
25062 ワード

#define ERROR 0
#define OK 1
#define MAXQSIZE 100

typedef int Status;

typedef int QElemType;
typedef struct{
	QElemType *base;
	int front, rear;

Status InitQueue(SqQueue & );				//   
Status EnQueue(SqQueue & , QElemType );		//  
Status DeQueue(SqQueue & , QElemType & );	//  
int QueueLength(SqQueue );					//    
Status GetHead(SqQueue , QElemType & );		//  
Status QueueTraverse(SqQueue );				//  

Status bank_simulation();		//          

int main()
	SqQueue Q;
	int a;
	QElemType e;
	if(!InitQueue(Q)) printf("Create Error!
); while(1) { printf("1:Enter
3:Get the front
4:Return the length of the queue
5:Load the queue
Please choose:
); scanf("%d",&a); switch(a) { case 1: printf("Enter the element: "); scanf("%d", &e); if(!EnQueue(Q,e)) printf("Enter Error!

); else printf("The element is %d successfully entered!

, e); break; case 2: if(!DeQueue(Q,e)) printf("Delete Error!

); else printf("The element is %d successfully deleted!

, e); break; case 3: if(!GetHead(Q,e)) printf("Get Head Error!

); else printf("The head of the queue is %d!

, e); break; case 4: printf("The length of the queue is %d

, QueueLength(Q)); break; case 5: printf("The queue is "); QueueTraverse(Q); printf("
); break; case 0: return OK; } } } Status InitQueue(SqQueue &Q) { Q.base = (QElemType *) malloc (MAXQSIZE * sizeof(QElemType)); if(!Q.base) return ERROR; Q.front = Q.rear =0; return OK; } Status EnQueue(SqQueue &Q, QElemType e) { if((Q.rear+1)%MAXQSIZE == Q.front) return ERROR; Q.base[Q.rear] = e; Q.rear = (Q.rear+1) % MAXQSIZE; return OK; } Status DeQueue(SqQueue &Q, QElemType &e) { if(Q.front == Q.rear) return ERROR; e = Q.base[Q.front]; Q.front = (Q.front+1) % MAXQSIZE; return OK; } int QueueLength(SqQueue Q) { return((Q.rear - Q.front + MAXQSIZE) % MAXQSIZE); } Status GetHead(SqQueue Q, QElemType &e) { if(Q.front == Q.rear) return ERROR; e = Q.base[Q.front]; return OK; } Status QueueTraverse(SqQueue Q) { int i; if(Q.front == Q.rear) printf("The queue is empty!
); else for(i=Q.front; i!=Q.rear; i=(i+1)%MAXQSIZE) printf("%d ", Q.base[i]); printf("
); return OK; }

Status bank_simulation()
	SqQueue Q;
	int n, i;
	int arrivaltime, duration, departure, waittime, total=0;
	float agv;
	if(!InitQueue(Q)) printf("Create Error!
); printf(" : "); scanf("%d", &n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { printf(" %d :
, i); scanf("%d %d", &arrivaltime, &duration); EnQueue(Q, arrivaltime); EnQueue(Q, duration); } DeQueue(Q, arrivaltime); DeQueue(Q, duration); departure = duration + arrivaltime; while(Q.front != Q.rear) { DeQueue(Q, arrivaltime); waittime = departure - arrivaltime; DeQueue(Q, duration); departure += duration; total += waittime; } agv = total*1.0 / n ; printf(" :%.2f
, agv); }