
15997 ワード

title: JSP       
author: evan_zhao 
email: [email protected] 

                      HttpSession    bean ,                 。            :              ;                            ,               ,      。 
                     , ResultSet        (  rs.last();rs.getRow()       ,  rs.absolute()         )。          ( oracle) JDBC                ,                。 
       ResultSet              。  ResultSet Statement Connection        ,    ResultSet              。 

                                      。                ,          ,         ,                         。                        ,               。 

 oracle               ROWNUM  ( 1  )。  select * from employee where rownum<10    10   。   rownum             ,    employee birthday    100 120        : 
[pre] select * from ( 
select my_table.*, rownum as my_rownum from ( 
select name, birthday from employee order by birthday 
) my_table where rownum <120 
) where my_rownum>=100 
mySQL    LIMIT  : 
select name, birthday from employee order by birthday LIMIT 99,20 
DB2 rownumber()          。 
SQL Server    ,        :http://www.csdn.net/develop/article/18/18627.shtm 

 Web           ,                      。                           ,sql          ,            、                、     ,              。               ,             。            : 
PagedStatement         、      、    、                 ,    PreparedStatement        。 
RowSetPage   PetStore page by page iterator  ,   RowSetPage        (  OracleCachedRowSet          ,    CachedRowSet            JSP          )      、     、        ,          HTML    。 
PagedStatement         RowsetPage。 


//DAO        : 
public RowSetPage getEmployee(String gender, int pageNo) throws Exception{ 
String sql="select emp_id, emp_code, user_name, real_name from employee where gender =?"; 
//  Oracle          ,    5  
PagedStatement pst =new PagedStatementOracleImpl(sql, pageNo, 5); 
pst.setString(1, gender); 
return pst.executeQuery(); 

//Servlet          : 

int pageNo; 
//      pageno          
pageNo = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageno") ); 
}catch(Exception ex){ 
String gender = request.getParameter("gender" ); 
request.setAttribute("empPage", myBean.getEmployee(gender, pageNo) ); 

<%@ page import = "page.RowSetPage"%> 
<script language="javascript"> 
function doQuery(){ 
<form name=form1 method=get> 
<input type=hidden name=actionType> 
<input type=text name=gender size=1 value="<%=request.getParameter("gender")%>"> 
<input type=button value="    " onclick="doQuery()"> 
RowSetPage empPage = (RowSetPage)request.getAttribute("empPage"); 
if (empPage == null ) empPage = RowSetPage.EMPTY_PAGE; 
<table cellspacing="0" width="90%"> 
<tr> <td>ID</td> <td>  </td> <td>   </td> <td>  </td> </tr> 
javax.sql.RowSet empRS = (javax.sql.RowSet) empPage.getRowSet(); 
if (empRS!=null) while (empRS.next() ) { 
<td><%= empRS.getString("EMP_ID")%></td> 
<td><%= empRS.getString("EMP_CODE")%></td> 
<td><%= empRS.getString("USER_NAME")%></td> 
<td><%= empRS.getString("REAL_NAME")%></td> 
}// end while 
//          (pageno)      。 
//  doQuery           javascript   , pageno            
<td colspan=4><%= empPage .getHTML("doQuery", "pageno")%></td> 


                     ,                  javascript  (    doQuery),  RowSetPage.getHTML()                              javascript  。                        , <input type=text name=gender size=1 value="<%=request.getParameter("gender")%>">。              ,                 。 
                URL,          QueryString  URL  。                      ,             servlet,              。 
   RowSetPage.getHTML()                         ,RowSetPage     getter          (     、   、            )。 
                  jsp taglib,      JSP  ,  Java Code。 

 :         ,    ,       。 

2.RowSetPage.java(RowSetPage  Page) 
4.PagedStatementOracleImpl.java(PagedStatementOracleImpl  PagedStatement) 

            ,     author [email protected]   

// Page.java 
// author: [email protected] 

package page; 

import java.util.List; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collection; 
import java.util.Collections; 

