PHP開発用のVisual Studioコード


While I personally use PHPStorm as my main IDE for development, we started debating the best IDE at work, some use VSCode, others use PHPStorm, because of the discussion, I started searching for plugins to make VSCode behave as a full PHP development IDE.

In my search I came across this blog post

vscode php development

Reading this blog, I installed:

残りについては、 settings.jsonの指示に従っただけです。
For the rest, I just followed the instructions for the settings.json

The only extra step I took, is disabling the built-in php validation because I always use docker, and don´t have PHP installed locally on my machine.


Since I usually make use of docker for my development enviroment, configuring xdebug took me a while, after visiting various blogs and stackoverflow questions, this is my launch.json config

        "name": "Listen for XDebug",
        "type": "php",
        "request": "launch",
        "port": 9000,
        "log": true,
        "externalConsole": false,
        "pathMappings": {
            "/application": "${workspaceFolder}"
        "ignore": [

Credits to fuxide blog post, that I use for reference for the config.

For some reason the variable watches don´t work, but these are visible in the general section of the debugger

CLIを使用するのが好きなので、gitプラグインをインストールしたくありませんでしたが、職場の友人からの推奨に従って、gitkraken を試してみます。
I did not want to install any git plugin, because I like using the CLI, but per recommendation from my friends at work, I´ll give gitkraken a try.

For the readers out there, what IDE is your favorite for development?