
6314 ワード

RAII(リソース取得および初期化)、すなわちresource acquisition is initialization;彼は一部の人が「初期化すなわちリソース取得」(initialization is resource acquisition)と思っているわけではありません.これはメモリ、ファイルハンドル、ネットワーク接続、データベース接続、監査追跡などの重要なリソースにとって非常に重要です.
class Resoruce{...}//リソースクラス
class ResourceHandle
     explicit ResourceHandle(Resource *aResource):r_(aReasource){}//リソースの取得
            {delete r_;}//リソースの解放
    Resource *get()
{return r_;}//リソースへのアクセス
   ResourceHandle(const ResourceHandle &);
   ResourceHandle &operator = (const operator &);
   Resource   *r_;




    File logfile(




 // open file (acquire resource)



"hello logfile!"



// continue using logfile ... // throw exceptions or return without // worrying about closing the log; // it is closed automatically when // logfile goes out of scope

if(IFeelLikeIt()) // NO problem here!
AnotherFunCall(); // exception thrown? No!

//destructor is called for logfile here
ResourceHandle , , ,
。 return、 goto, 。
ResourceHandle , delete ResourceHandle , 。 ,
logfile , 。


 allow objects to be allocated on the stack

 and their scoping

 rules ensure that destructors are called when a local 
object's scope ends. By putting the resource release logic in the destructor, C++'s scoping provide direct support
 for RAII.
In this language, the only code that can be guaranteed to be executed after an exception is thrown are the destructors of
 objects residing on the stack . Resources therefore need to be tied to the lifespan of suitable objects in order to gain
automatic reclamation.

RAII is vital in writing exception-safe C++ code: to release resources before permitting exceptions to propagate
 (in order to avoid resource leaks) one can write appropriate destructors once rather than dispersing and duplicating
 cleanup logic between exception handling blocks that may or may not be executed.

Resource management without RAII
In Java , objects are not allocated on the stack and must be accessed through references; hence you cannot have automatic variables of objects that "go out of scope". Instead, all objects are dynamically allocated . In principle, dynamic allocation does not make RAII unfeasible per se; it could still be feasible if there were a guarantee that a "destructor"("finalize") method would be called as soon as an object were pointed to by no references (i.e., if the object lifetime management were performed according to reference counting ).
However, Java objects have indefinite lifetimes which cannot be controlled by the programmer, because, according to the Java Virtual Machine specification, it is unpredictable when the garbage collector will act. Indeed, the garbage collector may never act at all to collect objects pointed to by no references. Hence the "finalize"method of an unreferenced object might never be called or be called long after the object became unreferenced. Resources must thus be closed manually by the programmer, using something like the dispose pattern .
Reference Counting
Perl and CPython manage object lifetime by reference counting, making it possible to use RAII in a limited form. Objects that are no longer referenced are immediately released, so a destructor can release the resource at that time. However, object lifetime isn't necessarily bound to any lexical scope. One can store a reference to an object in a global variable, for example, thus keeping the object (and resource) alive indeterminately long. This makes it possible to accidentally leak resources that should have been released at the end of some scope. Also, in the case of Python, the actual garbage collection strategy is an implementation detail, and running with an alternative interpreter (such as IronPython or Jython) could result in the RAII implementation not working.