* Title:     <br> 
* Description:               <br> 
* Page                 ,           , 
*                    ,<br> 
*  RowSetPage RowSet    ,ListPage List    <br> 
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 <br> 
* @author [email protected] <br> 
* @version 1.0 
public class Page implements java.io.Serializable { 
public static final Page EMPTY_PAGE = new Page(); 
public static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 20; 
public static final int MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 9999; 

private int myPageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; 

private int start; 
private int avaCount,totalSize; 
private Object data; 

private int currentPageno; 
private int totalPageCount; 

*       ,      
protected Page(){ 
this.init(0,0,0,DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,new Object()); 

*         ,      
* @param start                
* @param avaCount           
* @param totalSize           
* @param pageSize      
* @param data         
protected void init(int start, int avaCount, int totalSize, int pageSize, Object data){ 

this.avaCount =avaCount; 
this.myPageSize = pageSize; 

this.start = start; 
this.totalSize = totalSize; 


if (avaCount>totalSize) { 
//throw new RuntimeException("         ?!"); 

this.currentPageno = (start -1)/pageSize +1; 
this.totalPageCount = (totalSize + pageSize -1) / pageSize; 

if (totalSize==0 && avaCount==0){ 
this.currentPageno = 1; 
this.totalPageCount = 1; 
//System.out.println("Start Index to Page No: " + start + "-" + currentPageno); 

public Object getData(){ 
return this.data; 

*        (         ) 
* @return           
public int getPageSize(){ 
return this.myPageSize; 

* @return        
public boolean hasNextPage() { 
if (avaCount==0 && totalSize==0){ 
return false; 
return (start + avaCount -1) < totalSize; 
return (this.getCurrentPageNo()<this.getTotalPageCount()); 

* @return        
public boolean hasPreviousPage() { 
return start > 1; 
return (this.getCurrentPageNo()>1); 

* @return 
public int getStart(){ 
return start; 

* @return 
public int getEnd(){ 
int end = this.getStart() + this.getSize() -1; 
if (end<0) { 
end = 0; 
return end; 

* @return      rownum 
public int getStartOfPreviousPage() { 
return Math.max(start-myPageSize, 1); 

* @return      rownum 
public int getStartOfNextPage() { 
return start + avaCount; 

*                   ,          
* @param pageNo    
* @return      rownum 
public static int getStartOfAnyPage(int pageNo){ 
return getStartOfAnyPage(pageNo, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); 

* @param pageNo    
* @param pageSize          
* @return      rownum 
public static int getStartOfAnyPage(int pageNo, int pageSize){ 
int startIndex = (pageNo-1) * pageSize + 1; 
if ( startIndex < 1) startIndex = 1; 
//System.out.println("Page No to Start Index: " + pageNo + "-" + startIndex); 
return startIndex; 

* @return          
public int getSize() { 
return avaCount; 

* @return             
public int getTotalSize() { 
return this.totalSize; 

* @return      
public int getCurrentPageNo(){ 
return this.currentPageno; 

* @return     
public int getTotalPageCount(){ 
return this.totalPageCount; 

* @param queryJSFunctionName      JS    ,              
* @param pageNoParamName        
* @return 
public String getHTML(String queryJSFunctionName, String pageNoParamName){ 
if (getTotalPageCount()<1){ 
return "<input type='hidden' name='"+pageNoParamName+"' value='1' >"; 
if (queryJSFunctionName == null || queryJSFunctionName.trim().length()<1) { 
queryJSFunctionName = "gotoPage"; 
if (pageNoParamName == null || pageNoParamName.trim().length()<1){ 
pageNoParamName = "pageno"; 

String gotoPage = "_"+queryJSFunctionName; 

StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer("
"); html.append("<script language=\"Javascript1.2\">
") .append("function ").append(gotoPage).append("(pageNo){
") .append( " var curPage=1;
") .append( " try{ curPage = document.all[\"") .append(pageNoParamName).append("\"].value;
") .append( " document.all[\"").append(pageNoParamName) .append("\"].value = pageNo;
") .append( " ").append(queryJSFunctionName).append("(pageNo);
") .append( " return true;
") .append( " }catch(e){
") // .append( " try{
") // .append( " document.forms[0].submit();
") // .append( " }catch(e){
") .append( " alert(' :function ") .append(queryJSFunctionName).append("()');
") .append( " document.all[\"").append(pageNoParamName) .append("\"].value = curPage;
") .append( " return false;
") // .append( " }
") .append( " }
") .append( "}") .append( "</script>
") .append( ""); html.append( "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center width=80%>
") .append( " <tr>
") .append( " <td align=left><br>
"); html.append( " " ).append( getTotalPageCount() ).append( " ") .append( " [") .append(getStart()).append("..").append(getEnd()) .append("/").append(this.getTotalSize()).append("]
") .append( " </td>
") .append( " <td align=right>
"); if (hasPreviousPage()){ html.append( "[<a href='javascript:").append(gotoPage) .append("(") .append(getCurrentPageNo()-1) .append( ")'> </a>]
"); } html.append( " ") .append( " <select name='") .append(pageNoParamName).append("' onChange='javascript:") .append(gotoPage).append("(this.value)'>
"); String selected = "selected"; for(int i=1;i<=getTotalPageCount();i++){ if( i == getCurrentPageNo() ) selected = "selected"; else selected = ""; html.append( " <option value='").append(i).append("' ") .append(selected).append(">").append(i).append("</option>
"); } if (getCurrentPageNo()>getTotalPageCount()){ html.append( " <option value='").append(getCurrentPageNo()) .append("' selected>").append(getCurrentPageNo()) .append("</option>
"); } html.append( " </select>
"); if (hasNextPage()){ html.append( " [<a href='javascript:").append(gotoPage) .append("(").append((getCurrentPageNo()+1)) .append( ")'> </a>]
"); } html.append( "</td></tr></table>
"); return html.toString(); } } /////////////////////////////////// // // RowSetPage.java // author: [email protected] // /////////////////////////////////// package page; import javax.sql.RowSet; /** * <p>Title: RowSetPage</p> * <p>Description: RowSet </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p> * @author [email protected] * @version 1.0 */ public class RowSetPage extends Page { private javax.sql.RowSet rs; /** * */ public static final RowSetPage EMPTY_PAGE = new RowSetPage(); /** * , */ public RowSetPage(){ this(null, 0,0); } /** * *@param crs OracleCachedRowSet *@param start *@param totalSize */ public RowSetPage(RowSet crs, int start, int totalSize) { this(crs,start,totalSize,Page.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); } /** * *@param crs OracleCachedRowSet *@param start *@param totalSize *@pageSize */ public RowSetPage(RowSet crs, int start, int totalSize, int pageSize) { try{ int avaCount=0; if (crs!=null) { crs.beforeFirst(); if (crs.next()){ crs.last(); avaCount = crs.getRow(); } crs.beforeFirst(); } rs = crs; super.init(start,avaCount,totalSize,pageSize,rs); }catch(java.sql.SQLException sqle){ throw new RuntimeException(sqle.toString()); } } /** * */ public javax.sql.RowSet getRowSet(){ return rs; } } /////////////////////////////////// // // PagedStatement.java // author: [email protected] // /////////////////////////////////// package page; import foo.DBUtil; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collections; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import javax.sql.RowSet; /** * <p>Title: </p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p> * @author [email protected] * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class PagedStatement { public final static int MAX_PAGE_SIZE = Page.MAX_PAGE_SIZE; protected String countSQL, querySQL; protected int pageNo,pageSize,startIndex,totalCount; protected javax.sql.RowSet rowSet; protected RowSetPage rowSetPage; private List boundParams; /** * PageStatement * @param sql query sql */ public PagedStatement(String sql){ this(sql,1,MAX_PAGE_SIZE); } /** * PageStatement * @param sql query sql * @param pageNo */ public PagedStatement(String sql, int pageNo){ this(sql, pageNo, Page.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); } /** * PageStatement, * @param sql query sql * @param pageNo * @param pageSize */ public PagedStatement(String sql, int pageNo, int pageSize){ this.pageNo = pageNo; this.pageSize = pageSize; this.startIndex = Page.getStartOfAnyPage(pageNo, pageSize); this.boundParams = Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.LinkedList()); this.countSQL = "select count(*) from ( " + sql +") "; this.querySQL = intiQuerySQL(sql, this.startIndex, pageSize); } /** * sql *@param sql *@startIndex *@size */ protected abstract String intiQuerySQL(String sql, int startIndex, int size); /** * *@param index 1, 2