
公式サイトの文を本として、できるだけ翻訳して、後で見るのに便利です.私が使っているboostバージョンは1.5です.1 .許しサイト:
In the previous examples, we dealt with classes that are not polymorphic. This is not often the case. Much of the time, we will be wrapping polymorphic classes and class hierarchies related by inheritance. We will often have to write Boost.Python wrappers for classes that are derived from abstract base classes.
Consider this trivial inheritance structure:
struct Base { virtual ~Base(); };
struct Derived : Base {};

And a set of C++ functions operating on  Base  and  Derived  object instances:
void b(Base*);
void d(Derived*);
Base* factory() { return new Derived; }

We've seen how we can wrap the base class  Base :

Now we can inform Boost.Python of the inheritance relationship between  Derived  and its base class  Base . Thus:
boost.に伝えることができますpython DerivedクラスとそのベースクラスBaseとの間の継承関係.したがって、次のようになります.
class_<Derived, bases<Base> >("Derived")

Doing so, we get some things for free:
Derived automatically inherits all of Base's Python methods (wrapped C++ member functions)
If Base is polymorphic,  Derived  objects which have been passed to Python via a pointer or reference to  Base  can be passed where a pointer or reference to  Derived  is expected.
  1. DerivedクラスはBaseクラスのpythonメソッド(パッケージのc++メンバー関数)を自動的に継承します.
  2. Baseがマルチステートである場合、ポインタまたはリファレンスによってPythonに渡されるDerivedオブジェクトは、ポインタまたはリファレンスでDerivedオブジェクトをパラメータとして必要とする場所に渡すこともできます.
Now, we will expose the C++ free functions  b  and  d  and  factory :
def("b", b);
def("d", d);
def("factory", factory);

Note that free function  factory  is being used to generate new instances of class  Derived . In such cases, we use return_value_policy<manage_new_object>  to instruct Python to adopt the pointer to  Base  and hold the instance in a new Python  Base object until the the Python object is destroyed. We will see more of Boost.Python call policies later.
なお、自由関数factoryは、Derivedクラスのオブジェクトを作成するために使用される.これらの例ではreturn_を使用しますvalue_policyは、PythonにBaseのポインタを受信するように伝え、PythonのBaseオブジェクト(すなわち、パッケージされたPythonのBaseクラス、および以前のC++のBaseクラスはクラスではない)にこのインスタンスを保存し、このPythonペアが破棄されるまで保存します.Boost.Pythonのcall policiesでは、より多くの関連情報が表示されます.
// Tell Python to take ownership of factory's result
def("factory", factory,

Class Virtual Functions
In this section, we will learn how to make functions behave polymorphically through virtual functions. Continuing our example, let us add a virtual function to our  Base  class:
struct Base
    virtual ~Base() {}
    virtual int f() = 0;

One of the goals of Boost.Python is to be minimally intrusive on an existing C++ design. In principle, it should be possible to expose the interface for a 3rd party library without changing it. It is not ideal to add anything to our class  Base . Yet, when you have a virtual function that's going to be overridden in Python and called polymorphically from C++, we'll need to add some scaffoldings to make things work properly. What we'll do is write a class wrapper that derives from  Base  that will unintrusively hook into the virtual functions so that a Python override may be called:
struct BaseWrap : Base, wrapper<Base>
    int f()
        return this->get_override("f")();

Notice too that in addition to inheriting from  Base , we also multiply- inherited  wrapper<Base>  (See Wrapper). The  wrapper  template makes the job of wrapping classes that are meant to overridden in Python, easier.
).このwrapper templateはクラスをカプセル化し,言い換えればPythonで虚関数を書き換えるのがより簡単になる.
class BaseWrap : public Base, public wrapper<Base> {...};

 MSVC6/7 Workaround
If you are using Microsoft Visual C++ 6 or 7, you have to write  f  as:
Microsoft Visual C++6 or 7を使用する場合は、f関数をこのように書く必要があります.return call<int>(this->get_override("f").ptr()); .
BaseWrap's overridden virtual member function  f  in effect calls the corresponding method of the Python object through  get_override .
Finally, exposing  Base :
class_<BaseWrap, boost::noncopyable>("Base")
    .def("f", pure_virtual(&Base::f))
pure_virtual  signals Boost.Python that the function  f  is a pure virtual function.
メンバー関数法Python,like many object oriented languages uses the term methods.Methods correspond roughly to C++'s member functions Pythonは、多くのオブジェクト言語に直面する使用方法のように、c++ではメンバー関数と呼ばれています.
Virtual Functions with Default Implementations
We've seen in the previous section how classes with pure virtual functions are wrapped using Boost.Python's class wrapper facilities. If we wish to wrap non-pure-virtual functions instead, the mechanism is a bit different.
Recall that in the previous section, we wrapped a class with a pure virtual function that we then implemented in C++, or Python classes derived from it. Our base class:
struct Base
    virtual int f() = 0;

had a pure virtual function  f . If, however, its member function  f  was not declared as pure virtual:
struct Base
    virtual ~Base() {}
    virtual int f() { return 0; }

We wrap it this way:
struct BaseWrap : Base, wrapper<Base>
    int f()
        if (override f = this->get_override("f"))
            return f(); // *note*
        return Base::f();

    int default_f() { return this->Base::f(); }

Notice how we implemented  BaseWrap::f . Now, we have to check if there is an override for  f . If none, then we call  Base::f() .
. 関数fの書き換えがあるかどうかを確認しなければなりません.もしそうでなければ、Base::f()を呼び出します.
 MSVC6/7 Workaround
If you are using Microsoft Visual C++ 6 or 7, you have to rewrite the line with the  *note*  as:
Microsoft Visual C++6 or 7を使用する場合は、「*note*」のある行を次のように置き換える必要があります.return call<char const*>(f.ptr()); .
Finally, exposing:
class_<BaseWrap, boost::noncopyable>("Base")
    .def("f", &Base::f, &BaseWrap::default_f)

Take note that we expose both  &Base::f  and  &BaseWrap::default_f . Boost.Python needs to keep track of 1) the dispatch function  f  and 2) the forwarding function to its default implementation  default_f . There's a special  def  function for this purpose. &Base::f and &BaseWrap::default_f を同時に暴露したことに注意してください. Boost.Pythonは1)スケジューリング関数f 2)そのデフォルト実装の関数default_を追跡する必要があるf .この目的を達成するために,ここには特殊なdef関数がある.
In Python, the results would be as expected:
>>> base = Base()
>>> class Derived(Base):
...     def f(self):
...         return 42
>>> derived = Derived()

Calling  base.f() :
>>> base.f()

Calling  derived.f() :
>>> derived.f()