
3494 ワード

<span style="font-size:18px;"># include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

long size;           /*          */
typedef struct LogData
	long logid;   //  ID
	char logdate[11];  //       
	char lognote[15];   //      
	double charge;  //     
	double balance; //  
}	dat;

int inputchoice()
	int maychoice;
Enter your choice:
"); printf("1-Add a new cash
2-List All Cash LOG
3-Query Last Cash LOG
0-End program
"); scanf("%d", &maychoice); return maychoice; } // long getLogcount(FILE *cfptr) { long begin, end, logcount; fseek(cfptr, 0L, SEEK_SET); // int fseek(FILE * stream,long offset,int whence); // whence : // SEEK_SET offset 。SEEK_CUR offset 。 // SEEK_END offset 。 // whence SEEK_CUR SEEK_END , offset begin = ftell(cfptr); // 。 stream fseek(cfptr, size, SEEK_END); end = ftell(cfptr); logcount = (end-begin) / size - 1; return logcount; } // void ListAllLog(FILE *cfptr) { dat log; fseek(cfptr, 0l, SEEK_SET); fread(&log, size, 1, cfptr); // log: size: , 1: , size cptr: printf("logid logdate lognote charge balance
"); while(!feof(cfptr)) //feof , 0 , 0, clearerr() { printf("%6ld%-11s%-15s%10.2lf%10.2lf
", log.logid, log.logdate, log.logdate, log.charge, log.balance); } } // void QueryLastLog(FILE *cfptr) { dat log; long logcount; logcount = getLogcount(cfptr); if (logcount>0) // { fseek(cfptr, size*(logcount-1), SEEK_SET); // fread(&log, size, 1, cfptr); printf("The last log is:
"); printf("logid-6ld
", log.logid, log.logdate, log.lognote); printf("charge:%-10.2lf
", log.charge, log.balance); } else printf("no logs in file
"); } // void AddNewLog(FILE *cfptr) { dat log, lastlog; long logcount; printf("Input Logdate(format:2006-01-01):"); scanf("%s", log.logdate); printf("Input Lognote:"); scanf("%s", log.lognote); printf("Input charge:income+ and expend -:"); scanf("%lf", &log.charge); logcount = getLogcount(cfptr); if (logcount>0) { fseek(cfptr, size*(logcount-1), SEEK_SET); fread(&lastlog, size, 1, cfptr); log.logid = lastlog.logid+1; log.balance = log.charge + lastlog.balance; } else { log.logid = 1; log.balance = log.charge; } rewind(cfptr); printf("logid = %ld
", log.logid); fwrite(&log, sizeof(dat), 1, cfptr); } FILE *openfile(char *openmod) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen("cashbox.dat", openmod)) == NULL) { printf("Cannot Open file
"); exit(0); } return (fp); } int main(void) { FILE *fp; int choice; while((choice=inputchoice()) != 0) { switch(choice) { case 1: fp = openfile("ab+"); AddNewLog(fp); case 2: fp = openfile("rb"); ListAllLog(fp); case 3: fp = openfile("rb"); QueryLastLog(fp); break; default: printf("Input Error"); break; } } if (fclose(fp)) { printf("Cannot close the fiel!
"); exit(0); } return 0; }</span>