[35;1myou sure to choose locking:y or n?\033[0m')                                        if xcc == 'y':                                                unlock[useradd.index(line)] = 'locking'                                                b = 1                                                break                                        elif xcc == 'n':break                                        else:continue                                h+=1                        if h == 3: print '\033[33;1mplease retry to user\033[0m'                        if b == 1: break        elif xz == '2':                while True:                        n = 0
                        m = 0
                        add = raw_input('\033[32;1mplease input you name: \033[0m').strip()                        for line in useradd:                                if add == line:                                        if unlock[useradd.index(line)] == 'unlocking':                                                print '\033[31;1m%s is unlocking\033[0m' %line                                                break                                        for i in range(3):                                                passwd = raw_input('\033[32;1mplease input you passwd:\033[0m').strip()                                                if passwd == password[useradd.index(line)]:                                                        print '\033[32;1mwelcome to loginx\033[0m'                                                        sys.exit()                                                n+=1                                        if n==3:                                                unlock[useradd.index(line)] = 'unlocking'                                m +=1                        if m == 3 : print '\033[33;1mplease retry again\033[0m'                        if add=='exit':                                userf.close()                                userf = open('login.txt','w')                                userf.truncate()                                for line in range(len(useradd)):                                        userf.write(useradd[line])                                        userf.write('\t')                                        userf.write(password[line])                                        userf.write('\t')                                        userf.write(unlock[line])                                        userf.write('')                                userf.close()                                sys.exit()        else:print '\033[33;1mretry again\033[0m'
                        n = 0                        m = 0                        add = raw_input('\033[32;1mplease input you name: \033[0m').strip()                        for line in useradd:                                if add == line:                                        if unlock[useradd.index(line)] == 'unlocking':                                                print '\033[31;1m%s is unlocking\033[0m' %line                                                break                                        for i in range(3):                                                passwd = raw_input('\033[32;1mplease input you passwd:\033[0m').strip()                                                if passwd == password[useradd.index(line)]:                                                        print '\033[32;1mwelcome to loginx\033[0m'                                                        sys.exit()                                                n+=1                                        if n==3:                                                unlock[useradd.index(line)] = 'unlocking'                                m +=1                        if m == 3 : print '\033[33;1mplease retry again\033[0m'                        if add=='exit':                                userf.close()                                userf = open('login.txt','w')                                userf.truncate()                                for line in range(len(useradd)):                                        userf.write(useradd[line])                                        userf.write('\t')                                        userf.write(password[line])                                        userf.write('\t')                                        userf.write(unlock[line])                                        userf.write('')                                userf.close()                                sys.exit()
        else:print '\033[33;1mretry again\033[0m'